Alien Lord

Chapter 1511: Speed ​​of sound

It's just that it's too late to say anything at this time. In the face of the great treasure here, this battle between the two is already inevitable.

The fire in the city gate will affect the pond fish. Seeing that the two Supreme Masters will start, the others will slowly retreat immediately, fearing that they will be involved if they are not careful.

In particular, Zhou Qiang has now been pushed to the end. If everyone starts to escape at this time, he will definitely be the first to escape.

Lin Ze is also retreating, he also does not want to join in the battle of two Supreme Grandmasters.

However, he just stepped back two steps, and Lin Ze suddenly thought of something like his face changed, immediately bowed his head to cover up, and looked around with the afterglow of his eyes, as if looking for a way to escape.

Among the remaining people, Li Xueni, the fairy of Baihua, had been paying attention to Lin Ze. As soon as he saw the change in his face, Li Xueni also stopped.

Li Xueni, a fairy of flowers, is not a fool, and she soon knows why Lin Ze stopped.

Don't look at the fact that Bai Gu Lao Mo and Mrs. Hu are now arrogant, as if they are about to go to war, but they will never do anything until they kill them.

It was precisely after understanding this that Lin Ze stopped directly in the backward step and thought about countermeasures.

Mrs. Hu had apparently endured all the way in the past, but later forced out the Bai Gu old demon, in order not to worry that he would take advantage of it.

The situation is the same now. The full battle between the two Supreme Grandmasters is unpredictable. However, it is definitely both defeats or the winners are also injured. If Lin Ze is still alive, wouldn’t it be How many juniors are cheaper for Lin Ze? !

Both are old rivers and lakes, so naturally it is impossible to make such mistakes.

Therefore, Lin Ze's situation is unprecedentedly critical!

Inevitable in World War I, the spirits of Bai Gu Lao Mo and Mrs. Hu instantly reached their peak.

There was a strong wind in the hall, echoing constantly between the two.

The supreme grand master's all-powerful action immediately aroused the turbulence of the air in the Quartet, and the two distinct innate innate qi were intertwined in the center of the hall.

One side is dark with magical energy and extremely eerie, while the other side is shining with silver light, surrounded by frost and frost.

In the gloomy evil spirit, countless guts looming in it;

In addition, inside the silver-white bone-chilling ice cold, a huge ice fox phantom is constantly flying inside.

It seems like there is spirituality, the two are you, and you come and go constantly. Two different real gasification forms have tried each other for a while, and for a time they have become evenly divided.

Such terrifying magical energy and cold radiated, and forced Lin Ze and others could not help but retreat several steps, some of them slowed down, but were only slightly affected, so that they were shocked by the soul, cold inside and outside. A thick layer of frost appeared.

At the same time of retreating, Lin Ze's expression moved, under his sense of power, but when he saw Zhou Qiang at the end, he was using their figure as a cover at this time, and quietly retreated to the edge of the cloud bed.

From the beginning to the end, the three treasures on the cloud bed have been left unattended. Although they are so accessible, there is Mrs. Hu, but no one dared to move.

Because everyone knew that no matter how few of them, or the two Supreme Masters who were not far away, they could not allow someone to take the treasure.

As long as he dares to cross the border, this person will be targeted by the public, and there is no excuse for it.

At this time, Zhou Qiang did the opposite, because he dared to shoot, naturally like Lin Ze, knowing that the two Supreme Masters would definitely solve these little mice before they could really fight each other.

Since they are no longer able to benefit from the fisherman, instead of waiting for them to fight first, and then suffocating to death without fighting back, it is better to ride the two of them while they are holding each other, most of the attention is no longer on their side , Directly fish in muddy water.

In addition, now that everyone's attention has not been focused on him, Zhou Qiang is a courageous one, ready to roll up the treasure and run first.

If he escaped by chance, he would find a place to digest it, and then disguise himself to decorate the tomb of Xuanyin. After going out, he would retreat for a few more decades. At that time, Zhou Qiang, who had digested these treasures, might not be afraid of a hundred. Gu Lao Mo and Madam Hu both of them.

It was nearly two meters away, and he could touch the three treasures on it.

Just when Zhou Qiang's eyes were shining, and his emotions were tense, the two Supreme Masters in the confrontation suddenly turned their heads, and they gazed at him in a joke or cruel way.

Lin Ze’s induction also stared at the two of them at the same time, and his heart sank, knowing that the previous cautious thought was not wrong.

It seems that Zhou Qiang was cautious enough to move to the edge of the cloud bed by avoiding the crowd. If he had been paying attention to him, even if they were so close, they might not be able to detect that they were wrong. .

