Alien Lord

Chapter 1500: Enter the main hall

To be honest, Lin Ze didn't think that the toiletries he took out would be so welcome. When he first took them out, he did so easily.

Li Xueni, the fairy of Baihua, does not lack resources for cultivation, so Lin Ze thought of these modern bath products.

After coming to mainland China for so many years, Lin Ze is very clear about the gap between this place and modern times, especially in life. Compared with modern times, it is really a bit worse than modern times.

Not to mention the other, just in terms of going to the toilet, the ancient society is really too far away from the modern society, too far.

On the mainland of China, except for those who are extremely wealthy, they use water to clean their buttocks when they go to the toilet. Others, even landlords, use toilet chips to wipe their buttocks when they go to the toilet. .

As for the toilet chip?

It's actually a piece of wood, or a piece of bamboo.

Such things come to wipe the ass, I believe it will definitely not be good.

Maybe these people are used to it, so it feels nothing, but I believe that any modern person will never get used to this kind of buttocks when they come to the ancient times.

Hundreds of people will be sickened to death.

Here, the pedestrian has to admire those who have returned to ancient times. I really don’t know how they got used to ancient toilets so quickly. After all, if you want to use that thing to wipe the buttocks, the one with the first hand Something, that's a 100% thing.

And, a bad one will also scratch your little ass. Hey, I believe that feeling at that time will definitely be'very cool'!

Fortunately, Lin Ze had been putting supplies in the Plane Seed World. Among them, there were a lot of daily necessities, which was as large as a dozen storage warehouses. (The time in the storage warehouse is static, so there is no need to worry about whether the shelf life of these things will expire.)

If Lin Ze used it alone, it might not last for thousands of years.

In the past, in order to develop the economy of Huangsha Town, Lin Ze directly took out toilet paper, as well as manufacturing technologies for daily necessities such as toothpaste. Now, he has begun to produce a large number of daily necessities such as toilet paper, toothpaste, and toothbrush.

As soon as they were listed, these things were polished.

In particular, the convenient and cheap toilet paper is the first to be robbed.

For things like toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc., every rich person has some alternatives, which is not necessary, but everyone like toilet paper is indispensable.

Whether you are a farmer or an emperor, you can't live without this toilet paper when you use the toilet.

Relying on daily necessities such as toilet paper and toothpaste, toothbrushes, the economy of Huangsha Town has been completely opened, and it has gradually become another economic center in Shazhou.

Lin Ze's things like toilet paper are a bit like that. Li Xueni, a fairy of flowers, is also a woman, so she took it out in a large audience. Others thought Lin Ze was going to do something to her.

Therefore, Lin Ze took out the modern bath products.

He believes that the attraction of these things to Li Xueni, a fairy of hundred flowers, absolutely does not need to be as small as toilet paper.

The later development, as Lin Ze predicted, Li Xueni, the fairy of Baihua, just used a soap, and immediately fell in love with these modern bath products.

Even Lin Ze directly opened a sky-high price for a bottle of shower gel with a thousand amethyst coins, and the flower fairy Li Xueni didn't think much and immediately agreed.

A thousand amethyst coins, the price is on the market, you can already buy a congenital broken obstacle, but now it is only the price of a bottle of shower gel. I believe that every modern person will see a profiteer when he sees this.

To be honest, the price offered by Lin Ze is indeed very crazy, but if Lin Ze is very black, then Lin Ze will not agree.

Lin Ze’s modern toiletries are limited, and he can’t go back to the earth at all. In this way, these toiletries can be said to be peerless. They are used a little less. If they are used up, Lin Ze himself has no use. .

Just like food, in peacetime, food is nothing, but, together with the war years, or the doomsday era, the price of each grain of food will definitely exceed your imagination.

Not to mention the other, during the modern war, similar to those who sold children and women, they only exchanged dozens of pounds of food in the end. That's not much.

However, at present, I believe that no one thought such a thing would happen before.

It's just a few tens of kilograms of food, and the matter of more than a hundred dollars, I believe that people who are now in nine layers will not care.

However, in the period of war and in the era of doomsday, food is the most precious thing, and its value will rise in a straight line, and even gold will be far worse.

This is the different treatment of food in different times.

Now the modern bath products on Lin Ze are the same. In modern society, these things are really worthless. However, in ancient times, the value of these things was more expensive than gold, no, more expensive than gold. !

