Alien Lord

Chapter 1558: 2 options

Unlike Xie Zijun who just wanted the poisonous glands of the giant monster snake, Lin Ze's goal is even more important. His goal is the giant monster snake's Nedan and its spine bones!

I believe that the importance of Neidan needs no explanation, everyone knows it.

Neidan is the most essential thing in the barbarian's body. It is the crystallization of the barbarian's full strength. If you get it, you are equivalent to getting everything of this barbarian.

This Nedan, you can not only use it to refine the top elixirs for cultivation, but also to cultivate the strength of the barbarian you value, even some bold, or have no way to go The warrior who walks will also swallow this inner pill directly, and then get more powerful power.

Just like the ancestors of Mrs. Hu who met Lin Ze before, in order to break through to the foundation period, he directly played Nedan of the Millennium Ice Fox.

It is a pity that he was finally discovered by Master Xuanyu, and his martial arts were directly abolished and expelled.

It is extremely difficult to form such a thing as Neidan, and it is necessary to build a barbarian of base strength to form a Neidan in Dantian.

Therefore, when he saw this giant demon snake, Lin Ze was thinking about whether he had a chance to get this inner pill.

At the beginning, Lin Ze thought that this was just a dream, but later, after Chang Xinyuan and Sun Xifeng both showed their most powerful strength, Lin Ze suddenly felt in his heart that this dream might be realized.

It was with this kind of thought that Lin Ze had been staring at the giant demon snake, and finally he was finally seized by this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to directly get into the giant demon snake's stomach.

Someone asked here, we can understand that Lin Ze wants Nei Dan.

The giant demon snake's inner pill can not only be used for alchemy, but also can be used to enhance the strength of the snakes under Lin Ze, or directly purify their blood, thereby enhancing their future development prospects.

In this case, Lin Ze only needs to pay attention to Neidan, what other spine should he get? !

The reason is actually very simple, that is, the importance of the spine bone of the giant monster snake is not much worse than its inner pill.

Before this giant demon snake came out, Xin Xue once told Lin Ze, but the most precious part of this kind of snake demon snake that has evolved to be similar to Jiao, except its inner dan , Is the whole body's blood, and the blood here is its medullary fluid!

As long as he got the blood of this giant demon snake, that is, the medullary fluid, Lin Ze was really harvested.

First of all, these marrow fluids can be used to refine innate pill washing pill. After taking it, not only can the marrow pill washing be carried out easily, but also the qualifications of cultivation can be greatly improved.

Secondly, these sperm blood is the blood of the giant demon snake. It has evolved many times and is a high-level sperm blood. Once it is given to the magma snakes and cold mountain green snakes under Lin Ze, it is absolutely Can greatly improve their strength, refine their blood, and let them evolve to a higher level.

With these essences and blood, Lin Ze's magma serpent can spend a lot of time to build the base stage and become a powerful barbarian similar to the golden horn python deep in the magma of Baizhangyan.

Therefore, no matter whether it is for refining the innate wash pill, or to speed up the evolution of the giant magma snake and the cold mountain green snake around him, Lin Ze will not let this giant demon snake.

From the moment when Lin Ze saw the giant monster snake, he and Xinxue have been secretly observing. The middle Xinxue constantly introduces the magical effects of the medullary fluid. One of them is according to the age and strength of the monster snake. If the demon snake lived to a certain extent, the value of its medullary fluid is simply unimaginable.

Anyway, the value of such snake demon's medullary fluid is not lower than that of Chiki Dan.

Although the giant demon snake's blood is not known to be a dragon, but from its appearance, if it is not, it should be of the same kind, or it is almost going to be a dragon.

Therefore, if it is possible to remove its fluid, then the effect of these fluids must be absolute.

Lin Ze listened to these, so when the eyes of this giant demon snake were stabbed blind, and when he could not see anything for a time, the moment he opened his mouth again, Lin Ze rushed in without hesitation. The only unexpected thing is that Xie Zijun is also out, and he enters Shekou as he did.

In fact, Lin Ze had already noticed this before. When the giant demon snake opened his mouth several times before, Xie Zijun had some other actions, but then Lin Ze thought that this was Xie Zijun looking for an opportunity to attack. It was his time to look into the mouth of the snake.

After the development of the event, Lin Ze was glad that this adventure was so clear. Xie Zijun actually came for the poisonous gland of the giant monster snake.

But be aware that the poisonous gland of the poisonous snake is behind the poisonous tooth. Once Xie Zijun removes these two poisonous glands, the severe pain at that time will inevitably alarm the giant demon snake.

