Alien Lord

Chapter 1342: Refining

The Yijing washing the marrow is just like the aged wine. The older the wine is, the better it tastes, and the Yijing washing the marrow is the longer you persist, the more benefits you will get.

Lin Ze knew this in his heart, so even though the current pain is stronger than Ling Chi, Lin Ze still insisted on clenching his teeth, and did not mean to come out of the pool at all.

However, the severe pain still made Lin Ze screaming inevitablely, and they were worried about Qu Jingwen in the world of the Plane Seeds.

Fortunately, when he came here, Lin Ze didn't stay with his maid Ping'er and Shaman, otherwise, he would really scare them like this.

Lin Ze, who was sinking at the bottom of the pool, felt as if time had passed in the past few years, and the intense pain directly made his spirit a little trance.

This is also a harm of strong mental strength, like this pain, the ordinary martial arts can't persevere any longer, even if perseverance, the people of nine layers and nine people are comatose directly.

but. Lin Ze's strong spiritual power has always kept him awake, which has to be said to be a tragedy of Lin Ze!

"Huh, Huh...!"

"Guru..." As Lin Ze breathed again and again, obvious bubbles appeared on the surface of the pool.

In this way, the time lasted for more than two hours. At this time, the original turquoise color in the pool gradually faded, and now it seems that it has become a pale gray color.

"Buzz!" The color in the pool has faded a lot, and the pain in the bones like Ling Chi has also dissipated for more than half. However, Lin Ze's blood is now boiling, and the temperature has risen directly to Sixty or seventy degrees, and, it seems, the temperature continues to rise.


Lin Ze screamed. The whole person now looks like a cooked big lobster, turning red all over.

In addition, a trace of dark brown blood was slowly flowing out of Lin Ze’s Seven Tips, which was extremely smelly. This can be seen from the things that guarded Lin Ze and the soul-eating butterfly by Lin Ze was directly fainted for more than a dozen. Too.

This is Lin Ze's blood exchange. The medicine in the pool is not only washing the marrow of Lin Ze Yi Jing, but also exchanging blood for him.

With the continuous exertion of the medicine, the blood on Lin Ze's body was constantly refined as he was when refining the Elixir.

The good blood is left directly, and the bad blood is directly eliminated from the body and flows out of the body from the location of Qiqiao.

Lin Ze's own sense of smell is also extremely sensitive, so even he himself is almost fainted by the smell in the pool. In the end, he had to confine his sense of smell before continuing to persevere.

In this way, time has passed for more than an hour, and now Lin Ze feels a lot easier than before, and the whole person has a very transparent and seems to be ten years younger.

Lin Ze continued to stay in the pool for half an hour until he could no longer feel any changes in his body before standing up and landing directly.

Looking back, even Lin Ze was taken aback.

I saw that the pool, which was still green and green, had now turned into a very muddy dark gray, and it exuded a very smelly smell.

"I can't think of so many toxins in my body!" Lin Ze's face was a little surprised.

You know, plane seeds have been constantly refining Lin Ze’s body. When he thought about it, there should be very little toxin in his body, but now it seems that Lin Ze has made a mistake.

In fact, it is normal to think about it. Lin Zexuan, the master of Lin Ze’s body, was a sick jar before. Since birth, he has always been taking medicine, and can even be said to take the medicine as a meal.

Even if there is too much medicine on the mainland of China, Lin Lixuan can't stand eating like a meal.

The medicine itself is toxic, except that it is either directly excreted by the human body or neutralized by other medicines, causing no harm to the human body.

However, no matter how good the medicine is, it is harmful to eat too much.

Just like the ginseng that everyone is crazy about now, it is a good medicine, but if you eat too much, it will still kill you.

Before Lin Lixuan used to treat his illness, every time he took medicine, it was like eating. After more than ten years, there were so many toxins on his body, that's imaginable.

Yes, the Plane Seeds gave Lin Ze this body a great qualification improvement, but it was only to get rid of some of the toxins on Lin Ze’s body surface, and the toxins that penetrated deep into the bone marrow and blood continued to remain. .

Of course, even if it were like this, Lin Ze didn't have to worry, but Plane Seeds had been improving Lin Ze's body all the time.

These toxins that have been incorporated into the bone marrow and blood will also be excreted from the body sooner or later, but it will take a long time, maybe maybe a dozen or twenty years.

