Alien Lord

Chapter 1385: Only you are left! !

You will use the Butterfly of Death, there is only one situation, that is, you are already in danger, and one of your two feet has already entered the gate of the mansion.

Under such circumstances, you finally use the Death Butterfly.

So, even if you killed those enemies in the end, you definitely don’t have much combat power, and the most terrible thing is that there is absolutely no reinforcements where you are.

Under such circumstances, how do you get those precious precious fruit that can supplement the soul energy? !

Therefore, the nine-tier nine warriors will still die due to the loss of a large amount of soul energy.

As for the few examples that survived, it was only because their background was not simple. When they were attacked, they were known by the powerful background behind them, and then they sent reinforcements to rescue him as quickly as possible.

Of course, when sending reinforcements, you will definitely bring cherished spiritual fruits that can supplement the energy of the soul, and precious treasures such as the death butterfly must be given by this background.

Even if this is the case, one of the ten warriors with such a background can finally survive, which is already considered good.

After all, not all the support is just so good luck just arrived, and not all warriors have the ability or insight to stop the fusion of the death butterfly in the sea of ​​knowledge.

According to the records known to Lin Ze, the number of warriors who merged the Death Butterfly and did not die in the end did not exceed the number of double ten.

You know, this is a record of tens of thousands of years, which shows how difficult it is to eliminate the aftermath of the Butterfly of Death.

As for why Lin Ze spent so much effort to treat this middle-aged woman who can be said to have died nine layers, the reason is also very simple, that is, he also wants to get a cherished beast like the Butterfly of Death.

One is that Death Butterfly can greatly enrich Lin Ze's treasure trove.

Some are very collectible, and it is difficult to resist the temptation of treasures. Once they know where there are treasures outside, they will always find a way to get him. Now Lin Ze is such a mentality.

The second is that the value of the Butterfly of Death is not low, but the price on the market has reached the sky-high price of 50,000 amethyst coins.

The most important thing is that Lin Ze wants not only a butterfly of death, but also to train the butterfly of death in batches, and then release a few of them every year to earn a large amount of astronomical figures .

Just like the son-mother gu that Lin Ze got before, now Lin Ze has trained no fewer than ten pairs, and has reached the point where he can shoot.

In the end, Lin Ze, the Butterfly of Death, was not used, but it was a weapon for his men, especially those in charge/report/respect like the Hand of Shadow.

Once they are discovered, Death Butterfly can instantly enhance their strength, so that they can kill a way of life.

As long as they can escape, they will never be in danger.

Don't forget, Lin Ze had gathered a lot of devil vines before, and at the same time had lost no less than 500 ghost-faced fruits.

Moreover, in the future, Lin Ze will not be short of ghost fruit, so as long as those love//report// personnel can escape, Lin Ze will not be stingy about a ghost fruit.

In addition, once they can't escape, they won't be captured, and without ghost faces, these people will die 100% because of the exhaustion of their soul energy.

In this way, confidentiality is maximized.

Therefore, Lin Ze will not miss the Butterfly of Death.

The only question now is where is the Butterfly of Death? Or where can I find it?

The answer to these two questions lies in this middle-aged woman.

At first glance, this middle-aged woman was not a big sect or family. The eighth and nineth floors were a loose repair.

A casual repair has a death butterfly that is not even the core child of Tai Yizong. It is opened in Linze. There is a great possibility that this butterfly of death was captured by herself.

Otherwise, where is the money for a loose repair to buy the butterfly of death, and where is the strength to keep this butterfly of death.

A middle-aged woman can have a butterfly of death that no one else knows about. The only possibility is that she has captured it herself. Only in this way can she be kept to the greatest degree of secrecy, because from the beginning to the end, only she is the one People know that as long as she disdains herself, no one else will know.

Since middle-aged women may know such a big secret, Lin Ze will not let go, he will treat middle-aged women, it is not surprising.

"Sister Gao!!"

"Gao Hong!!! (Woo, woo, I actually have a name, the middle-aged woman cried....)"

The remaining three warriors saw Gao Hong also'lost' and exclaimed in his mouth.

"What should we do?" This is the common thought in the hearts of the three remaining warriors.

In just less than ten minutes, four people were directly destroyed by Lin Ze, and now there are three of them. Could it be Lin Ze's opponent.

