Alien Lord

Chapter 1380: The big escaped man

Qianji Cicada is actually not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Lin Ze has displayed the ability to put things into the world of plane seeds in front of these people.

Although these people may not know that Lin Ze is putting things into the world of Plane Seeds, but if he is not afraid of 10,000, he will be afraid of it. Lin Ze will not let such things happen. That row is a trace of possibility. Sex will not work.

This is the biggest secret of the plane seed world. It is a secret that can never be revealed. Although I don’t know whether they actually saw it or guessed it, but anyway, as long as there is a little leak Possibility, even if they don't understand the meaning, Lin Ze is not going to let them go.

What's more, Qianji Cicada is also a treasure that cannot be revealed.

You know, this kind of treasure is in the hands of Lin Ze, a person who already has a puppet mark. To a certain extent, it is a pearl. If it falls into the hands of other beast masters, such as Feng Yan, , Qianji Cicada can really play its role.

So, as long as someone knows that Lin Ze has Qianji Cicada in his hand, no one can be indifferent.

Moreover, such treasures must be as few people know as possible. Even if these people are willing to give them all out, they will certainly not be able to escape the fate of being destroyed.

In this case, don't waste these people, Lin Ze directly accepted it.

After all, my heart is still not hard enough!

Lin Ze thought very shamelessly.

However, Lin Ze is actually right, because such things, if those old monsters who have stood for decades, will encounter such a thing, they will certainly not even give them the opportunity to speak, and they will directly go out of their mouths. .

Thinking of this, Lin Ze's eyes flashed coldly, and his heart was murderous.

At this time, the old man named Huang Lao finally appeased the first man who spoke first, and then a smiling tiger looked at Lin Ze as a salute, saying: "Little brother, don't mind, this friend of the little old man gave birth The surname is so, in fact, he is not malicious in nature, you should not know him in general."

"Oh?" There was a sneer on Lin Ze's face. Whether the fellow on the other side had a killing intention was clear to him.

The appearance of this big man just now is not something like this, but it is really trying to kill himself, so the old guy in front of me is just fooling people.

Of course, Lin Ze knew that Gui knew that he did not take them apart, but swept the spirit beast bags on the two women who directly looked at one side, and other people’s clothing, secretly judged their family strength, and did Have a bottom in my heart.

"Actually, we didn't see anything before. This little brother is at ease." Huang Lao continued to say kindly: "As the saying goes, it's good to go out and rely on friends. Is it so dangerous inside Xuanyin's tomb?" , More unnecessary fights should be avoided, little brother, do you say yes?"

Looking at the irresponsible look on Lin Ze's face, the young warrior dressed up by the scholar beside Huang Lao also interjected: "This friend, we don't want any unexpected competition with you, so you don't want It’s too aggressive, so I just shouted and killed. Besides, let’s not say we didn’t see anything before, even if we just saw something, don’t you just kill and kill?”

He said that his eyes were still on the six companions around him, and finally fell on Lin Ze, and then said without hesitation: "Friend, don't forget, you only have one person, and we have enough here Seven, and it seems that you are just quasi-innate strength, and here, the weakest one is quasi-innate strength, huh..."

The young scholar chuckled a few times. His meaning was obvious. The strength of the two was very different. You should stop pretending to be Lin Ze, otherwise, you wouldn’t know how to die.

Lin Ze didn't look down on the contempt of this young scholar. He was no longer interested in listening to it, because Lin Ze had already roughly estimated the strength of these people.

Therefore, at the next moment, I saw Lin Ze directly open his mouth and said: "Since that is the case, then we will see the real chapter under our hands, kill..."

As soon as the words fell, I saw Lin Ze's right hand turned, and a blue sword appeared in his palm. This is Lin Ze's Qingming sword.

Then the light flashed over the Qingming Sword, tangible and shadowless, and disappeared instantly.

"Be careful!" Huang Lao's battle experience is very rich. After seeing this, he quickly reminded the people around him, and at the same time, he dived his hand into the waist Xuanbing's position, ready to face the battle.

The seven of them, except for the oldest Huang Laosheng who is cautious, the others at this time have a little careless meaning.

In fact, think about it too. The lowest difference among the seven of them is the quasi-innate strength, and the other four are directly congenital strength. Lin Ze in front is only one person, and the strength is only quasi-innate. Such strength, Such opponents, how can they care about.

