Alien Lord

Chapter 1361: Stop your nose! (Happy 51!)

The next day, in a lush forest, Lin Ze followed behind the swarms of spirit-eating bees and hurriedly walked through the forest with an excited look on his face.

Yesterday, Lin Ze had found the location of the white jade wild elephant elephant group, but maybe because of Lin Ze's reasons, this group of white jade wild elephant elephant groups all gathered together, the one who chased Lin Ze before The culprit female elephant leader, honestly stayed in the middle of the elephant group.

Seeing that Bai Yuman was so tightly defended by the elephant herd, Lin Ze was not impulsive, but carefully hidden on one side, preparing to wait for the elephant herd to disperse before taking action.

Lin Ze's wait was indeed correct. In the early morning of the next day, the elephant herd broke up and went out in twos and threes to find food.

The leader of the elephant herd, the female elephant, started her nest building again.

Lin Ze didn't shoot this female elephant in the first time, because now the outlying white jade elephants haven't left too far. Therefore, Lin Ze didn't start his action until about noon.

At this time, it had been three or four hours before the elephants dispersed. Lin Ze believed that other white jade elephants were some distance away from here.

Therefore, even when the female elephants start to summon other white jade wild elephants, they will need a certain amount of time before they can rush back.

And this time, enough Lin Ze gave this female elephant some good-looking.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Lin Ze couldn't even take care of lunch, and quickly led to the nest where the female elephant leader was under the lead of the spirit swarm.

At the same time, the killer bees sent by Lin Ze are also around the branch, staying firmly on the grass or the big tree, closely monitoring the direction of the white jade wild elephants leaving, to prevent the white jade wild elephants from coming back and being hit by them Caught off guard.

With these biological monitors in place, Lin Ze can keep track of all the movements around him at any time.

The forest is densely covered with vegetation. Even though Lin Ze has already investigated the terrain here, Lin Ze is not moving very fast. The branches on the road are constantly blocking Lin Ze's progress.

This is because Lin Ze wanted to keep it hidden. The white jade barbarian's hearing was good. Once Lin Ze made a sound, it was easily heard by him. At that time, Lin Ze wanted to give this female elephant a 'Surprise', you can't do it.

Otherwise, if Lin Gang directly opened the way, Lin Ze had already arrived at his destination.

Lin Ze’s cautious efforts are not without reward. Lin Ze, who was originally not far from the nest of the giant thunder female elephant, took only half an hour to come to the place where he found the female elephant leader. At this time, this head The female elephant did not find Lin Ze and their arrival at all, and was still busy arranging its nest there.

At this time, Lin Ze did not continue to approach anymore, but looked at the old nest of the female elephant with inductive force.

Under Lin Ze's inductive force, Lin Ze's position and movements were clear.

The leader of this female elephant is still arranging things in the old nest. Compared with when Lin Ze came here for the first time, the amount of spiritual materials in the nest has increased a bit.

Perhaps it was because of yesterday that the range around the nest where the female elephant was located was much larger.

Some big trees and shrubs that had been in the way before have now been removed by the female elephant, and they have directly flowed out of a gap of about 50 meters wide.

Although this is not conducive to Lin Ze's sneak attack, Lin Ze's face did not have a frustrated look, but instead did not care.

Because, this time Lin Ze's attack was not direct, nor was it a magma snake or the like, but directly attacked with a swarm of biting bees.

After these days of rearing, the hundreds of spirit eaters that had been seriously injured have now recovered most of them, and now the spirit eater swarms have already had a certain combat effectiveness.

In addition, the white jade wild elephants will be so powerful, there is another reason is that they have a strong defense.

Don't look at the white jade barbarian's body has no scale armor defense, only a layer of leather, they think their defense is not strong, if you really think so, then you are wrong.

The white jade elephants are extremely defensive, their skins can easily block the full blow of the early congenital strongmen, and they are born with a natural spell like elephant armor.

Once the elephant armor technique is transported, a layer of white jade elephant armor will appear on the body of the white jade barbarian elephant, protecting them firmly in it.

The power of the elephant armor is definitely not lower than that of the guru-level body protection, and the defense power will continue to increase as the strength of the white jade wild elephant increases.

Therefore, the white jade wild elephants are quite famous in the wild beast group.

None of the beast masters wanted to have such a white jade barbarian.

Just like Feng Yan before, if she encounters this group of white jade wild elephants, she will definitely be jealous. She will try to catch a few white jade wild elephants.

Bai Yuman's defensive power is so amazing, even if Lin Ze personally shot it, it would not work very much.

