Alien Lord

Chapter 1358: Be taught

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After venting for a long time, the enemy was still missing. They seemed to be a little tired. They gasped and yelled at each other as if they were talking about something.

In a few moments, it seems that a consensus has been reached that these dozen white jade wild elephants were very anthropomorphic and turned around with a depressed face, and left here with great strides.

There was another violent rush, the sound of a tree breaking into rocks, and after a long while, this place from dense forest to sparse forest slowly recovered calm.

After a while, not far away, a few frightened birds just fell down with fear, and suddenly screamed again, and flew into the sky.

At this time, a small bush suddenly separated, and a young warrior dressed in blue clothes walked out of him with a bitter smile.

Lin Ze patted the dust on his body, then raised his eyes and looked at the direction of the white jade wild elephant, and then he took a breath and relaxed.

Embarrassed! !

Reminiscent of what happened just now, Lin Ze's heart was full of excitement.

A dozen or so white jade elephants, if Lin Ze’s strength outside is not limited, the solution is very simple.

However, now in Xuanyin's tomb, Lin Ze's strength is greatly restricted.

Of course, even if this is the case, if Lin Ze really wants to get rid of it, although it is a bit difficult to solve them, it is not impossible.

Moreover, for the wild beasts like Baiyu, like this, Lin Ze really liked it.

The combat power of the barbarian army formed by Baiyu barbarian is absolutely top-notch.

Not to mention the other, the large body and strength of the white jade barbarian alone are the tanks on the battlefield, or those super heavy tanks.

Even the most powerful tank in modern times, in front of the Baiyu Man Elephant Army, only had the result of instantaneous defeat.

However, just as Lin Ze was about to start, the white jade elephants immediately found Lin Ze’s traces. At the next moment, a loud roar of the elephant sounded, and then, no less than 100 clicks were heard in Lin Ze’s ears. The other Baiyu barbarians responded with roar.

Upon hearing the roar of more than one hundred white jade barbarians, Lin Ze had only cats on the side, and listened to their roar of arrogance, stunned.

Although there were four or five white jade elephants in front of Lin Ze, there were hundreds of roars of white jade elephants within twenty or thirty kilometers.

Faced with so many white jade elephants with great revenge, Lin Ze believed that as long as he dared to hurt the fur of the white jade elephants in front of them, as long as they roared, the next thing is to think about of.

Lin Ze will soon face the white jade wild elephant tide, and it is still enough to drown him for more than ten times.

Especially the female elephant in it, that is, the leader of the whole white jade elephant elephant group, is frightening just by looking at her body shape. Lin Ze is definitely not going to learn about it.

As for why Lin Ze was chased by so many white jade wild elephants, it was because a few hours ago, Lin Ze visited the valley where these white jade wild elephants lived and happened to see a huge two-storey building. The female white jade elephant is digging a pit on the ground, and the pit is also filled with various cherish grasses, spirits, and even a large number of yuan stones. The most terrible thing is that there are also Bailing Lingshi, this look made him round his eyes.

When Lin Ze looked at the animal world on earth, she knew that the female elephant would have such a move before courtship.

First dig a pit to make a new house, and then put countless gifts and the like around.

However, he did not want these gifts to be so generous.

In addition, within the range of two or three kilometers around the time, there was only this white jade barbarian, and Lin Ze's heart became greedy.

Lin Ze under the heart, he could not help but shine light.

In order to prevent this white jade barbarian from attracting other white jade barbarians, Lin Ze came up with a burst of mental power attack, and wanted to take this female white jade barbarian as quickly as possible before the other white jade barbarians could not be detected. Elephant.

No, the female elephant was so sensitive even when preparing the new house. When Lin Ze was about to attack, he immediately pulled him out.

Lin Ze would be so simple to discover that it was really bad for him to transport.

He did not know that this female white jade elephant was actually the leader of this white jade elephant.

As a leader, she is extremely sensitive to the dangers of the outside world.

What's more, when she wanted to find a groom, Lin Ze was tragic.

Bai Yuman's elephant elephant roared, and suddenly Lin Ze was chased by a dozen powerful hundred-yuan barbarians from this valley to the plain fifty miles away, and then was driven from the plain to the jungle fifty miles away. Lin Ze blocked the sight through the trees in this dense forest, and only then had the opportunity to take out the Soul Eater King's Nest to cover up the breath, and carefully concealed it aside, and finally escaped the disaster.

The first one and fifty miles, the last one and fifty miles, this is a hundred miles!

Think about Lin Ze's feeling of being unbearable.

