Alien Lord

Chapter 1528: Follow-up exercises

Such examples are far away. We will talk about some examples that are closest to us.

I believe everyone is familiar with the country of Libya. When the Gaddafi family received Libya, although the whole country was in a dictatorial atmosphere, the people of the country did not seem to be very free, but at the very least, they did not It is always in danger of losing life at all times.

The United States has always attached great importance to oil resources, and Libya is extremely rich in oil resources. In addition, Gaddafi does not listen to the words of the United States. Therefore, the United States is secretly picking things, constantly inputting the concept of freedom to ordinary people, and constantly promoting freedom. It’s valuable to promote the darkness of the Gaddafi family.

In this way, under the constant propaganda and constant beautification of the United States, the people of Libya overthrew the Gaddafi family and executed them all.

Then, they are waiting for their long-awaited freedom and the so-called /////////Lord.

However, these people apparently forgot a sentence in the history of the United States. Freedom and democracy are irrigated with the blood of life. Therefore, the country’s soon-to-be-decade-long wars, every moment, every Seconds, this country is fighting, blood, corpses, desperation has become the ordinary people of this country.

It stands to reason that since the United States has overthrown the Gaddafi family, then they should completely give the people of this country freedom and democracy. Why have they provoked countless wars?

The reason is actually very simple, that is for huge oil and certain political interests.

A peaceful country inevitably has national//home//security//full considerations. Therefore, even if Libya turned to the United States, then at most it would be an obedient young man.

Since it is just an obedient younger brother, when some interests are in dispute, this younger brother may no longer be obedient because of certain interests.

This is not what the rice country wants. What he wants is a very obedient slavery country.

Therefore, the United States directly set off the war and kept the country in a state of war. In this case, whether it is to win the battle or to obtain the support of the United States, many forces in this country have to listen to the country. .

The United States let him go west, but he dared not go east.

In this way, a large part of this country's //home//////// profits is directly in the palm of the country.

After mastering this right, the resources such as oil in it are not the final decision of the United States. Similarly, the price of these materials is also the final decision of the United States.

With such a big interest in it, where can the Rice State abide by its previous promises and give the people of this country self-/your-self and lord//? !

The civil war in Libya started in 2011, and it has been seven full years. In these seven years, the number of deaths exceeded 50,000, and the number of casualties was more than one million.

As for the number of refugees, more than one million people have become homeless refugees.

Maybe you will say here that such a small number of people is nothing, and it is not comparable to the population of our city.

However, you need to know that the total population of Libya is more than 6 million, not even 7 million. Now there are two or three million people who are either casualties or refugees. The civil war continues to increase.

A country with a population of more than 6 million has nearly one-third of the population casualties and refugees. Do you say this civil war is cruel? ! What kind of feeling will the ordinary people in this country feel?

I believe that if the Libyan people at that time knew that they would live this kind of life after seven years, they would never listen to the ignorance of the United States, nor would they overthrow the Gaddafi family’s lead.

Yes, the Gaddafi family exercises dictatorship and the rights of the people are very small, but at least at that time the whole country was calm, without the threat of war, and the lives of the people were peaceful, without fear of the shells in the sky, and Do not know where to threaten the bullets.

As the saying goes, it’s better to be a peace dog than a troubled one, and it’s the situation now.

Those who shouted all day long wanting self-promotion and wanting people///lord should really send them directly to Libya to show them what real self-promotion//you//hemin/// Lord, how much do you have to pay for this self///you// and /min///master.

Believe that as long as these people have experienced this, they will not ask for anything from their hearts //// You// and the people //// Lord.

Examples like this are endless.

Therefore, if you want to use the identity of alchemist or refiner to ensure your safety, it is actually a castle in the sky. Once you encounter a real danger, your end will be very tragic.

So how to avoid such a situation?

The answer is actually very simple, he has always been in front of you, that is, your own strength must be extremely strong, so strong that others dare not dare to provoke you.

Just as Lin Ze has now occupied the majority of the rights of the sandbar, as the governor of the sandbar, of course, he does not want the rights of the sandbar to fall into Lin Ze's hands.

However, the powerful force Lin Ze possessed made the Governor of Shazhou not dare to act rashly, only to sit back and watch Lin Ze gradually grasp the rights of the entire sandbar.