In this way, if Lin Ze didn't come in this time, then he wanted to come in after that, it would be completely impossible.

After eating a bitter giant monster snake, I will definitely pay attention to protecting my mouth.

In addition, Lin Ze was also worried about whether Xie Zijun would fight Neidan and other things in the future. Therefore, after Xie Zijun asked him, Lin Ze didn't hesitate at all and went directly into the belly of the giant demon snake.

As the saying goes, it is better to start first, and then suffer!

The inner monster and medullary fluid of the giant demon snake are limited. Lin Ze does not want to take away these two treasures.

If he didn’t take the best chance of taking the poison glands by Xie Zijun to take Neidan and medullary fluid, then if Xie Zijun came down the same, how would these two treasures be divided in the end?

And once Xie Zijun wants to share a piece of soup, then the other ones are like Chang Xinyuan and Sun Xifeng...

As for whether Lin Ze alone swallowing these things will cause other people's dissatisfaction, hehe, then Lin Ze doesn't care.

Moreover, Lin Ze also believes that these people will not turn against him before they get the real treasure behind.

After all, the purpose of these people coming in is not the inner dan and medullary fluid that did not exist before, but the treasures such as the Chiki Dan.

Oh, will Lin Ze be digested if you go on like this?

Haha, this is impossible.

Don’t forget, Lin Ze’s hand has plane seeds in his hand. There are plane seeds to protect Lin Ze. The stomach fluid of the giant monster snake can no longer be digested.

In fact, because of this reason, after entering the mouth of the snake, Xie Zijun did not choose to enter the belly of the giant demon snake.

Xie Zijun still has self-knowledge. He can make some hands and feet in the snake mouth, but it is completely impossible to let him do something in the snake belly.

It’s just the digestive juice in the stomach of the demon snake, which is not something he can resist.

Not to mention the measures taken by the demon snake once it felt that someone was making trouble in his stomach.

I believe that it is just a entanglement of the stomach, which can make Xie Zijun drink a pot.

Therefore, Xie Zijun was only astonished when he saw Lin Ze going down. He thought Lin Ze going like this would be mortal.

Lin Ze is of course good now. When he entered the monster's throat, he directly inspired the defensive shield of the Plane Seed.

Therefore, although extremely corrosive mucus is falling around, Lin Ze is not threatened at all.

In addition, this demon snake has a very large body, so even if Lin Ze is in his stomach, he can stand upright and walk, which is very spacious.

"Slap!!!" As soon as he entered his stomach, Lin Ze took out a searchlight from the storage warehouse.

The space inside the monster's belly is very large, but it is dark inside. Without this searchlight, Lin Ze really didn't know how to get there.

In this way, Lin Ze walked forward with the searchlight in hand.

In the middle, Lin Ze also took out the Qingming Sword in his hand and cut a few times directly on the surrounding meat wall, but he could not leave a slight scar on it.

The more he went down, the deeper Lin Ze's heart was.

There is nothing in this demon snake's body except for some small gasified snakes that are the size of an

The surrounding meat walls are still bright red, and are slowly creeping, from time to time like a heart beat, beating several times.

"Take Neidan first, or spine first?" Lin Ze thought.

"If you take the spine first, because you need to separate the muscles here, and the length of this demon snake is a few thousand kilometers, it is really necessary to extract all its medullary fluid. The time is not long. At that time, maybe Some dangers may be encountered." Lin Ze denied the plan to remove the medullary fluid first.

As Lin Ze just considered, it takes a long time to extract all the pulp fluid, and because Neidan is still there, Lin Ze will definitely face the monster snake's full counterattack.

Also, if the monster snake directly returned to the old nest at that time, that is, in the endless abyss below, even if Lin Ze killed the monster snake in the end, how would he get up then? Or directly say he knew the way back?

Also, no one can guarantee that there are only monster snakes in the endless abyss, maybe there are a large number of high-level underground monsters below?

And, this may seem to Lin Ze to be quite high, because if there is no other monster snake below, how can this monster snake live? What does it eat for a living? !

Therefore, in the endless abyss below, there must be a lot of monsters and beasts.

In this dialogue, once Lin Ze killed the demon snake, the breath of the demon snake will inevitably disappear slowly. At that time, other powerful demon beasts will come here.

Maybe before Lin Ze got out of the monster's belly, he went into the other monster's belly again.

Even if this is not the case, Lin Ze will also need to face other powerful monsters. By then, Lin Ze still has the strength to resist? !

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