Alien Lord

Chapter 1547: the study

As the saying goes, the bystanders are clear, the authorities are fans!

It is difficult and difficult for a person to see clearly the shortcomings in himself, because he is always an authority and can really see the people in himself. That is definitely the minority in the minority.

Now, the characteristics of the broken star zone can make you see the shortcomings in yourself and the future development direction.

Although this shortcoming is only for cultivation, I believe that any warrior will like this.

It's a pity that after those people came in the broken star zone, the first thing in their minds was how to obtain the treasures inside, or to defeat the avatars inside, and did not consider other things at all.

Like if I can look at my shortcomings on these avatars, look at the way forward in the future and so on.

Even a wise man like Sun Xifeng, after entering the broken star zone, the first idea in his heart is to defeat his own avatars. He never thought about whether he could get something from these avatars.

As for why no one has discovered the secret, it is normal.

Think about it, where is the broken star zone?

There are not only countless stones of different sizes here, as the mysterious power continues to fly around, once someone enters the broken star zone, these stones will want you to attack.

At the same time, the mysterious power will directly generate a avatar to attack you.

In the face of this situation, it can be said that there are attack points everywhere. Nine floors and nine people are busy coping with these crises, where else will they care about other things.

Like many people in car accidents, in fact, before he got into a car accident, there was still some time to make some salvation, but it was because of the sudden loss of mind, or that the whole heart was enveloped by fear, which caused him to lose This is the most critical time.

Many people, at the moment of the car accident, the entire brain is blank, and they don't know what they were thinking at that time.

Sun Xifeng They are top-notch masters, but they are still humans. As long as they are humans, the first thing they think about in the face of the crisis of death is how do I escape this dangerous zone, and where else would I think Is there any secret hidden here?

As for Bai Yiwen's ability to discover the secrets inside, that's because he is an extremely cautious guy, or he is a cautious and a little neurotic guy.

As in the past, Bai Yiwen and Sun Xifeng's relationship is extremely close, and the two have long been friends. Faced with this situation, most people will believe their friends.

However, for Bai Yiwen, when Sun Xifeng opened the teleportation array, he did not go up immediately, but waited for Sun Xifeng and Lin Ze to go up.

It can be seen that his cautiousness is deep into the bones.

This time it was for this reason that Bai Yiwen discovered the true treasure of the broken star zone: a chance to see his own shortcomings, and a chance to see how the future cultivation path will go!

Bai Yiwen acted cautiously, but he still had some sincerity for his friends. Therefore, he still told Sun Xifeng the secrets inside.

It is also for this reason that every time the Xuanyin tomb is opened again, the broken star zone has become the place where the nine-story and nine-martial warriors want to go.

It is a pity that not everyone has this ability to break the star zone, because the cost of the teleportation alone is not affordable to ordinary warriors.

Like Sun Xifeng, I didn't feel very heartache before in order to stimulate the ultimate spirit stone of the teleportation array.

Of course, these are all afterwords. Now let's go back to Bai Yiwen.

After seeing the abrupt change of the method, Bai Yiwen hesitated slightly, and then quickly backed away, rushing out of the broken star zone abruptly, and then, a few flashes, immediately came to Sun Xifeng's side. His eyes flickered, staring at the beam of light within the teleportation array, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

The Broken Star Zone is indeed very important, but Bai Yiwen knows that the Broken Star Zone has always been there and will not move. He can go whenever he wants, and the Secret Realm is the only opportunity for this time, and missed this time. Opportunity, if he goes in again, he has to wait another twenty years.

Bai Yiwen doesn't want to miss this rare opportunity.

After Bai Yiwen returned, his avatars in the broken star zone began to dissipate slowly.

The area of ​​broken stars soon reverted to its old appearance, and there was stillness, and only countless stones of different sizes slowly moved in a circle.

Lin Ze was also staring at the teleportation array at this time. All his spirits were scanning the entire teleportation array.

For such a teleportation array, especially a large teleportation array, even Lin Ze's heart is also stunned.

You know, Lin Ze’s current branch of power is very complicated, and the distance between them is very far, especially the black sand city and the storm city in the death desert. It is two miles away from the yellow sand town where Lin Ze is now. Three thousand miles away.

