Alien Lord

Chapter 1504: guess

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"It's just, why can this old lady Hu continue to stay in Xuanyin's tomb? With her strength. It has been rejected by Xuanyin's tomb. It really doesn't make sense." Lin Ze thought. Full of question marks, he really couldn't figure out why Mrs. Hu could maintain his full strength here.

"Could it be that the prohibition of Xuanyin's tomb went into effect for 500 years and gradually lost its effectiveness?" Lin Ze speculated in his heart.

"No, no, it shouldn't be like this. The prohibition of Xuanyin's Tomb should still exist. Otherwise, when the prohibition was just opened, supreme grandmasters like Mrs. Hu, who had already gathered at the gate of the cave, Where will there be Lin Ze and their warriors at the prefecture level?" Lin Ze quickly denied the previous guess.

Indeed, if the prohibition of Xuanyin's tomb is really disappearing, then those who were near the entrance of the prohibition would not be Lin Ze, but the top strongmen of the Zongmen.

After all, Master Xuanyin is a top power in the Jindan period. Anything he left behind is extremely precious. For any sect, it has great temptation.

Therefore, at that time, these sects will definitely send the most powerful forces to enter here, in order to be able to obtain more treasures.

Perhaps at that time, the least that enters the tomb of Xuanyin is the strength of the Grand Master, like the Grand Master, or the following martial artists, they will not be allowed to enter at all.

One is that these people are the future of Zongmen. If they are now lined up in the tomb of Xuanyin, they are wasting talents and destroying Zongmen's future.

The other is that the strength of these people is really too bad. They go inside and they are just dying, they have no effect at all.

In addition, after Lin Ze came in the Xuanyin tomb, there was no trace of the prohibition and destruction, or signs.

Once the prohibition of Xuanyin's tomb gradually disappeared, the inside of Xuanyin's tomb would not be as quiet as that, or it would remain the same.

Just like a piece of fatigued metal, the surface looks no different from the same type of metal, but as long as you check it through the instrument, you will find that it is already full of cracks.

Although these cracks are difficult to see with our naked eyes, they do exist. Once the metal continues to be used, an accident will soon occur.

The same is true of Xuanyin tomb. If its prohibition changes, or gradually disappears, some changes will inevitably occur in Xuanyin tomb.

For example, the division of Reiki is not so uniform, but it is very rich on this side, and the other side can even be said to be zero;

In addition, the scope of each dangerous place will also change, they are no longer fixed in a certain range, but there are cases of random divisions;

In addition, the wild beasts are most sensitive to the sense of danger, or the changes in the surrounding environment, just like in the early days of the earthquake. Many animals seem to have a hunch in advance, and then start to flee.

The ban on Xuanyin's Tomb really has a problem. The quickest response is definitely those wild beasts inside. These wild beasts will definitely flee in turmoil instead of staying in place as they are now.

Therefore, from these things, Lin Ze can be sure that there is no problem with the prohibition of Xuanyin's tomb.

Since there was no problem with the prohibition of Xuanyin's tomb, the previous question came again, how did Mrs. Hu enter here with the strength of Supreme Master, without being rejected or attacked by the prohibition of Xuanyin's tomb .

Lin Ze couldn’t think of the reasons for breaking his head, and now it’s not when he thinks about things. The most important thing now is to protect himself.

The only good news now is that Mrs. Hu’s strength does not seem to be what the outside world said of the Supreme Master in the later period. In Lin Ze’s sensitivity, Mrs. Hu’s strength is only the strength of the Supreme Master .

This made Lin Ze relieved invisibly.

It is just the strength of the Supreme Master in the early days, which means that maybe you can still spell it out. By the way, plus the Baihua fairy Li Xueni on the side, and other people, Lin Ze is not without their chances to set themselves up.

Of course, this requires Lin Ze as the lead, and also needs the flower fairy Li Xueni. They all obey Lin Ze's words.

However, looking at the previous things, Lin Ze wants to do this, it is completely impossible.

Maybe Li Xueni, the fairy of Baihua, would look on Han Dong's face and listen to Lin Ze's orders, but, like Zhou Qiang and grandma, these people had no way at all.

Especially Zhou Qiang, don’t look at him as if speaking loudly. In fact, Lin Ze has long seen that Zhou Qiang is a timid guy. He speaks loudly, he wants to intimidate others, but as long as others show strength He is the first to retreat his strength.

