Alien Lord

Chapter 1117: Exert pressure

Lin Ze's panic//nude//nude irony directly said that the Bai Gu old demon was speechless, his face twisted a bit, and his heart was full of anger.

Because, Lin Ze's remarks directly turned over the most unremembered things in Bai Gu's old devil's heart.

As a warrior, a supreme master of the supreme grandmaster, is there really only so few pursuits in my heart, just the pursuit of the false foundation period?

This is of course impossible. As long as it is a warrior, there will be a lot of pursuits in his heart, and he wants to be promoted to the highest level, even ascending to immortality.

However, the Bai Gu Mo Gong practiced by Bai Gu Lao Mo directly cut off his path, so that he can no longer see the landscape in front of him. This is the biggest scar in Bai Gu Lao Mo's heart. In general, no one else Dare to mention, because I am deeply afraid of angering the old Gu Gu.

Now it was revealed by Lin Ze so directly, if possible, Bai Gu Old Devil absolutely wanted Lin Ze to have a long taste of Gu Gu, so that he knew the result of provoke himself.

However, in the end, Bai Gu Lao Mo didn't do anything, just looked at Lin Ze in front of him, but the resentment and killing intention in his eyes seemed to be substance.

There is no way. The current Gu Gu Lao Mo is really afraid of being beaten by Lin Ze. The spiritual storm is his biggest world. Once he encounters such a guy, the Bai Gu Gu Mo will go up and send food.

In addition, before the Bai Gu Lao Mo just wanted to start, he felt the endless crisis on Lin Ze, he was the biggest. Once he went up, the result will definitely not be good.

Now he has been hit hard, only three or four pavilions are left in the ten pavilions of strength. He is afraid that if he is hit by Lin Ze’s spiritual storm again, then he will have only one or two pavilions in strength. By this time Where are those three treasures?

He believed that even Mrs. Hu, an ally at that time, would directly turn his face and swallow his share.

Therefore, for the safety of his puppet doppelganger, and in order to obtain the treasures that are difficult to obtain, Bai Gu Lao Mo directly endured this breath.

Seeing Bai Gu Lao Mo bear this breath, Mrs. Hu on one side was very disappointed.

Bai Gu Lao Mo was right, Mrs. Hu really wanted him to provoke Lin Ze, then, the strength of Lin Ze was greatly reduced. In this way, Mrs. Hu could detect Lin Ze’s strength, but also You can directly swallow the copy of Bai Gu Old Demon, such a good thing with two birds with one stone, where Mrs. Hu will miss it.

It is a pity that Bai Gu Gu Mo is not stupid, also thought of this, so it was not cheap to be picked up by Mrs. Hu Lao.

"Li Ze, don't say anything that is not there, or talk about your allocation plan?" Mrs. Hu said directly.

Lin Ze's remarks made Mrs. Hu believe his explanation.

In all of Lin Ze’s explanations, Mrs. Hu didn’t believe the other words, but that sentence about Lin Ze’s age made Mrs. Hu believe Lin’s words.

Because Lin Ze is very young now, not to mention that he is more than a hundred years younger than them. This old lady Hu will never believe it, because there is really such a strong young man, Li Ze. It will definitely not be so obscure, but Lin Ze is 50 or 60 years younger than them, then she is absolute.

Fifty or sixty years, Lin Ze is enough to break through the strength of the foundation period. After all, his spiritual strength is so strong. It can be said that it has already broken the biggest obstacle to the foundation period.

Now that the obstacles to the foundation period are gone, he certainly can't look down on the Millennium Ice Fox Nedan because, because of such a young man with such high qualifications, he will never stay in the foundation period.

The thought of Lin Ze could advance to the Jindan period in the future, Mrs. Hu's heart was full of envy.

As a supreme grandmaster, she also has this kind of pursuit, but her heart is now fading, and she still needs to consider for her family, so this pursuit can only be regarded as a dream.

When dreaming, she can pursue without concern, but once the dream wakes up, she can only return to reality.

"My distribution plan? It's actually very simple. The Millennium Ice Fox Nedan still belongs to the old lady, but, I want "Xuan Yu Zhen Jing"." Lin Ze directly said his needs.

"Oh, you want "Xuan Yu Zhen Jing"?! This is really good, so good, I agree to such a distribution." Before waiting for Mrs. Hu to answer, the Bai Gu old demon on the side laughed and agreed. .

Because such a distribution is the best for him, he does not want what "Xuan Yu Zhen Jing", what he wants most is Xuan Yu Pei.

"This..." Mrs. Hu thought for a moment. She was very clear why Lin Ze wanted the "Xuan Yu Zhen Jing", not what you want to say about breaking through the foundation period.