Especially the spirit beasts of this opponent seem to be countless. There were no spirit beasts before. Now there are so many spirit beasts, and the strength of these spirit beasts is so powerful.

Although these spirit beasts also seem to have lost their fighting power now, God knows if the guy on the opposite side still hides other spirit beasts, if he still has...

Thinking of this, the three looked at each other, and then everyone nodded at the same time.

"Run separately!" The middle-aged 30-year-old of the three yelled and ran directly in the direction of his right hand.

Where the direction is a forest, once he escaped there, there is a great possibility of escape.

The remaining two warriors did not fall behind, and fled directly to the west and south.

The three men escaped in three directions.

"Now I want to run away, it's too late!!" Lin Ze said disdainfully.

"Spiritual acupuncture!!" Lin Ze used his mental power to attack without hesitation.

"Ahhhhh!!" After three screams, the three warriors directly fell to the ground, screaming loudly on the ground with their heads, tumbling...

"Poof poo poo!!" Lin Ze's right hand was a little bit, and immediately, the three martial artists who were still screaming on the ground were quieted down, and they were acupunctured by Lin Ze.

"Okay, now you are the only one left!" Lin Ze turned around and walked easily to the old man named Huang.

"Your companions have been cleaned up by me, but you haven't changed at all. Are you already appointed? Or do you have any other ideas?" Lin Ze looked at this with a calm, restorative yellow The old man surnamed asked, but his heart began to be vigilant.

The warrior with the surname of Huang in front of him is not a fool in any way, but he ignores the actions of the other six warriors he just packed up. It can be seen that there are actually some cards in his heart, otherwise, it will not look like Now this calm.

It's like you are already a billionaire, but few people know.

When you go to the class meeting, because you don't want to affect the atmosphere of the class meeting, so act very low-key.

At this time, some classmates constantly boasted about themselves and said how they are and how they are.

Faced with such a situation, those ordinary students who live in life must be envious in their hearts, but you will definitely listen to them bragging calmly, and there is no envy in your heart.

Because, in your heart, you already have these things, and still far beyond.

In the words of the landlord, that is, you have already had a king blown up.

Lin Ze didn't know if there was any king bombing on the old Huang surname, but even if he had a king bombing, Lin Ze would not care, let alone let him go.

Who let him see the picture of Lin Ze collecting Qianji Chan into the world of plane seeds, so no matter what killer's hand this old man named Huang has, Lin Ze will not be vague.

Lin Ze didn't know if there was any king bombing on the old Huang surname, but even if he had a king bombing, Lin Ze would not care, let alone let him go.

Who let him see the picture of Lin Ze collecting Qianji Cicada into the world of plane So, no matter what killer's hand this old man named Huang has, Lin Ze will not be vague.

However, for the question that Lin Ze just asked, the old man with the surname Huang still didn't answer, and continued to adjust the interest rate there to restore his true energy.

Lin Ze frowned...

"Ignore me?! If this is the case, then you take the trick!" Lin Zeke did not have the patience to wait, and immediately transported Yan Long Fen Tian Pei to attack the old man named Huang.

"Furfurfur!!" The flame dragon-sized fists continuously flew out of Lin Ze's hands, and then directly hit the old man named Huang on the ground.

"Boom!" A violent explosion continued to sound. The stones on the ground and the surrounding trees were crushed by the aftermath of the explosion. The place where the old man Huang was located was shrouded in yellow dust.

"Click", a sound like cracking porcelain came, and Lin Ze's mouth suddenly showed a smile.

With the crisp sound of this life, the turtle shell shield, which was still very strong before, swayed. Then, after a while, the light above was instantly dimmed by half, but it did not collapse. It still guarded the yellow inside. The old name.

"Huh?" Lin Ze also looked at this turtle shell shield in front of him quite surprisedly at this time.

"This thing can actually stop Yan Long Fen Tian Pei's full blow without breaking, and the person who refines it can be considered good." Lin Ze nodded.

But that's all, because Lin Ze has long seen that under the full blow of Yan Long Fen Tian Pei, the color of the turtle shell shield began to fade, and the body of this turtle shell also appeared There was a crack, and it kept spreading and expanding.

In this case, if you come back again, this turtle shell shield will break.

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