Alien Lord

Chapter 1535: 7 brothers

"Li Ze?" The old man repeated a sentence in his mouth, and kept searching for relevant information in his mind, trying to find out the origin of Lin Ze's birth.

However, after thinking for a long time, the old man did not expect anything about the name Li Ze.

Not only the elders of this puppet sect, but also the disciples of the various ancestors at the entrance of the valley, and the sect masters hidden in the dark, after listening to Lin Ze’s answer, they began to think about Lin Ze’s origins. Too.

It's a pity that they, like this elder of the Puppet Sect, wanted to break their heads and didn't think of anything useful.

"Your name is really Li Ze?" the old man asked suspiciously.

As for the information of several countries around Chu, he as the elder of the inner door of the zombie sect, does not say that he knows ten floors, but he still knows seven of them.

Especially the information of the strong men above the Grand Master, he remembers it clearly, but there is no name of Li Ze in these memories, so he began to wonder if this'Li Ze' is really the name of the other party .

"Oh, Yelang is really arrogant, do you think that the few countries around Chu are all? You can know the news of these countries, but you can also know the news of a powerful country like the Great Qin Empire?!" Lin Zeyi He sneered and replied.

The name ‘Li Ze’ is of course fake. Therefore, in order to avoid the recurrence of the old guy on the opposite side, Lin Ze directly brought the topic to the top countries in the Eastern Territory, such as the Great Qin Empire.

The strength of the zombie sect is strong, but if it comes to a top country like the Great Qin Empire, it is a little higher than the bottom.

"You..." Elder Puppet Sect was directly angry with Lin Ze's sneer, his face full of anger.

However, these expressions are just his pretense, but he is full of surprise in his real heart.

The Great Qin Empire, as the inner elder of the zombie sect, of course he knew. Similarly, he also knew what status the zombie sect would have in the great Qin empire.

Therefore, when Lin Ze mentioned the Great Qin Empire here, the elders of this puppet sect began to wonder if Lin Ze really came from the Great Qin Empire.

"Are you from the Great Qin Empire?" the old man asked.

"Oh, what did you say?" Lin Ze didn't answer directly, but gave a very general answer and looked at him with a smile.

"This..." Seeing Lin Ze's appearance, this old man was also a little uncertain.

"Furfuran..." At this time, six figures appeared again in the valley, and they soon came to the old man's side.

"What's wrong, my third brother? Things haven't been done yet!" the old man with white hair in the middle asked directly.

"Brother, the strength of the guy opposite is not easy. Even if I go up, it is at most a draw." The old man said softly.

"Oh!" The old man with white hair was surprised when he heard his face. Then he turned directly to Lin Ze and looked carefully.

"Is this rejuvenation?" Seeing Lin Ze's immature face, the white-haired old man said to himself.

"It's really a terrible enemy!" the old man with white hair sighed in his heart.

Before his third brother said that they are equivalent in strength, but he knew that his third brother was actually worse.

If his strength is equal, his younger brother will not be so cherished, let alone such a low-key, when they appear, it will definitely not be the peaceful atmosphere now, but the atmosphere is very serious. .

Coupled with Lin Ze’s immature face, and after seeing the six of them appear, they still don’t care. The old man with white hair can know that Lin Ze’s strength is very strong, otherwise, he will have some looks now. Changes.

"Sir, what is the origin of this guy?" The white-haired old man thought carefully and asked the youngest man who came here first.

"Brother, listening to Li Ze's words, he seems to be a person of the Great Qin Empire." The youngest man answered directly.

Then, with some unwilling to say: "Brother, I really do not believe that this guy was born in the Great Qin Empire, he really was born in the sect of the Great Qin Empire, then how could he be a person?"

The third boy looked at Lin Ze with a suspicious look. He believed that Lin Ze's words were less than three stories.

"Youngest, maybe the other party is not lying." Unlike the third, the white-haired old man looked at Lin Ze with a solemn face, and there were some words in his heart that believed Lin Ze.

"Boss, this..." The youngest looked at his boss suspiciously.

If he didn’t know that the boss had the highest IQ among his seven brothers, he thought if the boss’s brain had a problem, how could he believe such an incongruous word.