But Lin Ze was annoyed for a while, and soon he gave up.

Without it, habit becomes natural.

In the past ten days, according to the content recorded on the map of the hide obtained from the corpse, he went down to search for the spiritual treasures marked on it.

However, not only did he not get the same treasure, but he was hunted down again and again.

Therefore, if you chase like this, you are used to chasing.

It was like a lake at the beginning. According to the record on the map of the animal skin, there should be an aquatic mussel containing spirit beads that can be used for beauty and beauty. .

I want to come to Lin Ze. This time I have been out for so long. I haven’t contacted Shaman and Ping'er for a long time. They must be thinking directly in their hearts.

Seeing that he was going back soon, Lin Ze went back to bring them some special products.

In this way, some of them can be made up.

Before Lin Ze would fight for the Millennium Yuzhi, it was because he wanted to bring this Millennium Yuzhi back to Shaman and Ping'er.

However, after seeing only one flower, Lin Ze was sitting on the wax instantly.

Ping'er and Shaman are both people he likes. Millennium Yuzhi gave any one of them, and the other of them will be very sad.

(For women, these treasures that can stay in the face, they are absolutely only thinking about exclusive, they can't keep their competitors from aging soon, so...

Therefore, Lin Ze can only find another gift.

In this way, Lin Ze saw the jade clam spirit beads recorded on the map of the hide.

According to the record on the map of the animal skin, Lin Ze easily found the lake, and indeed there was indeed that kind of mussel, but he wasn’t happy yet. Hundreds of three-eyed iron crocodiles hula all around Come up.

In the end, Lin Ze finally managed to get all the way to the shore, and they were bitten by their trailing buttocks. They ran out ten miles away before they were thrown away.

It was at this time that Lin Ze thought that it was no wonder that the person before did not come here to collect spirit beads. It turns out there are so fierce neighbors around that kind of mussel!

This is not over yet, Lin Ze is quite coveted for those superb spirit materials, and he unsuccessfully searched for them one by one in order.

So, similar tragedies happened one after another.

At the peak of a certain snow mountain, aiming at the thousand-year-old snow lotus, Lin Zehei chased and killed thousands of snow mountain stone apes...

In a certain underground cave, thousands of years of fire, Lin Ze was directly chased by the overwhelming earth fire crow...

In a canyon, the top spirit material Gengjin, the number of black demons with hundreds of millions of counties, almost buried Lin Ze directly...



Hundreds of prescription positions and hundreds of treasure-level spirits and materials have been recorded on the animal skin map.

Except for the thousand-year-old Yuzhi that Lin Ze had already obtained, Lin Ze went to investigate more than a dozen other places. None of them was successful. Lin Ze himself was directly chased and killed a dozen times.

Up to now, it is considered practice makes perfect, escape escape experience.

"It's no wonder that the tragic boy only prepared a sapphire box. I thought it had been explained by others. Except for the millennium Yuzhi, he had no plans to go anywhere else." Lin Ze's heart burst into his eyes until now. He knew why the dead boy only had the treasure of the millennium Yuzhi.

Wanting to come to other treasures, he simply has no strength to pick them up.

At the same time, these dozens of encounters with the wall, or direct shame, completely smashed the pride in Lin Ze's heart.

There was still a trace of pride in Lin Ze’s heart before, thinking that with direct strength, he could already gain a foothold in the 100,000 mountains. However, these dozen times of being hunted down, let Lin Ze really know someone outside, There is the meaning of the word heaven outside the sky.

Yes, he has a plane seed in hand, life safety is guaranteed, but he wants to really travel in the 100,000 mountains, with his current strength, it is too early.

Even if he went the strength is not restricted by the tomb of Xuanyin, the same result.

Don't forget, Lin Ze's strength in Xuanyin's Tomb is limited, but these barbaric beasts are also limited.

If they are outside, five hundred years are enough for these barbarians to advance to the supreme grandmaster, and even more powerful.

Faced with so many top barbarians, Lin Ze still has a chance to win outside? !

Lin Ze suffered a blow this time, which is actually a good thing.

Otherwise, in the pride of Lin Ze before, there will definitely be a loss in the 100,000 mountains in the future.

Well now, with the encounter of Xuanyin's tomb only once, Lin Zexin has an extremely superficial understanding of the true strength of the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

"The water in the Hundred Thousand Mountains is very deep. In the future, I have to pay attention to it. Otherwise, if one is not careful, I will really suffer from it. At that time, I wanted to regret it, but I was too late!" Secretly admonished himself.

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