Alien Lord

Chapter 1334: Poor parents in the world!

But what can a thief steal?

What's more, this person also chased into the thief's den, under such circumstances, these thieves will not even spit out the things from their heads.

And, in order to give assurance to other people, and to give this chasing someone a good look, what will happen next, that is imaginable.

As a follower of the mother, she will not give up, because the thief steals her child, but her flesh.

It can be said that the contradiction between the double opposition is irreconcilable, and it is certain that there is a fight between the two.

Sure enough, as expected by Lin Ze, a moment later, a loud eagle came from a distance, and then there was a wave of sway in the outer Soul Eater.

"Well...!" There was a sound in the king's nest among the soul-eating butterflies, and then, countless soul-eating butterflies immediately began to gather, and the target was directly at the distant eagle swarm.

Obviously, Soul Eater is ready to fight against the original eagle swarm.

Soon, groups of angry eagles appeared in Lin Ze's sight.

In the next time, Lin Ze's ears were full of eagles and soul-eating butterflies, and the eyes were black and black, except for the flying feathers flying in the sky, and the bite that was falling like rain. Soul Butterfly, nothing else can be seen.

At this time, Lin Ze's heart moved. He felt how familiar these eagle chirps sounded. He just wanted to step forward. However, he looked around and formed a ring, which surrounded him far away from the soul-eating butterfly. Group, Lin Ze hesitated a little, after all, he did not feel uneasy.

Someone may ask here, is Lin Ze not inductive, just use inductive force to check it.

Ha ha, indeed, Lin Ze is inductive, but now he dare not use it at all.

As I said before, the Soul Eater is extremely fond of attracting power, and Lin Ze’s sense of power is actually a kind of mental power release method, which is essentially spiritual power.

Soul Eaters are extremely sensitive to the spiritual power. Once they feel Lin Ze’s spirit power, maybe these Soul Eaters will not hurt Lin Ze because of the mysterious atmosphere of Lin Ze’s body, but they are The mental power that Lin Ze puts on him is definitely not polite.

At that time, Lin Ze’s responsiveness is not to investigate the surrounding environment, he can guarantee that his mental power will not be swallowed up by the soul eater swarm.

Therefore, in the encircling circle of the soul-eating butterfly swarm, Lin Ze's sense of force was ruined.

After another moment, the battle between the eagle swarm and the soul eater swarm reached the most intense and cruel time.

This can be heard from Lin Ze's ears from time to time with an explosion and a screaming scream.

Obviously, this is some soul eater butterfly after feeling the strength is not enough, directly took the last attack-self /// burst!

This is the gregarious beast, the most speechless, or a bit of a headache.

As long as they are savage beasts, they must have a strict internal hierarchy, especially their kings, who have absolute control over the individual individuals.

In this way, it is extremely annoying, because, as long as there is an unfavorable situation in the battle or an individual loses its main combat power, then these individuals will all explode under the command of the superior...

This kind of thing, Lin Ze encountered countless times before encircling the spirit swarm.

Seriously, Lin Ze is no longer prepared to go to Wantao Mountain to gather the bitter bee colony. Except that the bite bee colony in Wantao Mountain has already remembered his smell, once he enters, he will definitely attack, which is also one of them. A reason.

Maybe ten or twenty spirit eater bees don’t care, but, if one hundred or two hundred...

When I think of the pictures at that time, Lin Ze's face is black.

Going back to the Soul Eaters, if you think about it, the millions of Soul Eaters will explode. What kind of scene will it be at that time?

Under such circumstances, Lin Ze believes that even a foundation beast like Golden Horned Python, as long as it is surrounded by this group of soul-eating butterflies, and then collectively explodes, it is not good, and even has a great chance of being directly bombed. dead.

What's more, this is among the tombs of Xuanyin. Here, the highest strength is just the wild beasts of the second-rank peak, their strength is far worse than the Golden Horned Python.

Therefore, it can be seen from this that this group of soul eaters can be described as the absolute overlord in the entire Xuanyin tomb. As long as they are within the radiation range of their nest, any barbarian dare to challenge is a behavior of death.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Ze's heart actually did not worry about the soul-eating butterflies above, seeing that it attracted enemies. Lin Zexin's heart was just holding a lively idea.

If it weren't for the Soul Eater Group's strength, how could it appear that he had seen it before, and the a few kilometers around it were all elixir?

As long as the power of the soul eater group is slightly weaker, they have been attacked by the group and taken away from the elixir garden here.

