Alien Lord

Chapter 1551: test

After thinking for a while, Lin Ze nodded and said, "I want this to be a design designed by Master Xuanyin to test humanity. Once the people who enter here are very greedy, then he will certainly not let go of so many jade Chun, such a person, is definitely not like Xuanyin's lord, how about his end, then it is imaginable.

Only those who are not tempted by these things, the talents of Xuanyin will look at each other, and then let him easily enter the hall. This design of Master Xuanyin is really painstaking! "

"Predecessors said that this should be a heart test point set by Master Xuanyin." Sun Xifeng also nodded in agreement.

There are many tests like this when Confucianism recruits Confucianism disciples.

Confucianism is also a school of righteousness. Therefore, recruiting people who are geniuses must first pass his mentality, that is to say, he must at least maintain his morality.

Similar to such a test, Sun Xifeng personally presided over many times before, so he was particularly able to understand the setting of Master Xuanyin.

"Let's go, since the things here are intentionally left by the Master Xuanyin to test people's hearts, then let's go advanced." Pang's face on one side said unwillingly.

When Bai Yiwen first rushed out before, he can be said to be closely followed, but later, the movement of Chang Xinyuan made him stop directly.

At that time, he thought that the guy Chang Xinyuan was going to kill Bai Yiwen. Therefore, where can Pang Hai still care about the jade piece on the ground, he first defended with all his strength.

As a result, the development of the following things was beyond his expectations. Chang Xinyuan shot, not to kill Bai Yiwen, but to save him, which made Pang Hai look ashamed.

In order to get rid of this situation, Pang Hai spoke directly and wanted to leave here.

"Come on, let's enter!" Lin Ze's group said no more, and went straight ahead, and soon came to the front of the gate.

"Huh, before I thought I was a rich man, but now it seems that I am actually a beggar!" Lin Ze couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the hundreds of top-grade Yuanshi stones with a fascinating light inlaid on the door. .

Although the number of Yuanshi previously obtained by Lin Ze from the old nest of the Devouring Bee Colony is astronomical, the number of top grade Yuanshi is also calculated in millions.

However, to be honest, Lin Ze couldn't do anything like the extravagant act of decorating the door directly with hundreds of top-grade Yuan Shi as a decorative object.

"Goodong!!" Bai Yiwen swallowed a spit in his throat.

"These top grade Yuan Shi are also the test, can't move!" Sun Xifeng was directly reminded of the birth.

Hearing Sun Xifeng's words, Bai Yiwen on one side and Pang Hai's face showed an extremely frustrated look.

In addition, Lin Ze also found that this time even Xie Zijun's face showed a pity, which shows that he is also extremely looking forward to these top grade Yuan Shi.

In fact, it is normal to think about it. For example, Pang Hai, Bai Yiwen, and Xie Zijun are all self-cultivated. Their net worth is not as great as Sun Xifeng, Chang Xinyuan and Lin Ze came, not even one percent of them.

Some top-grade Yuanshi is nothing to Sun Xifeng and Chang Xinyuan, but for them, it is already a huge asset.

Judging from the number of top grade Yuan stones above this gate, if all are taken off, they can be divided into at least 20 pieces each.

These are twenty high-grade yuan stones. Seriously, compared to their current net worth, they are almost separated. In the face of such a "big" fortune, they are not greedy.

"Let's go in!" Xie Zijun said feebly.

Since the top grade Yuan Shi in front can only be seen, but not eaten, then he might as well not watch it, so as not to be tempted by the DC Harrah.

"OK, let's go in!" Lin Ze on the side said with a smile, he understood the feeling of Xie Zijun now.

Just like on the earth, when Lin Zeman searched for spirit materials in the world, he suddenly saw the feeling when he saw a lot of meteorites in the meteorite pavilion in some countries.

To be honest, at that time, Lin Ze wanted to directly start robbing these spirit materials meteorite, but this can only be thought of.

Some people may say, doesn't Lin Ze have a plane seed world, then just dive into it at night, and then it's okay to put it in the world of plane seeds.

Ha ha, you are actually standing and talking without back pain. If Lin Ze dares to do so, then he is not far away from being wanted by countries all over the world.