The bite of the bite-eating bee has the ability to break the gang, so it is most appropriate to use the bite-eating swarm to deal with the white jade barbarian elephant.

At the same time, there is another idea in Lin Ze's heart, an idea that can make him severely relieve gas.

"Hey, Baiyumanxiang, Baiyumanxiang, I hope you like the "every meal" that I have prepared for you, hehe..." Lin Zeyin smiled, and then commanded the Swarming Bee Swarm to attack.

Moo Moo!

At this moment, the female elephant leader in front suddenly made a roar of roar, which surprised Lin Ze and thought that his whereabouts had been discovered by the female elephant leader.

However, soon, Lin Ze was relieved, because the roar of the female elephant's roar was full of joy, not violent anger.

Looking at Lin Ze’s sense of induction again, he felt more at ease in his heart, because, in the sense of induction, the nest of the female leader was already built.

The female leader is just because her nest is built, so she cries out in excitement.

"Fuck, this is the reason, I almost scared my soul!" Lin Ze's eyes turned white for a while, and when he looked at the female, it was even more vicious.

"Well, I haven't given you a'surprise' yet, but you gave me a'surprise' first, this..." Lin Ze was so angry that he couldn't think of this white jade wild elephant first Give yourself a dismounted horse.

"Huh, let you get some hands first, and then, let you see my strength!" Lin Ze no longer delayed, began to use the spirit to command the swarm of swarming bees, ready to launch an attack.

"Buzz!" There was a sudden buzzing sound in the forest.

This sound really caused the alertness of the female elephant leader, but after seeing some "small things" that were only the size of a fist, the female elephant leader ignored it.

Bees of this size, such as the spirit eater, have seen the female elephant leader in the forest more, so it is not at all guarded.

"Very good, but this is your last chance to find something wrong. Since you didn't catch it, then..., hey!" Lin Zeyin smiled and continued to command the swarm of biting bees to surround the female elephant leader. go with.

Lin Ze will choose to eat the spirit swarm, which is also one of the reasons for not being noticed.

Maybe for some beasts the size of a small car, the female elephant leader will have some vigilance, but for the flea-sized bee-eater, it really does not care.

However, this one did not care, gave Lin Ze the opportunity to surround it.

No, just half a minute, Lin Ze's encirclement has been set.

"Hey, the encircling circle is ready, now it's your turn!" Lin Ze's eyes flashed coldly.

"Spirit swarms, attack!" Lin Ze gave the order to attack next moment.

"Buzz!" In an instant, the sound of the flying bite swarm rushed a dozen times.

The female elephant leader felt the danger instantly, and she wanted to yell and summon other white jade barbarians.

"Wait for this time!" Lin Ze's eyes lit up when she saw the female elephant's trunk lifted up, than when the trunk of the trunk was expanded to the maximum.

"Spirit Bee, block me!" Lin Ze shouted in the bottom of his heart.

Then, the six feet with a half-fist-like spirit eater head looked like lightning and flew towards the elephant nostril of the female elephant Puff Puff Puff Puff! ! "One after another, the sound of impact sounded.

The six spirit eater bosses all rammed into the elephant nostrils of the female elephant leader. Two nostrils, each of which entered three spirit eater bees.

The size of the body of the six spirit-eating bees is just smaller than that of the female elephant's nostril, and before they enter, they first shrink some direct shapes, and after they enter, they swell, and the tail spines Without hesitation stabbed on the inner wall of the trunk, suddenly, the inner wall of the trunk of the female elephant began to swell.

In this way, together with the six spirit-eating bee bosses, the elephant nostrils of the female elephant's chief were firmly blocked.

The current female elephant leader, not to mention called reinforcements, even if you want to attack with elephant trunks, you can't do it.

It can be said that Lin Ze destroyed two killer skills of the female elephant leader in one move.

Summon other white jade wild elephants, as well as the powerful power of the trunk.

"'s swollen elephant trunk made the female elephant's leader extremely uncomfortable. It jumped wildly and flicked, trying to shake off the spirit-eating bee boss in the trunk .

However, the inner wall of the elephant trunk that was swollen by bee venom, and the boss of the spirit-eating bee directly enlarged his body, which directly defeated the expectation of the female elephant leader.

"Roar roar!!!" The female elephant roared inside the mouth, and the voice was not small.

However, this sound is much smaller than the sound of shouting with the nose. After two or three hundred meters, it disappears, and it does not function to summon other white jade barbarians. (Elephants can breathe with their mouths, so don’t worry that it will die directly from the suffocation of their noses. When an elephant **** water with its nose, it breathes with its mouth...)

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