Alien Lord

Chapter 1377: 0 machine cicada

Just like the little bug that is about to swallow, others will never see it in their eyes, but after seeing it, Qu Jingwen in the world of Plane Seeds suddenly ecstatic.

For a moment, I even forgot to move, just stared blankly at the little bug in front of him, his face full of unbelievable looks.

If you listen carefully, you will find that he keeps muttering in his mouth: "Puppet silk, Qianji cicada!!!"

"Unexpectedly, it would be Qianji Cicada, but I really would be Qianji Cicada..."

The Qujing culture at this moment is an old lady, who repeats the same sentence in her mouth constantly, with a shocked look on her face.


Qianji Cicada, also known as the puppet manipulator, is a legendary spirit that has long been extinct in the cultivation world for thousands of years.

Unlike other well-known powerful beasts, Qianji Cicada does not have any power of its own. As far as its body strength is concerned, even a most ordinary bird is likely to peck it.

However, this is not its true strength. When its natural talent is at its extreme, even the base beast generation, even after seeing it, they should detour and dare not easily provoke it.

The silk spit out by Qianji Cicada is called puppet silk, which is golden, not invading by fire and water, hard to hurt with sword, excellent in elasticity, more sticky and sticky.

Whenever he becomes an adult, Qianji Cicada will use its inherent latent ability to hide directly in the dark, and then use its puppet silk to sneak attack all the wild beasts passing by.

Qianji Cicada first started with some low-level barbarians. After having some guarantees of their own safety, they then started with stronger barbarians.

In this way, the constant rise can eventually capture even the wild beasts who built the base period.

As for how it started?

Quite simply, once a barbarian enters its side, it will spit out puppet silk, stick it on the body of the barbarian, and then bind it with a cocoon, and then put a trace of natal puppet silk into its pit, sucking its essence and blood Soul, transform its muscles, leaving only the skin, fascia, and bones intact, and then use the puppet silk to pull it like a puppet, and defend the enemy from hunting.

According to common sense, the barbarian devoured by Qianji Cicada should have died directly, but, strangely enough, the puppet made by Qianji Cicada can still retain one's cultivation ability and be flexible in battle. Sex is exactly the same as its most prestigious event, and it has not increased since then. Until Qianji Cicada died, or the puppet's body was destroyed, or Qianji Cicada voluntarily gave up, this puppet beast was able to escape and return to nature.

When a Qianji cicada lives longer, the more body it controls, the more powerful it is.

If it were not for their control of the number of barbarian corpses, there was also a limit, and the real body was too weak, or this magical power alone would be enough to make them dominate the world.

It's not good to say that now the mainland of China is the main one.

It is also because of the characteristics of Qianji Cicada. The senior warriors also carefully studied these Qianji Cicadas.

When studying these Qianji cicadas and the puppets around them, these predecessor warriors once suspected that the souls of barbaric beasts and warriors who died in their silk cocoons could not be released, but were bound by their bodies, And then for its drive.

Unfortunately, these warriors can only speculate in this way. If they really want to understand what they really think, they can't do it yet.

If you want to study the soul, your strength must be at least the foundation period. At this time, you are busy working for the advanced Jindan period. Where is this rice country time to study these useless things.

So, until now, why Qianji Chan can manipulate so many puppets and still maintain their fighting power is still a mystery.

Ten thousand years ago, when Qianji Cicada just came out, it really caused a great disaster. Many warriors were afraid to die.

However, after the warrior discovered the fatal flaw of Qianji Chan's weakness, the warriors finally had confidence.

Aiming at this fatal weakness of Qianji Cicada, the warriors tried their best to encircle Qianji Cicada, and finally almost wiped it out.

Now, tens of thousands of years have passed, and the traces of Qianji Cicada are faintly visible in the warrior world. However, they are not as prosperous as the collapse of the entire warrior world almost 10,000 years ago.

For thousands of years, the traces of Qianji Cicada can be said to be silent, and Qu Jingwen thought that they would be extinct long ago.

I never thought that Lin Ze could find a living thousand machine cicada in such a small cave, no wonder that Qu Jingwen was stunned.

"Qu Jingwen, what is Qianji Chan?" At this time, Lin Ze also noticed the strangeness of Qu Jingwen, so he asked directly.