This is the power that power brings. As long as your power is strong enough, others will not dare to provoke you.

In addition, the seventh prince Yan Yucheng was also due to the powerful power of Lin Ze, so even if he lost a lot of manpower in Lin Ze’s hands, he even compensated Lin Ze for tens of millions of gold coins, making him greatly After making a fortune, even the woman she likes is now about to be married by Lin Ze. Faced with so many blows, the seventh prince Yan Yucheng is not only suffering from swallowing into her stomach.

why? It is also because of Lin Ze's strength.

The alchemy master and refiner's status is indeed very high, many people have to stifle them, but this is only the case. There is absolutely no status for them in real decision-making, and the people there are top-notch strong By.

Only the strong have the right to decide everything, and the qualifications to make laws.

Lin Ze knew this very well in his heart. Therefore, even if he had Master Xuanyu's inherited crystals on alchemy and alchemy in his hands, Lin Ze was not tempted. He knew that it was the most important thing.

Lin Ze groaned a little, sighed, and then ignored the "Xuan Yu Zhen Jing".

What he wants is strength, not alchemy and refinery, so "Xuan Yu Zhen Jing" is not important to Lin Ze.

It was **** hands and blood, and they took the "Xuan Yu Zhen Jing" that Lin Ze gave them with excitement.

Xin Xue is an alchemist master, and "Xuan Yu Zhen Jing" is just right for him.

Looking at the excited expressions on Xinxue's alchemists' faces, Lin Ze smiled and left.

Of course, Lin Ze is not totally unproductive, and his gains are not small.

Like the follow-up cultivation secrets of the hidden escape technique that Lin Ze had been looking for before, "Xuan Yu Zhen Jing" clearly records it, and Lin Ze immediately wrote it down.

As Lin Ze had previously expected, "Hidden Escape" is indeed not an ordinary martial art. It is equivalent to a kind of supernatural power to practice to the end.

Judging from the relevant records on the "Xuanyu Zhen Jing", this "Hiding Technique" is actually an attempt made by Master Xuanyin after he realized the power of space.

He wanted to cultivate the power of space through the martial arts.

It is a pity that Master Xuanyin's realm is still limited, and his grasp of the power of space is also very low. Therefore, his research was not successful.

Of course, it is not to say that there is absolutely no gain. The unique skill of "Hiding Escape" is a small achievement of the research of Xuanyin.

It's just that this achievement is useless for top powerhouses like Master Xuanyin.

According to the above records, even if you practice to the state of Dacheng, you will be able to achieve a teleport of about 100 meters to 150 meters at most. If you want to break through, it will be impossible.

The distance is up to 150 meters. For the Xuanyin master of the Jindan period, the arrow is a chicken The spiritual scanning range of the foundation period is thousands of kilometers, that is, It is said that the strong in the foundation period can accurately locate everything within a thousand kilometers. (Lin Ze’s range of induction is very wide, because Lin Ze has the help of Plane Seeds, which in turn expands the range of this induction.)

At a distance of 150 meters, it can't escape the spiritual power of the strong in the foundation period, let alone the Jindan period in the back.

And the distance of 150 meters, for a strong person in the foundation period, is one or two seconds, and this time is not enough for you to initiate the escape technique.

Therefore, this stealth technique seems to be very strong, but once it reaches the level of the foundation period, it is a tasteless taste, and it is a pity to eat it tasteless!

Of course, for Lin Ze, the ability to escape is still very useful.

Because even the Supreme Master, his mental scanning range is 60 to 70 meters, which is smaller than the 150 meters of teleportation.

In this way, it is very difficult for them to find Lin Ze's trace.

"Huh, fortunately, my mental strength has reached the mid-term of foundation, otherwise, I may not remember the follow-up exercises of this "Escape"."

Lin Ze's heart was a blessing of happiness, because the technique of "Escape" was also banned.

Only when the strength reaches a certain level, you can see.

"Now I can write it down, so can I write it down?" Lin Ze thought for a while and began to experiment.

In the congenital period, the function of stealth escape was still huge, and it was still a compulsory martial art of Jin Yiwei under Lin Ze’s men. Therefore, Lin Ze wanted to write down the follow-up exercises of her escape escape, and then the professor gave Shadow hands them.

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