However, this time they were wrong, because the strength of Lin Ze in front of him was not calculated by common sense.

With a cry, when Qingming Sword appeared again, it had turned into a shadow of illusory blue and directly inserted into the chest of the first man to speak.

After all, these people of the Hans were born in casual training, and their combat experience was extremely rich. After the old Huang Huang shouted, the Hans were actually immediately shocked and prepared.

Therefore, Lin Ze's Qingming Sword had just appeared. Before he was there, a half-height gang gas shield was already in front of this big man.

This is not over yet, and then a bright light mask rose up to cover him. Lin Ze estimated that it should be a shield made of martial arts such as a golden bell cover.

After doing all this, he felt that he was directly provoked. He immediately reached out to his waist and pulled out the purple-golden sword directly around his waist. Lin Ze, the guy who dared to attack him, hacked to death.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his purple-and-golden sword started, Dahan was stunned by the situation in front of him.

"咻咻咻咻咻!!" Qingming Sword just appeared in front of him, the Qingming Sword that originally had only one sword shadow seemed to be copied, there were hundreds of blue sword qi instantly, and then these sword qi directly attacked him. .

"Bang bang bang bang bang!!" A blue sword qi continuously shot on his body gang qi, and the shooting position has not changed, all in the same position.

In the face of such a powerful sword gas attack, the protective body gang gas in front of the big man was only lightly touched, and instantly shattered like glass.

Then, the remaining fifty or sixty blue sword qi deepened again, and quickly attacked the last layer of his shield, and the light mask collapsed with a touch.

Seeing this, Dahan's face was pale, and he was so panicked that he had no time to block the purple-golden sword in front of him. The remaining blue sword spirit and Qingming sword body had already appeared.

"Dang Dang Dang!!!" First, there was a burst of Mars splashing, followed by bursts of gold and iron clashes, and then a "click" sound, the sound of something cracking sounded, and finally the big man only felt his own There was a pain in his chest, as if there were countless sharp blades inserted, and he was suddenly scared away.

"Hurry up! You are not dead!" Just when Dahan thought he was dead, and was closing his eyes to die, he heard Huang Lao's anxious voice in his ear.

After hearing Huang Lao's words, Dahan quickly opened his eyes and looked down, only to find that it was not that he was killed by countless sword qi into his chest under the blow just now, but his purple-golden sword blocked the last Those sword qi and Qingming sword's attack, his purple-gold sword was broken into countless pieces, and only a small half remained in his hand.

The pain on his chest that he had felt before was caused by the fragments of his purple-golden sword being reversed by giant force and inserted backwards.

"I'm not dead? I'm not dead! Hahaha..." Dahan froze for a Then he laughed.

The result of escaping from death made the big man's heart very happy.

"Don't smirk any more, come and help!" At this moment, Huang Han's anger was heard from the ear of the big man.

The big man looked up and realized what was going on.

Huang Lao's sword, the whip of the other two women, the sword-shaped black soldier of the lady, and the pen-shaped black soldier of the young scholar, and finally the black soldier of several other people. Ze's Qingming swords are fighting together.

The power of Lin Ze’s Qingming Sword is beyond their imagination. In the eyes of the great man, how can this Qingming Sword be a ground-level soldier?

The Xuanbing in Huang Lao's hands is at most the level of Xuan Grade 5th or 6th Grade. Therefore, although Huang Lao's strength on this side seems to be much stronger, but it is only a tie with Lin Ze's Qingming Sword.

It even said that if Huang Lao and theirs had not cooperated with each other to understand each other, maybe they would have fallen down long ago, where could they hold on like they are now.

This is also Lin Ze’s failure to exert real power. Like the Yanlong Burning Tianpei he just got, if Lin Zhen wants to use it, the previous Dahan was definitely the first one to win. However, Lin Ze Worrying that the people in front of them saw their strength and ran away, then Lin Ze was dumbfounded.

For loose repairs like Huang Lao, their honor to the warrior is anything lighter than feathers. Once they feel that they are in danger of life and are not Lin Ze's opponents at all, they will run away.

When the time comes, how does Lin Ze split up and chase alone.

Lin Ze wants to get them all out of the net, then it's impossible.

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