In the end, not only Li Xueni, the fairy of a hundred flowers, but even Hu Li, who had been cold before, only looked at these modern bath products with a happy face, and also won a lot of bath products without hesitation.

This made Lin Ze smiled secretly, and became more curious about Hu Li's identity.

Because the modern toiletries that Hu Li bought are exclusively for ladies, and he is now a man, so...

Lin Ze, thinking of some pictures, shivered all over his body, and then subconsciously moved away from Hu Li.......

Everyone got what they wanted, and the materials such as Elixir and Lingcai on Lin Ze's body were suddenly released by nearly half.

The Dan room that was full before was now empty.

The alchemy masters under Lin Ze have the best alchemy environment and the ground fire for alchemy. Under Lin Ze’s world will, they are extremely stable. In addition, there are other master-level alchemists who personally teach, so they produce The quality of the Chinese medicine is extremely high.

And for the casual repairs like Zhou Qiang, the vision is extremely strong, and immediately see that the quality of the Elixir taken by Lin Ze is very good. Therefore, most of the people directly chose these Elixir.

Based on the quality of these elixirs, even if they are not used by themselves, they can be sold for two or three layers higher than the same elixirs.

In other words, these five million amethyst coins can be directly converted into six or seven million amethyst coins.

Everyone will count this arithmetic, so out of the remaining twelve people, all choose immortality.

The people here have chosen what they want, and Han Dong on the other side has already set up a warning array.

At this time, Han Dong also returned to Lin Ze and began to choose what he needed. (Just pretending to hide the relationship between master and servant with Lin Ze.)

Soon, Han Dong chose it. After a slight smile at Lin Ze, he got up and walked to the side of Li Xueni, the fairy of Baihua. If he didn't pay attention, he might have thought that he had never moved.

The huge harvest made everyone's nature very high. After saying a few words to each other, everyone's attention returned to the palace in front of them again.

Looking at the magnificent palace in front of them, everyone was speechless for a while, their respective eyes began to glance around the hall in front of them.

The door of the whole hall is magnificent and covered with purple-gold paint, even after more than 500 years, these paints have not fallen, and the reliefs on it are very clear, as if the glory on it is not Dilute as time goes by.

The whole gate is 15-16 meters high and 7-8 meters wide. You standing in front of the gate need to look up to see the top of the gate.

I saw it on the top, full of exquisite and charming reliefs. In the middle of the reliefs, a silvery white moon hangs high. The silver moonlight is scattered everywhere. You don’t have to deliberately go to the idea, just look With this full moon, a pure spirit flowed into my heart, and then, a mood of yin and yang, UU reading www.www. uukanshu. com is deeply engraved in everyone's heart.

"This is Xuanyin Qi!" Lin Ze immediately recognized the specific source of these Yin and Yang qi.

At the next moment, he closed his eyes and carefully realized the yin and yang mood above.

After a few days, the fruitful Lin Ze opened his eyes, while Zhou Qiang and others had already opened their eyes.

I just saw that Lin Ze kept his eyes closed, as if he felt something, so no one disturbed him.

After seeing Lin Ze awake, everyone looked at Lin Ze with very complicated eyes, because, obviously, Lin Ze now got much stronger than everyone added up.

Lin Ze's wealth and status were many times stronger than everyone's before. Now, even his comprehension is far away from everyone. This makes Zhou Qiang and his team very complicated.

Everyone has a feeling of not wanting to face Lin Ze.

Seeing everyone's current expression, Lin Ze smiled a little, and he understood how these people felt, but he couldn't explain the matter.

Does Lin Ze explain to these people that he will have more comprehension than them, not because his training qualifications are much stronger than them, but because he has Xuanyin true energy.

I believe that if Lin Ze explained this way, these people would not believe it.

Because, just looking at Lin Ze’s current age and the powerful fighting ability before, fools will not believe that Lin Ze’s practice qualifications are extremely poor, although this is actually the case.

Besides, even if Zhou Qiang finally believed them, then they also knew some of Lin Ze’s secrets, as if he was practicing like Xuanyin.

In addition, here is the tomb of Xuanyin, as everyone will immediately think, Lin Ze is actually the N generation descendant of Xuanyin's lord.

At that time, what will be discovered, it is imaginable.

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