"Master, Qianji Cicada is..." In the next ten minutes, Qu Jingwen explained to Lin Ze what the Qianji Cicada was, and the event that threatened the entire Shenzhou continent 10,000 years ago Qianji cicada storm.

Only after listening to Qu Jingwen's introduction, Lin Ze knew that the little guy in front of him would be so big.

As for why it was sealed in that year, Lin Ze could also expect this time.

I want to come, this one, or some Qianji cicadas, was placed here by Master Xuanyin.

It used to be the place where it or their eggs spawned, but only some of them, there was a big change in the Xuanyin tomb.

From time to time, the strong men of the top sect, come back here to attack the defensive formation outside, and want to completely destroy the formation set by the Master Xuanyin, and then get all the treasures inside, but five hundred years have passed, here Still the same old way. Of course, these attacks will still cause some changes in the tomb of Xuanyin.

Compared to the small valley where Qianji Cicada was located at that time, it was because of these attacks that the terrain here had undergone some changes, and a natural formation ban was slowly formed, and Qianji Cicada was very unlucky. Sealed in this small cave by this natural formation ban.

As for whether there will be other Qianji cicadas out there, Lin Ze could not make a conclusion.

Xuanyin's tomb is so big, there may be some Qianji cicadas living in some places.

These, or this Qianji cicada was so unlucky that it was sealed in here, and could not go out again, which made these or this Qianji cicada dumbfounded.

Surrounded by solid walls, there is a natural formation prohibition outside to prevent it from going out. The most terrible thing is that the body of Qianji Cicada is extremely weak, and there is no one ant can control it, so it can only be this generation. , Or solitary in this cave, the size of a small room, settled down, or prospered.

Had it not been for this cave to have a small, poor spiritual spring for eating and drinking, and the Qianji cicada itself is hermaphrodite, I'm afraid this might be the last Qianji cicada on the entire mainland of China, and it can't reach the forest Ze's hands.

Now this Qianji cicada, there is no puppet to drive, only Lingquan can eat, which makes its body weak and even puppet silk can not spit out, for Lin Ze, it is simply a matter of grabbing.

While secretly lamenting his luck, Lin Ze was a mental attack on one side. After Qian Jichan lost his ability to move, he directly entered the world of plane seeds.

Lin Ze carefully placed it in the world of Plane Seeds, and he did not forget to put four or five Qi Qi Dan to his side, plus some meat, to restore some energy to Qianji Cicada.

As for worrying about whether Qianji Chan would be disobedient, Lin Ze said he didn't care.

Then there is the powerful Qianji cicada. When a puppet stamps down, it will become a very obedient pet around Lin Ze.

"My luck is really good. I was still worried about how to explain that I can command so many wild beasts. Now I will send Qianji Chan directly. In this way, others will not doubt why I can manipulate so many. It's a wild beast." Lin Ze looked at the world of Plane Seeds with a smile on his face, and Qianji Cicada, who had recovered some vitality.

With the increasing number of beasts around, the strength of the beasts is also getting stronger. Lin Zexin has long been worried about how to explain this Lin Ze is now strong, However, Zongmen is more powerful than his family.

Now they are not suspicious of Lin Ze because Lin Ze’s current strength can’t attract their attention. However, as Lin Ze’s strength continues to increase, he will soon enter these top worlds and Zongmen’s eyes inside.

By then, these top families and Zongmen will definitely investigate everything about Lin Ze, including how can he control so many wild beasts?

For the investigation of these top families and Zongmen, Lin Ze never dared to underestimate.

Just like there is now //Off//Department//Door/, many people don’t care about it in their minds, thinking that is the case, but this is just not showing their strength. It's a matter of minutes.

For example, ordinary people have lost something, maybe they won't find it for a lifetime, but as long as some big people have lost something, it can be recovered in a short time.

I believe such an example is happening around everyone.

These top families and Zongmen are the same. If they are serious, they will soon be able to find some flaws in Lin Ze.

If it can't be found, the consequences will be even more serious.

Because of the strength of this top family or Zongmen, it is impossible to investigate why Lin Ze can manipulate so many wild beasts, which shows that Lin Ze’s secret is earth-shattering.

At that time, what do you think the family and sect will do? !

I believe the answer is already in your heart!

Therefore, sometimes trying to hide your secrets is not the best solution. The best solution is to find some suitable explanations to explain these secrets in you.

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