This can be seen from the previous confrontations between Lin Ze and Zhou Qiang.

Some people may say here, is there not a lot of innate masters in Lin Ze's plane seed world? When the time comes, let them all come out. Isn't it Zhou Qiang? Isn't it okay?

The answer is impossible.

To be honest, Lin Ze also wants to do this, but if he really wants to do this, it will inevitably expose some of the secrets of the plane seed world.

People like Mrs. Hu are absolute talents. As soon as Lin Ze makes a move, others will see through. At that time, Lin Ze will be in greater trouble.

Because, in order to obtain the treasures on Lin Ze, Mrs. Hu will definitely stare at Lin Ze. What will Lin Ze do? !

In addition, some people will say, don’t Lin Ze have a large number of improved modern vitality weapons in his hand? Take it out at this time. I believe it can also make Mrs. Hu look good.

Indeed, Lin Ze had a batch of modernized vitality weapons in his hand, including even a dozen powerful Yuanshi Vulcan cannons, and the general master was not an opponent in front of it.

However, this is also limited.

At the stage of Grand Master, Supreme Grand Master, the battle at this time is completely different from the previous one. It is no longer the previous one who can fight the world with a top-level black soldier or some other powerful barbarian. By this time, Cultivation as a hierarchy has a huge impact on combat power.

On the contrary, some Xuanbing or other powers like Fu Zhuan are not enough to watch here.

For example, a master-level innate warrior, um, he also has a psychic genius like Lin Ze’s Yanlong Fen Tianpei, etc., facing such a master strong, generally The guru is not his opponent, let alone those like Zhou Qiang and grandma.

However, if his opponent is replaced by a grandmaster, supreme grandmaster, or even a stronger pseudo-base strong, it will be very different.

In particular, the strong at the base level of the pseudo-building period has an overwhelming advantage for a small guru. Even the weakest one is not at all a congenital warrior at the guru level.

The so-called pseudo-foundation period refers to the failure of Supreme Master Grandmaster's successful attempt to advance the foundation period, and the formation of an intermediate state between the foundation period and Supreme Grand Master.

The strong man in the fake base period is extremely close to the infinite, and has its own uniqueness.

During the advanced process, his whole body's physical and spiritual powers have undergone earth-shaking changes. Although the advanced level was ultimately unsuccessful, some changes will not go backwards, so there are some strong people in the foundation period. Some characteristics.

For example, it can directly mobilize the heaven and earth aura to attack and suppress, so that your strength cannot be fully exerted, and even powerful can eliminate more than half of your strength.

Faced with such a method, you said that the black soldiers in Lin Ze's hands, or those modernized Yuanshi weapons that have been modified, will work? !

You just took it out, and a small ban on others can directly eliminate the power of the weapon in your hand. In this case, what use is it for you to take it out? !

Of course, Mrs. Hu’s current strength has not reached this level, but with the strength of her current Supreme Grandmaster, Lin Ze’s attack on the modern Yuanshi weapon can still be ignored.

The power of modern Yuanshi weapons is strong, but there is also a limitation.

Like a firearm, it can penetrate the human body and penetrate wooden boards, but in front of steel, it is powerless, or has little effect.

The power of Lin Ze’s modernized modern Yuanshi weapon is also limited. As for why there are restrictions, there are various reasons.

One is that these modern weapons are made of modern steel. Perhaps the steel quality of powerful weapons like the Vulcan cannon is very good. .

The low-level materials have caused these modern weapons to be transformed into Yuanshi weapons, but it has limited power. Once this power is exceeded, these barrels will directly burst, This Yuanshi weapon was also abandoned.

The other is that the formation power engraved on the Yuanshi weapon is not that powerful.

Don’t forget that Lin Ze came to the mainland of Shenzhou only for a few years. At such a time, where he can collect advanced formations, and can have the current formations, it is already his hard work.

Low-level formations, even if you engrave and then perfect, the power that it can finally exert is still limited.

In addition, the energy source of Yuanshi weapons, namely Yuanshi, is of poor quality.

The meta-stones used on these meta-stone weapons are all low-level meta-stones, which causes the power of the meta-stone weapons to be weakened again.

It's not that Lin Ze doesn't want to install more powerful meta stones on it, but the ground-level materials of these meta stone weapons, which caused Lin Ze to install low-level meta stones on it, otherwise, the powerful energy will directly destroy This Yuanshi weapon.

(=one second to remember)

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