Alien Lord

Chapter 1531: Shot

Two hours later, Lin Ze had already reached the depths of the mountain range. From a distance, the whole mountain range was covered with a cloud of mist, and the mist moved slowly. Among them, some flying beasts survived in the fog. , Sometimes exposed, then disappeared immediately.

Seeing these wild beasts, Lin Ze did not continue to hurry at full speed to avoid any accidents.

"Qu Jingwen, look at the map. Are we here?" Lin Ze paused temporarily and asked Qu Jingwen in the Plane Seed World.

"Well, it's almost here. Our destination is in a valley in the southwest about fifty miles away." Qu Jingwen said while looking at the map.

"That's good, let's go." Lin Ze didn't stay too much.

The time passed by half an hour again, and soon Lin Ze arrived at his destination.

At the entrance to the valley in front of him, Lin Ze frowned directly, because there were nearly a hundred people here at the entrance to the valley, which was three hundred meters long.

Moreover, looking at their clothes and cultivation, it seems that these people should be Zongmen's children. They are guarding the valley entrance here.

"It seems that these people are guarding the entrance of this valley. In this case, it will be very difficult for me to enter." Lin Ze did not choose to appear the first time, but murmured in secret.

Lin Ze didn't wear any too much clothing now. It's not that Lin Ze didn't want to wear it, but it was not right now.

Just look at this and pay attention to this destination are some top sect, you can see that there is definitely one sect inside the sect.

If Tai Yizong is not in there, Lin Ze’s robe can still be dressed, but now that there is a Taizong person here, then Lin Ze is wearing Tai Yizong’s robe again. Trouble.

Those who are too Yizong will call Lin Ze as soon as they see Lin Ze's robe.

One is to unite all the disciples and strive for maximum strength.

The other one is to see who this disciple is? How about strength?

Lin Ze is not a disciple of Taizong. Once he is called, he will be seen through immediately.

Even if Lin Ze's strength is low, no one sees through, but when it comes to fighting for treasures, Lin Ze's strength will definitely show up.

At that time, the people of Tai Yizong immediately noticed Lin Ze and knew that Lin Ze's identity was a fake.

By then, Lin Ze had definitely offended Tai Yi, and the future Lin Ze would definitely be found by Tai Yi. What would Lin Ze do at that time?

So, instead of finding countless troubles for yourself later, it is better to take off one robe now, so that the troubles that follow will not exist.

"Ah, just taking off your robe will not cause any trouble, but now, if you want to go in, it will be very difficult!" Lin Ze frowned as he looked at the hundreds of sect disciples at Gukou.

His current strength is only quasi-innate strength. With this strength, he appeared at the entrance of the valley. Where can those disciples of innate period let Lin Ze enter.

When the time comes, Lin Ze will go in, but those Zongmen disciples will prevent Lin Ze from going in. If the two come and go, the two sides will definitely fight.

Although Lin Ze's strength can beat them all, but in this way, it is also the most complete of the sect inside, then Lin Ze's trouble will be great.

"Well, they wouldn’t let me in, just because I was a stranger, and the other was because my strength was very low, so I contempt myself in my heart. Since this is the case, then I let these people see me The strength of it."

Thinking of this, Lin Ze smiled gently at the corner of his mouth, because the "helper" who showed his powerful strength is now online.


His eyes turned to Brother Xu and his team.

Lin Ze’s speed was very fast, and Brother Xu’s group and his team were not satisfied. Lin Ze had just arrived here. More than half an hour later, Brother Xu and his group also appeared in the outskirts of the valley.

"Brother Xu, we're about to reach our destination soon. Let's take those zombies back first to avoid misunderstandings." One of the puppet sect students suggested softly.

"Retract it? Ha ha, just let it go and let those righteous ancestors take a look. We are not so tempted." Brother Xu said proudly.

He now has three zombie-level zombies in his hand, and where will he be afraid of some disciples who guard the entrance to the valley?

"Oh........." Suddenly, a wolf howling sounded.

"Hey, there are wolves here?" Brother Xu's eyes lit up, because, just listening to the wolf howling, Brother Xu knew that this was a quasi-innate barbarian wolf.

Although it is worse than the previous congenital barbarian, but it is not a small subsidy.