With hundreds of soul-eating butterflies beginning to continually self-detonate, the battle in the distance finally became incandescent.

"Huh!!" An extremely high-pitched and sharp eagle's beep sounded, and the sound of wind and thunder accompanied in the middle directly poured into Lin Ze's ear from top to bottom.

"Uh~~~" Lin Ze's face was stunned. He heard the owner of the eagle's beep: "I can't think of a two-headed thunder eagle!..."

The two-headed thunder eagle flying beast is not very common even outside. In a dark place like Xuanyin's tomb, a group of two-headed thunder eagle actually appeared. Lin Ze was really surprised.

The two-headed Thunderhawk is a very powerful flying barbarian. The adult strength is innate, and the natural ability to manipulate thunder and wind blades is also the highest in the flying barbarian.

Even Lin Ze had previously coveted the double-headed Lei Ying.

It is a pity that Lin Ze never found it, but unexpectedly encountered it in the tomb of Xuanyin.

"Unfortunately, these two-headed thunder eagles and the soul-eating butterflies swarmed against each other, otherwise, I really want to win a few!" Lin Ze felt a pity in his heart for a while.

In case of other wild beasts, Lin Ze may be a fisherman and finally win a few double-headed thunder eagles, but now here is the old nest of the soul-eating butterfly swarm. For his own safety, Lin Ze decided that he still should not Do such dangerous things so as not to anger these soul-eating butterflies.

Now for the previous situation, Lin Ze can roughly simulate it in his mind. It is no different from trying to steal things.

In Lin Ze's view, compared with those soul-eating butterflies, they sent a few small ones to lead away the eagles in the eagle's nest, and then the fuchsia soul-eating butterfly chief took the opportunity to steal the egg and ran away.

The eagle, who was transferred from the tiger to the mountain, returned to the nest to see that her egg was gone. It wasn't too furious. The following things would go without saying.

But strangely, the Soul Eater is generally impossible to move too far away from the old nest.

Soul Eater's own strength is not strong. The strength of the six or seven layers of the acquired day is really not very strong in the Xuanyin Tomb. They will become the overlords in the Xuanyin Tomb, just because of their number.

I really want to go out alone, that is to go to deliver food.

In this way of strength, the Soul Eater is unlikely to do things that are far away from the group to prey, after all, the group is their biggest strength.

In other words, these two-headed Lei Ying should live in the neighborhood.

Then, these two-headed thunder eagles cannot possibly not know that there are a large group of soul-eating butterflies nearby proliferating, nor can they not know that they are definitely dying to find the door. How can they think so, don’t think, that’s it Run directly to death? How does this matter?

"Is the egg stolen before the Eagle King's egg?" Lin Ze guessed.

Only this possibility will allow this group of two-headed Lei Ying to resolutely launch an attack on the Soul Eater Butterfly Group regardless of their own safety.

In the wild beast group, the king-level wild beast may be because of its strong or the reason that only one king is allowed in a wild beast group, those king-level beasts are difficult to be born Own offspring.

Therefore, this led to those king-level savage beasts that valued their descendants extremely.

Once something goes wrong with their descendants, it will inevitably lead to a war.

Things like this have appeared many times in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Why could humans stand on the outer zone of the 100,000 mountains with endless barbarians? Among them, the strong man of humans secretly stolen the descendants of the kings of two huge barbarian groups directly and threw them into another barbarian Examples of ethnic groups.

Moreover, there are not only one such example or two. In the tens of thousands of years that human beings have continually moved towards the 100,000 mountains, things like this have appeared no less than 10,000 times.

"It's such a pitiful parent's heart!" Lin Ze sighed for a while.

The two-headed Lei Yingming knew that they were not as powerful as these soul-eating butterflies. After their children were stolen, they still knocked on the door steadily. It can be seen that they loved their children.

"It's a pity that this group of two-headed thunder eagles." Lin Ze secretly felt sorry for this group of two-headed thunder eagles.

Don’t look at the dozen-headed two-headed Lei Ying as if they are very majestic, but Lin Ze knows that this is actually an appearance. The Soul Eater Butterfly Group has not yet exerted force. You can definitely kill this group of two-headed Lei Ying.

The final development of the event was as Lin Ze expected. The illusion of the dozens of two-headed thunder eagles in the sky has just been formed. The attack has not yet come out. In the blink of an eye, there are hundreds of soul-eating butterflies. Rush on.

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