The Plane Seed is magical, but it is not specifically used for refining and rinsing the marrow. Its greatest ability is still a world of its own, like refining Lin Ze’s body, but with a function attached to the inside.

Besides, Lin Ze didn't realize that there were so many toxins in his body. After he had washed the marrow of the plane seeds, he thought that the toxins had been eliminated, so there was no Think of this.

If it weren't for this time, Lin Ze didn't know this yet.

"It's a pity, originally I was thinking about studying the medicinal ingredients in this pool!" Lin Ze was so sad to see the dark gray liquid in the pool.

When I was refining and washing my marrow before, Lin Zexin wondered if he could configure the same marrow washing liquid afterwards. Such a liquid can definitely greatly speed up the training speed of his men.

Unfortunately, seeing the liquid in the pool now, Lin Ze knew that his wish could not be fulfilled.

"Well, there is no improvement in strength. However, the control of True Qi has been strengthened several times, and the cultivation qualifications have also been enhanced a lot. If it was a general cultivation qualification before, it should now have a medium cultivation qualification. "Lin Ze silently sensed his body, then smiled with satisfaction.

Especially the improvement of cultivation qualifications made Lin Ze very happy.

"Mental power has also increased by two layers. Ha ha, this time it was really a bumper harvest!"

Don't look at the fact that the mental strength has only been increased by two layers. I think that the effect on Lin Ze is not so great. In fact, it has a great effect on Lin Ze.

Don’t forget, now Lin Ze’s mental strength has reached the mid-foundation strength, adding two more layers is equivalent to increasing the mental strength of a strong man at the beginning of the foundation.

This is like a return on investment. Your investment of 10,000 yuan has been exchanged for a two-tier return on investment. This is really not good for many people.

An investment of 10,000 yuan and a two-tiered return rate can only cost 2,000 yuan.

However, if the amount of money for your investment reaches one billion or ten billion.

The two-tiered return rate is 200 million, 2 billion, which is a huge amount.

No one dares to underestimate such a large number.

Even many of the world’s top 500 companies dare not say that their annual return is 10%, let alone two tiers.

The world's number one Woer / Er / Ma's turnover in 2017 was 485.873 billion meters of gold, and the profit was 13.643 billion meters of gold. The overall profit rate was only more than 2%.

The second-ranked power grid has an annual turnover of 315.198 billion meters of gold and a profit of 9.573 billion meters of gold. The overall profit rate is only a little more than 3%.

Not to mention that their profit margin is so low, but the amount of profit they earn is not small.

Hundreds of billions of profits, even at the national level, this number is a huge amount, not to mention in enterprises.

However, if Lin Ze’s current mental strength is calculated in terms of the world’s top 500, how can it be in the top 50, so the increase in the two tiers is indeed huge.

After feeling these changes in his body ~ ~ Lin Ze left here with a trace of regret.

After that, Lin Ze took the Qingming Sword directly and began to dig under the joint guidance of Xin Xue and Qu Jingwen to dig out those Xuanyin masters on the wall for decoration, but in fact it was a valuable gem-level element Stone and spirit stone.

The flaming stone, blue elf, luminous sand, celestial star, etc. recognized by Xinxue before, the name of these gems, Lin Ze really does not really understand, but he knows that there is a random gem here. Thousands of amethyst coins can be sold outside, and some can even sell for tens of thousands.

Of course, these gems are very valuable to Lin Ze, but in the eyes of the top supreme grandmaster Xuanyin Master, they are the same as ordinary gems used for decoration. For him, they are just some comparisons. The good-looking stones are not of special use to him.

For Master Xuanyin, the greatest use of these gem-level metastones is to paste them together on the wall and become an ornament inside.

When picking the first gemstone-level Yuan Shi, Lin Ze also took some light-handedness, but after successively picking more than a dozen gem-level Yuan Shi, Lin Ze’s heart was directly Numb.

Later, when he continued to mine these precious stones, Lin Ze's hands and feet were completely released.

In the past, he was light-handed and was afraid of hurting a Yuan Shi, but now Lin Ze simply transported his sword energy and hit the surrounding of those gem-level Yuan Shi mercilessly. It is directly collected and received into the world of plane seeds.

Then, people like Xin Xue and Qu Jingwen immediately collected these Yuanshi and placed them in different treasure houses according to different categories.

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