"Youngest, I don't know if you noticed it, this guy's looks are young and decent." The white-haired old man said solemnly.

"Huh, if you are the boss, you remind me, I really didn't notice that this Li Ze's face is indeed too young, it looks like 18 or 9 years old. If he hadn't shown so many hands before, for the first time When I saw him, I really thought he was an acquired young warrior." The youngest was also surprised at this time. He only noticed Lin Ze's youthful appearance.

The opposite "Li Ze" is not decent for the young. Some martial artists have reached a very high level, and they are indeed able to rejuvenate, but even in this case, they will not return to the age of seventeen or eighteen. The breath of the old man is quite obvious, and he cannot deceive a strong man like this old man.

However, the "Li Ze" opposite is completely different.

His voice sounds very old, but his appearance and youthfulness are only those of young people aged 17 or 18, which makes the third person very puzzled, and at the same time, for himself The boss's words, I also believe a little.

"The third man, this person will have such a look, one is that he has been taking Zhanyan Dan since he was a child, and the other is that he is of this age." The white-haired old man said sharply.

This white-haired old man deserves to be a wise man among their seven brothers, and his insight and speculation are extremely bold.

After switching to any other person, after seeing Lin Ze now, he would only think he was taking Yan Yan Dan, and would never think that Lin Ze was actually this age.

However, this old man with white hair thought so.

I believe that if Lin Ze knew this conjecture of this white-haired old man, he would definitely be surprised in his heart, because his conjecture was in the heart.

"Boss, this is impossible!"

"This is a joke, boss!"

........ Soon, everyone around me looked at the direct boss with a surprised face and said.

"Boss, this is absolutely impossible. The opposite "Li Ze" is absolutely impossible to be only seventeen or eighty years old. You know, he can beat me, how could he be only seventeen or eighty years old? Said.

Even in order to refute the speculation of the white-haired old man, he directly said this shameful thing that his strength is not as good as Lin Ze.

"Hehehe..." The white-haired old man smiled directly after hearing it.

To be honest, he did not really believe the latter guess.

A young man of seventeen or eighty years old has the strength of a supreme grandmaster.

The old man with white hair knows how much time and energy he has spent in order to reach the level of Supreme Master, now you want him to believe that a young man of 17 or 8 years old has the strength of Supreme Master. It might as well make him believe that the sun rises from the west.

So, after a smile, the white-haired old man directly put his speculation behind him.

As everyone knows, he is abandoning the facts because Lin Ze is indeed only 18 years old. (Not counting the age on earth...)

"Being able to take Zhanyan Dan from the beginning, the origin of this'Li Ze' may indeed be very large, at least in our corpse puppet sect, or even Taiyi sect, such things rarely happen." The white-haired old man looked at Lin Ze said to the youngest one.

"Brother said that even in our corpse sect, there are very few such incidents. At least within 100 years, there is no such thing." This time, the white-haired old man's face on the right side was full of speech Cyan seventy or eighty year old.

"Well, the old five said that it seems that this'Li Ze' may indeed be a person of the Great Qin Empire, and only the martial arts there will have sufficient resources to give some people when they were young. Take Zhanyan Dan." The third son did not have any excuse at this time, and he agreed.

"So what are we going to do now? Just let go of this "Li Ze"?" It was still the bluish-faced fifth.

"Alas, it can only be like this for the time being." The old man with white hair sighed and said.

"Boss, don't forget, Wei Bo is still waiting for our news, if he knows that we will stop, then..." At this time, the old man on the left was talking His face was worried.

"It’s okay, don’t forget, our seven brothers are the main force in this treasure hunt. At the same time, for Wei Bo, exploring the mysterious place is the most important thing. And once we and this mystery If the masters of the two meet and lead to both defeats, do you think those secret Dao Sects will stand by and watch? Then I believe that those Dao Sects will attack us immediately."

"In this way, it can solve us and reduce the strength of the zombie sect. In addition, in the treasure hunt of the mysterious land, it can also reduce a large opponent. Why do they not do such a thing with two birds with one stone?" The white-haired old man replied calmly.

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