What's more, Bai Gu Lao Mo and Mrs. Hu both face the Supreme Master of the same level. If they really want to start, how dare they pay attention to others? Don't they die?

At this point, Lin Ze clearly saw that the two of them clearly had a tacit understanding. The previous mammoth confrontation was only a temptation between each other. In fact, their heart was still the idea of ​​clearing the field first.

"It seems that I have to find another way to cope with this situation now." Lin Ze thought secretly, he began to think about another way to get out.

While Lin Ze was thinking hard and thinking about countermeasures, Zhou Qiang also felt the killing intention in the eyes of others. He could not help but be horrified, and at the same time he was frightened, the greedy heart in his heart was at work, and his mouth was strange. With a cry, the true gas in Dantian was running at full speed.

"Sun God Arrow!!" Zhou Qiang turned into a bright pole of sunlight, and the fiery flame directly enveloped Zhou Qiang's body.

At the next moment, Zhou Qiang turned into a fiery red arrow and flew towards the treasure on the gimbal with a thunderbolt.

The speed was so fast that even Lin Ze was shocked.

Because Zhou Qiang's current speed is directly above the speed of sound. This can only be seen after Zhou Qiangren flew out, and the sound of his flying out sounded in the hall.

"I can't think of Zhou Qiang and this trick. No wonder his mouth is so stinky and his temper is so annoying, but he can still live well to the present. I believe that Zhou Qiang can live to the present, it is relying on his present Let’s kill the killer!!" Lin Ze thought secretly.

Before Lin Ze was wondering about Zhou Qiang's temperament, how could he live to the present.

Just after seeing Zhou Qiang's move to break the speed of sound, Lin Ze really understood the reason.

Seriously, if I knew that Zhou Qiang had this trick, Lin Ze might secretly hold Zhou Qiang and not let him die like this.

Lin Ze really took a fancy to this killer skill that broke through the speed of sound.

Not to mention others, as long as Lin Ze learned this trick, his life guarantee would increase by a dozen times, or even dozens of times.

"I hope Zhou Qiang can escape from birth!" Lin Ze prayed secretly in his heart.

Moreover, Lin Ze's finger moved to help Zhou Qiang secretly, but after seeing Zhou Qiang's next move, he couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and secretly retracted his footsteps.

Willing to be without him, Zhou Qiang is too greedy!

At this time, Zhou Qiang, surrounded by a dark red flame, looked like a sun arrow, and the speed was as fast as lightning, so that many people could not see his specific location.

Faced with his speed exceeding the speed of sound, even Bai Gu Lao Mo and Mrs. Hu were not able to catch up, and soon Zhou Qiang came to the cloud bed, and Sanyo Treasure was placed in front of Zhou Qiang in this way.

At this time, as long as Zhou Qiang took the treasure closest to him, and then left directly, I believe that Bai Gu Lao Mo and Mrs. Hu wouldn't matter to One is that Zhou Qiang's speed is really too great Soon, they can't catch up. In addition, there are still two treasures left here. If they just chase them out, when they come back, they believe that there is nothing there.

However, what made Lin Ze dumbfounded was that Zhou Qiang was too greedy. He rolled directly to the three treasures. Looking at him, he seemed to want to wipe them out, leaving none of them.

Seeing this, Lin Ze knew that he was dead, and his heart was completely extinguished.

Sure enough, there was a happy look on Zhou Qiang's face, and the qi of his hands had just touched the three treasures, which swept abruptly when they swept a little and seemed to flutter.

"You are looking for death!"

Two violent voices rang in Zhou Qiang's ears at the same time, one of them was the Bai Gu old demon who was annoyed because of Zhou Qiang's teasing, and the other was Madam Hu Lao's old, sharp voice. Obviously, she also because of Was beaten by Zhou Qiang, and angered.

Like the waves, the two sounds rushed into the hall instantly, echoing continuously.

The sound had just entered the ear, and I hadn't waited for Zhou Qiangxin to regret it. An ankle like jade white bone showed up from the dark magic, and then stepped heavily on Zhou Qiang.

"Boom!!" Suddenly, there was a wave of shaking in the hall.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of "Ka Ka Ka..." bone vibration and friction, and then, from the dark magic air condensed into the cloud, it penetrated directly under the surface, and immediately spread towards Zhou Qiang. Out.

In an instant, the densely packed bone-guts directly broke the solid stone tiles in the hall, and then locked Zhou Qiang like a cage.

"No!!" Zhou Qiang screamed in his mouth.

As if it had fallen from Jiu Xiaoyun to the depths of hell, the joy on Zhou Qiang's face also suddenly turned into horror and endless regret.

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