Therefore, Brother Xu didn't want to think about it, his right hand pointed in the direction of howling wolf.

"Hoo!" A black shadow rushed into the wood in that direction.

"Brother Xu, do we need to follow through?" asked a puppet sect disciple on the right-hand side who was as pale as a zombie.

"No, it's a quasi-congenital level beast. We can't turn any waves. Let's go to the valley first." After that, Brother Xu took the lead and flew towards the valley.

However, at this moment, a loud rush suddenly came from their right hand side.

"Dare, dare to hurt my mount and die for me!"

"Boom!!", a huge explosion sound followed, and then, Brother Xu who took the lead before protruded a mouthful of blood directly.

"Poof!!!" The blood from the sky directly gave a few **** heads to the disciples who followed behind Brother Xu.

"My zombie puppet!" Brother Xu didn't even spout the blood spitting out of his mouth, but directly howled, his eyes full of reluctance, as if he had lost something insignificant.

"This..." The disciples of the following puppets looked at each other and nodded quickly.

"It seems that Brother Xu's zombie has been eliminated." This is the common idea in everyone's mind.

Brother Xu deserved to be the leader of this team of corpse puppets, and he knew in his heart that he had lost an extremely important zombie puppet, so he stood up and wiped the remaining blood from the corner of his mouth very simply Zhang Zhang said: "Follow me, I want to see who this guy who wiped out a zombie puppet is me."

The group did not say much, so they followed Brother Xu in the direction of the previous voice.

"Brother, we don't go there to see." At this time, a disciple wearing Confucian costumes at the entrance of the valley asked a Confucian disciple beside him.

"No, our most important thing is to protect this place." The brother said directly.

After a pause, there was a trace of gloating and scourge on his face: "These are the corpses, I don't want to help them. The more unfortunate they are, the happier I am in my heart."

Ha ha, this brother said what he said directly. He didn't want to see it, but he didn't want to help the puppet sect.

"Brother wise!" The brother beside him also laughed. Obviously, he couldn't be used to those corpse sects, too. I wish someone could teach these corpse sects.

"It was you who killed my zombie?" Brother Xu asked, looking at the young man in front of him, with a somber face.

"Yeah, it's me, what's wrong?" Lin Ze replied with a smile, he came here, originally to trouble these people.

"Okay, okay, okay, I really can't think of it. A quasi-innate acquired warrior rushed in front of me wildly, okay, okay, okay, okay!" Brother Xu said fiercely and said seven Good word, obviously, he was angry.

"Since you killed my zombie, then you can replace him!" Brother Xu didn't even think about it, and turned it into a phantom, killing Lin Ze.

He didn't let the zombies around him shoot at all, but shot directly.

This is because Lin Ze’s cultivation practice was only quasi-innate, and Brother Xu thought he could win Lin Ze 100%.

"Hehe, want to kill me? You really can't!" Lin Ze shook his head, and then his eyes flashed a fine Boom! ! "Invisible ripples appeared in the air and directly hit Brother Xu, as well as the corpse puppet and his party behind him.

"Ahhhhhhhh...!" Numerous screams rang out, and some of the disciples' disciples even hugged their heads, rolling and wailing on the ground.

"His......" has been paying attention to the Zongmen disciples here at the mouth of the valley, when he saw this, he took a breath of cold air.

When looking at Lin Ze, it was no longer the contempt of the previous face, but all the tension in the face, and then the fear.

As long as you see the end of Brother Xu, you can know that this so-called quasi-innate warrior is actually playing a pig and eating a tiger.

Before, they looked at him with a look of contempt. If they were replaced by someone who was not very big-hearted, they would definitely not feel good.

Although they have more than a hundred people here, but this guy on the opposite side solved the problems of Brother Xu, especially there are three zombie-level zombies.

In this case, even if there are more than 100 people on their side, it is useless.

Therefore, the children of Zongmen at the mouth of the valley are praying in their hearts. The guy outside must not be those with narrow minds. They must be an open-minded person. Otherwise, their end will not be sincere. How good.

There are a few smart guys inside, leaving a sentence directly to the people around them: I will report the matter here to Uncle Shi...

Then, these people carried out light work and entered the valley.

There is no such excuse for the rest of the people, so only Lin Ze, who looked at the distance with fear, was even more in the heart...

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