The thought of Lin Ze getting "Xuan Yu Zhen Jing" may soon break through the foundation period, and Mrs. Hu's heart is full of taste.

At this time, she also remembered the importance of "Xuan Yu Zhen Jing" and why it was placed in the hands of Master Xuan Yu, which is actually because "Xuan Yu Zhen Jing" in these three things is actually The most precious.

Yes, "Xuan Yu Zhen Jing" is not very important to her Mrs. Hu and Bai Gu Gu Demon. For them, this thing is simply tasteless, and it is a pity to eat it tasteless.

However, if this "Xuan Yu Zhen Jing" reaches the hands of the warriors who want to break through the foundation period, that is the top treasure, but it is the most valuable treasure that is not sold.

Now such a treasure will fall into the hands of Lin Ze, the first time in Mrs. Hu's heart there is a feeling of regret.

"Well, why do you want to repent?" Lin Ze said quietly, and then, an endless pressure directly pressed against the opposite Mrs. Hu and Bai Gu Lao Mo.

It has been nearly fifteen minutes since the time has passed, which means that Lin Ze has recovered the mental strength of the sixth and seventh floors, enough for him to exert a mental storm.

Lin Ze originally did not want to do this, but now it seems that Mrs. Hu seems to want to repent, Lin Ze immediately exerts pressure on them with mental force.

Just as Mrs. Hu thought, "Xuan Yu Zhen Jing" is extremely important to Lin Ze, so he will never let it happen.

"Huh......., Huh........." Lin Ze's powerful spiritual force oppressed, and the suppressed Mrs. Hu and Bai Gu old demon were very embarrassed, and the forehead continued to emerge Beads of sweat, at the same time, their breathing began to rush.

"This Li Ze's strength is really strong. I thought his mental strength had been used up before. I didn't expect him to have the power to perform mental attack. This time it was really miscalculated!" Mrs. Hu's heart was full of hearts regret.

She would hesitate, one is to see the true preciousness of the "Xuan Yu Zhen Jing". Such a treasure, even if she can't use it herself, but if you exchange it with other Supreme Masters, she can definitely exchange for countless Resources.

The other is Lin Ze’s self-inflicted trouble. Lin Ze said his age before. At that time, Mrs. Hu’s heart was moved. Lin Ze’s age was so young, then his mental strength might not be as strong as before. Two mental attacks on you may be his limit.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Hu had an urge to try in her heart.

I believe that Lin Ze knew that it was because he said that he was young before, which caused Mrs. Hu’s heart to move, and he would definitely slap himself a few times before taking back this sentence.

Lin Ze finally recovered some mental power, but now because of exerting the coercion of mental power, and wasted a lot, if you want to restore the current state of mental power, it will take another five or six minutes.

In the eyes of ordinary people, these times are really nothing, and it is not too much to say that it is a blink of an eye.

However, in the practice world where life and death can be determined in only one second, this is a long time.

Fortunately, Mrs. Hu did not know that Lin Ze was able to exert mental coercion before, all because he had a plane seed, which could restore mental power very quickly. Now she thinks that Lin Ze still has a lot of mental power left. Only then can we exert such powerful spiritual coercion.

According to Mrs. Hu's understanding, it seems to restore mental is slower than the recovery of true energy. It is difficult to come. If you want to restore the previous mental energy consumption, don't say more than ten minutes , Even if it is more than ten hours, it cannot be recovered.

Mrs. Hu couldn’t imagine that she was facing Lin Ze with a huge plug-in. Lin Ze’s mental strength was actually as she imagined, and there was not much left. He just relied on plane seeds and he soon Has recovered.

Therefore, it would be misunderstood by Mrs. Hu.

It was this misunderstanding that not only caused Lin Ze to eliminate a crisis, but also made Mrs. Hu completely afraid to fight Lin Ze's idea again.

As for another Bai Gu old demon...

"To die, to die, to die..., this time I will die here, alas, I already know what I did here to join..." Bai Gu Lao Mo is in the forest The moment Ze Shi exhibited spiritual coercion, he was waiting there to die.

Lin Ze has broken his courage, and now encounters Lin Ze's spiritual coercion again, directly like a fish on a chopping board, let Lin Ze slaughter.

Someone here will say that Bai Gu Old Demon is a supreme grandmaster anyway, how could he be so weak when facing Lin Ze? Why did you surrender so quickly? This sounds like a myth.

Seriously, this is not a myth.

Similar examples, even now, are endless.

Let’s not talk about anything else, it’s now during the World Cup (Oh, it’s over...), then let’s talk about this football.

I believe that many people have heard such a popular online language when they started watching this World Cup: In this World Cup, China has gone to all but the football team!

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