Such a long distance, even if Lin Ze hurries at full speed, will take four or five days. (The speed of the Black Flame Horse is extremely fast)

This is just a sandbar. In the future, Lin Ze will inevitably develop into a larger world. At that time, they will be farther away from each other, and they will spend more time.

Therefore, Lin Ze had long been thinking of ways to shorten the travel time.

Like the Marathi train, this Linze is already under construction, and now we will wait for the steel plant to be established.

In addition, Lin Ze is also considering the use of warships for transportation.

However, the strategic position of the warship is extremely important, and it is difficult for ordinary people to buy it. At least, Lin Ze’s current position is absolutely unavailable. If he wants to buy it, he has to go to those large auctions.

Therefore, the warship seems to be the most suitable for long-distance transportation, but it is also the one with the smallest chance now.

Of course, Lin Ze did not fail to consider hot air balloons or the like.

The refining masters here are able to point out warships, and it is absolutely not a problem to make some hot air balloons.

Unfortunately, there is still a problem at hand.

One is the transportation volume of hot air balloons, which is definitely far inferior to warships.

A warship can transport thousands of tons at a time as if it were a play, and a hot air balloon can transport ten tons at a time, which is good.

As a result, the transportation efficiency of hot air balloons is too low.

Secondly, the hot air balloon has too high requirements on the weather. It cannot be transported all year round like a warship.

Especially now where Lin Ze is located, there is a sandbar. There are sandstorms half of the year here.

Faced with such weather, the use efficiency of hot air balloons is really low.

Finally, and most importantly, it is the Shenzhou Continent, and it is not the humans who dominate the sky, but the flying beasts.

The low load-bearing performance of the hot air balloon makes it impossible to release the weapon of the war above. In this case, when the flying beast attacks, the hot air balloon will be destroyed 100%.

Especially the speed of the hot air balloon is not fast. If it is really found by those flying beasts, it can't escape 100%.

Faced with these problems, even if the difficulty of building a hot air balloon has been solved, Lin Ze would not dare to build it.

At most, it is used as a backup transport aircraft, and some are built in a small amount.

In addition, it is used for transportation between Huangsha Town and Linsha City under safe conditions.

Huangsha Town is a few hundred miles from Linsha City, but there are not many mountains between them, and the flying beasts are not very strong (the strong ones are killed, so as not to attack them and the surrounding cities). At that time, as long as the acquired warriors with the strength of five or six layers on the hot air balloon are placed on the hot air balloon, and at most a few modified Yuanshi machine guns, I believe that these hot air balloons can be guaranteed safe.

(Yuanshi machine guns don’t need to actually kill those flying beasts, as long as they are expelled, and, seriously, Yuanshi machine guns are not too powerful, at least to eliminate some of the acquired six or eight layers of flying beasts is still not a problem, the only thing that needs to be considered is the consumption of Yuanshi and the leakage of Yuanshi machine guns.

Once a war weapon like Yuanshi machine gun is known to the outside world, it is like those royal families will definitely steal it. Then, as long as a master of the guru sector can shoot, you can easily destroy any hot air balloon. )

However, even if such a hot air balloon is really usable, it is only suitable for such short-distance transportation. Once it involves large and long-distance transportation, especially from Huangsha Town to Hesha City, it is directly huh. Alright...

In such long-distance transportation, this is not the transportation of materials, but the waste of materials and death.

In addition to these means of transportation, Lin Ze also thought of means such as teleportation array, but at that time his strength and status were too low, too low, and he could not get in touch with such top-level array.

Moreover, Lin Ze did not dare to guarantee 100% whether the teleportation array really existed at that time.

Only after seeing the teleportation array before, Lin Ze really confirmed the existence of the teleportation array.

Since then, Lin Ze has been working **** the layout of the teleportation array.

For this reason, he even took out the pinhole camera and put it on his body, intentionally recording everything in the entire transmission array clearly.

Especially before Sun Xifeng how they stimulated the dots on the teleportation array, Lin Ze didn't miss it at all, all of them were filmed very clearly.

As for whether it would be possible to study it at that time, to be honest, Lin Ze didn't have anything in his heart.

After all, this is a teleportation array, and there are too many things involved. It is not that simple thing to study.

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