Don't think that those museums are really so easy to grab. Yes, the defense of general museums may be very loose, but the defense of such national-level meteorite museums is definitely top-notch.

In such a national-level meteorite museum, there are absolutely sirens and monitors everywhere. Even if Lin Ze got rid of these sirens and monitors, Lin Ze can remove all the monitor materials on the street outside. ?

You know, the weight of meteorites is not light, and the number of meteorites in such a national-level meteorite museum is not small, so Lin Ze wants to transport them all, at least a few heavy vehicles The truck will do.

At that time, if those people suddenly found out that Lin Ze was empty-handed when he entered the meteorite museum, when he came out, he was also empty-handed, but many meteorites in the meteorite museum were missing, you What would those people think? !

Even if these people are foreigners, they can’t think of the storage equipment in Xianxia, ​​but it’s just so easy, and there is no sign of the ability to take so many meteorites. /Off///Department//The door will definitely be checked to the end, because once they have mastered this ability, once they are applied to the military, then they are not invincible.

Not to mention others, as long as a tank is brought into the presidential palace of a hostile country or some other important department, the results will definitely be sensational.

This is only confined to Western countries. Once Huaxia knows this, it is definitely someone who will think of the storage equipment in Xianxia.

Well, all the storage equipment in Xianxia has come out. Does that mean that all the techniques of building Xianxian exist?

What do you say these people will do under the temptation of cultivating immortals?

No one in the world can withstand long-lived // temptation// confusion, especially when this immortality, but also allows you to master the power of overturning the river and the sea, I believe that facing this // temptation// confusion, no one I can stick to it.

Faced with such a situation, what kind of result will you say that Lin Ze will end up? ! Can he continue to live freely in the world? ! Or more directly, how long can Lin Ze live? ! ..........

Of course, if there are some spiritual materials in some small museums, Lin Ze will not be polite.

Those who can buy it with money, Lin Ze has already bought it with money. Once he can't buy it with money, Lin Ze is not hesitant to directly grab it.

Anyway, for those Western countries, Lin Ze never had any good feelings.

You can rob us of China for more than a hundred years ago, then I will rob you now, what happened? !

However, every time Lin Ze does these things, he is extremely careful.

You should never underestimate a conquest, because once he takes it seriously, the ultimate power he exerts is absolutely earth-shattering.

Lin Ze knew this clearly, so when he was on the earth, he did things carefully, and no traces were revealed afterwards.

Even in order to keep the world of Plane Seeds secret, Lin Ze also rejected countless women she liked or liked him. For more than thirty years, she has remained single.

With Lin Ze's strength at that time, and the confidence of the strong, as well as the appearance of 70 points, a lot of money, where would no woman like it.

Like on the non-//Zhou and Zhong//East battlefields, there were many women who liked him, but in the end, they were rejected by Lin Before they didn’t have enough ability to fight Lin Ze will not easily give up his love, at least until Lin Ze has not reached the innate strength.

Lin Ze would go to Bermuda for an adventure. Although most of the reasons are indeed for collecting spiritual materials, it is not the reason that the congenital period has not been reached as soon as possible.

Lin Ze is also a person, a person with blood and flesh, he also wants a home, so in the end, Lin Ze will make such a risky decision.

The final result also proved that the decision made by Lin Ze was wrong. For this, Lin Ze paid the price of //meat//body, and the entire //meat///body was directly destroyed by the space crack.

Although Lin Ze came to the warrior's world Divine Continent afterwards, Lin Ze paid for losing his // flesh/ body forever, which was an irretrievable huge price.

Seriously, Lin Ze regrets the huge price he paid.

The cultivation conditions on the earth are no longer good, but, after all, there is Lin Ze's home, a harbor of his soul.

With a click, with Lin Ze's hands gently pushing, the huge door was opened.

"Buzz!" The door just opened, and a large air flow came out. Lin Ze, who was blowing directly in front, couldn't help squinting.

"Oh, the space inside is really big!" Xie Zijun sighed in his mouth.

What I saw inside the gate was a huge room. It looked like it was fifty meters wide and hundreds of meters long. On the ground, like the square outside, there were two meters of jade.

Just looking at the aura emitted from these jade pieces, it is obviously more advanced than the square above.

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