Alien Lord

Chapter 1563: Seriously injured

To be honest, before coming, Lin Ze had anticipated the appearance of Nedan in the demon snake.

It's just that the difference between what I expected at that time and what Lin Ze sees now is really too big.

Lin Ze guessed before, the inner snake of the demon snake is likely to be in its heart. If he wants to open it, it will not be that easy.

Not to mention others, as long as the demon snake lays a layer of qi on its own heart, then Lin Ze wants to break the heart to get the inner dan, the difficulty is not so great.

For such a situation, Lin Ze also prepared.

By then, if things really develop like this, Lin Ze will directly attack the spirit and destroy the spirit of the monster snake completely, or confuse the spirit of the monster snake, and then believe that the monster snake can't control its gangster. Then, Lin Ze won not be difficult.

However, in this way, Lin Ze's mental power attack on this killer's skill will be completely invalidated. Facing the old foxes like Chang Xinyuan, if Lin Ze loses a killer's skill, his heart will really be bottomless.

Therefore, if there are other ways, Lin Ze’s killer skill will not be used.

In addition, in Lin Ze's ideas, the inner snake of the demon snake is the size of a fist. In many myths or movies, aren't they all the same size?

Like the dragon ball of the Shenlong, you can hold it with one hand.

After seeing the real thing now, Lin Ze knew immediately that his guess was wrong.

First, Neidan is not in the heart of the demon snake.

In fact, it's right to think about it. The heart is the most important organ for blood circulation. If there is an inner dan like a bus, can the blood supply of the heart be normal? !

Not to mention other problems, such as stones, once you have stones, it will greatly affect the health of your life, and even a bad one will kill you.

Now that there is such a big'stone' in the heart of the demon snake, can you say that it can survive? !

Yes, this is Neidan, not a stone. However, Lin Ze can guarantee that the strength of the demon snake's Neidan is definitely stronger than that of stone.

In addition, the nature of the demon snake Nedan is also beyond Lin Ze’s expectations. Before Lin Ze played with the demon snake, he thought that the demon snake was a wind attribute, otherwise how could it float so easily in this space .

You know, here is the endless abyss, the bottom is empty, if the demon snake is not a wind attribute, how can it just float in the air like this.

The volume of the demon snake is not so large. If you want to float in the air easily, you can drive in Linze, only if it is a wind attribute.

"Alas, I didn't expect this monster to be earth-like, which is really unexpected!" Lin Ze sighed.

Looking at the earth-filled aura around the space and the extremely pure earth-aura exhaled from Neidan, Lin Ze knew that this demon snake was actually earth-aura.

"However, how can the demon snake with earth's attributes float in the air so easily?" At this moment, Lin Ze's mind was filled with question marks.

"Forget it, now is not the time to think about these things, the most important thing for me now is to take this Nedan first!" Lin Ze thought, eyes full of fiery looking at the fist not far away Light yellow demon snake Nedan.

"Buzz!" Suddenly, some unusual sounds sounded in this space.

"What's the matter?" Lin Ze was shocked in his heart, he felt a trace of danger approaching.

"It seems that this demon snake hasn't given up yet!" Lin Ze thought.

He knew that this was definitely the demon snake's final counterattack. As long as he blocked this counterattack, the Nedan was his.

"Buzz!" Just as Lin Ze was investigating all around, the demon in the center of the space suddenly emitted an extremely bright yellow light. The light was so bright that even Lin Ze narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Huh!!" The yellow light instantly turned into a yellow lightning, directly splitting towards Lin Ze.

"No, this demon snake is actually such a plan, directly use Neidan as a magic weapon to use!" Lin Ze's face was shocked for a while, he saw the devil's plan.

"Hidden escape!" Lin Ze didn't want to use her directly.

"Hoo!" The figure of Lin Ze disappeared directly in place. When it appeared again, it was 30 meters on the left.

At this time, with the sound of ‘咻’, the demon snake Nedan directly passed through Lin Ze’s previous location.

"Buzz!" The light above the demon snake Nedan is getting stronger and stronger. At the next moment, a khaki light appears as a circular tube, sweeping across the entire Nedan space in an instant.

"Boom!" Lin Ze felt that the whole person was sinking, and there seemed to be a big mountain on his back. It was difficult for the whole person to move for a while.

"No, this is gravity!" Lin Ze's face sank, and he quickly recognized what the demon's trick was.

In the attack of the earth attribute, there is a very powerful spell, that is, gravity.

Once the gravity technique is performed, the gravity within a certain range around it will be changed, and if it is doubled, the gravity will be ten times or one hundred times.

"I also understand how this demon snake floated in space before. It turned out that it relied on this technique of gravity!" Lin Ze also understood that the demon snake was obviously a property of earth, but it could easily be in the air. The reason for floating is all because it is capable of gravity.

Gravity can increase your gravity, as well as reduce gravity.

Just like on the moon, after the humans on the earth reached the moon, each individual was a master of light skills, and he made a leap and jumped more than ten meters. That was a very easy thing.

People have such changes on the moon because the gravity of the moon is lighter than that of the earth.

The same is true for the demon snake, which changes the gravity around itself, so it can easily float in the air.

"Hoo!!" Just when Lin Ze figured this out, the demon snake over there didn't wait, commanding Neidan again, killing Lin Ze with lightning speed.

"What should I do, what should I do?" Lin Ze felt a little panicked for the first time.

He is now at least five times more gravitationally applied, so it is completely impossible to perform the escape technique to avoid Neidan's attack.

"I can't do anything. I can only use the seed of the plane to block it!" Seeing Neidan was close to his eyes, Lin Ze, who hadn't thought of a specific response, gritted his teeth, preparing to resist the impact of Neidan this time.



A powerful impact sounded in the inner Dan space, and the inner snake of the demon snake directly hit Lin Ze.

"Buzz!" The Plane Seed exerted its protective body, and firmly blocked the impact of the demon snake Nedan.

"Boo wow!!" This is the sound of those Yuan stones accumulated by Lin Ze in the plane seed world, which are consumed in large quantities.

"Poof!" At the same time, Lin Ze spewed out a mouthful of blood directly, and the clothes on his chest were directly stained with blood.

"Wow!!!" Two seconds later, Lin Ze took a mouthful and spit out a bite of blood again. The blood clot could be clearly seen inside.

"What a powerful monster, the strength is really not covered!" Lin Ze said this with a pale face, and he threw himself directly, then could not hold on, so he sat down directly.

"All internal organs and organs were injured by shock. This time I was seriously injured." Lin Ze said to himself feebly, but there was no trace of anxiety and despair in his eyes, and some were only full of confidence. .

"His!" The demon snake would not care if Lin Ze was hit hard. After seeing that his full blow failed to kill Lin Ze, the demon snake commanded Neidan to fly away again, and then, in the same way, again Came to Lin Ze here.

If it doesn’t work once, then I’ll do it twice. If it doesn’t work twice, then three times, four times...

"Hoo!!" The demon snake Nedan, like a yellow thunderbolt, came to Lin Ze in the blink of an eye, watching Lin Ze hit his head in the next second. (The demon snake also knows that the head hurts the most, so this time it chose to attack Lin Ze’s head.)

"Oh, this time your choice is quite correct. If you just do it, I will be more, you chose to do it this time, so you are still one step late! Lin Ze looked confidently at the oncoming demon snake Nedan, without worrying that Nedan would hit his head.

"Open!" Just the next second, when the inner snake of the demon snake was only two fists away from Lin Ze's forehead, Lin Ze's mouth shouted open.

"Boom!" Suddenly, the yellow light in the entire space disappeared, and the demon snake Nedan, who was about to hit Lin Ze's forehead, also disappeared.

What is going on?

In an instant, the inside of the inner space became quiet, leaving only the sound of the beating heart of the demon snake, and the sound of blood flowing in the blood vessels.

"What's the matter? It seems to stop all at once." Outside Sun Xifeng looked at the immobilized demon snake and asked with a surprised face.

"I don't know, but, I believe this must be related to Senior Li." Xie Zijun said excitedly on the side.

At the same time, infinite regrets rose again in my heart.

"I already knew that this demon snake would be so easy to deal with in the hands of Senior Lin. I have followed Senior Lee. Alas, I really regret it!"

As everyone knows, even if Xie Zijun wanted to follow Lin Ze, Lin Ze would not agree.

One is that it is really troublesome to bring Xie Zijun.

If Xie Zijun is around, Lin Ze also has to worry about his safety. When the time comes, where can he devote himself to deal with the demon snake.

The second reason is that Lin Ze has too many secrets around him. He doesn’t want to take Xie Zijun, lest he will reveal some of his secrets during the battle.

Finally, and one of the most important reasons is that Lin Ze does not want to share the inner snake and fluid of the demon snake with Xie Zijun.

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