Alien Lord

Chapter 1321: Trophy-Seal Stone

Huo Mingyuan did not want to wear dragon scale armor, but was reluctant to wear such a top-level defensive armor and was simply destroyed by himself.

If he goes to a general place, Huo Mingyuan will also wear dragon scale armor because he believes that he will not be in danger of life, so he will use Yanlong Burning Tianpei.

However, it is now inside the Xuanyin tomb, which is full of danger. Huo Mingyuan does not have this confidence and does not use Yanlong to burn Tian Pei, so before he came in, he took off the dragon scale armor.

It is for these reasons that this defensive dragon scale armor will only be placed in the storage bag, which ultimately makes Linze cheaper.

"Hey, with this dragon scale armor, my safety is even more guaranteed."

Lin Ze didn't think about it, and put the dragon scale armor directly on him.

He is different from Huo Mingyuan. Huo Mingyuan looks at this dragon scale armor as if he is looking at the top treasures. He regards the dragon scale armor as a collectible and loves it, but in Lin Ze's eyes, this dragon scale armor The first is the warrior’s armor, and then the treasure-level collectibles.

In Lin Ze's heart, the biggest role of Dragon Scale Armor is to ensure his own safety, and I will talk about other things later.

"Oh, I can't imagine that Huo Mingyuan also has spirit stones in his hands!" Lin Ze looked at the seven spirit stones in the storage bag.

Yes, the third thing that satisfied Lin Ze was these seven spirit stones.

Lin Ze would never be too small for something like a spirit stone.

Just like the aunts of Huaxia who love gold, no matter how many spirit stones, Lin Ze would not be too much.

In the future, whether Lin Ze arranges a gathering of spirits, refines high-level black soldiers, immortals or something, or develops a plane-seed world, can't do without spirit stones.

For Lin Ze, even if you gave him a spirit stone the size of the sea, he would be too little.

The fourth and final item, Lin Ze took a breath in his heart after taking it out for a closer look.

"This is the seal stone, which seals the attack of the Grand Master level strongman." Looking at the three seal stones in his hand, Lin Zexin was afraid for a while.

Seal stone, as the name suggests, is a treasure used to seal something.

This is an extremely precious treasure, and what Lin Ze obtained before, has been blank. The inheritance spar is a grade treasure.

The seal stone can be used to seal some powerful beasts, which can then be brought back to the sect gate, or sold directly to the auction house.

In addition, the seal stone can seal attacks of the Grand Master level.

However, the price is not small, and each seal of the Grand Master's full blow requires a great effort of this Grand Master.

Generally, it takes ten days and a half months for a grandmaster to seal his attack in the seal stone, and still consumes part of the blood of the grandmaster.

Blood energy is extremely important for a warrior, especially the top strong like the Grand Master, it is very important, because the thicker his blood power is, the higher the possibility that he will advance to the Grand Master .

Therefore, people who are not loved ones will not pay such a large price to refine the seal stone.

It is for this reason that on the auction house, a grandmaster like this attacked the seal stone, which has always been the sky-high price.

As far as the attacking seal stones of the three Grand Masters in Lin Ze's hands are concerned, you can exchange for a warship.

"Fortunately, Huo Mingyuan has not been shot before, otherwise,..."

The thought of Huo Mingyuan attacking himself with these three seal stones, Lin Ze directly shivered.

Huo Mingyuan really wanted to use these three seal stones directly at that time. Although Lin Ze wouldn’t die (plane seeds protect him), he would never feel better, let alone take Huo Mingyuan and **** the flames. Wear it.

After recognizing the three attack seal stones, Lin Ze's face was full of bitterness.

Because he would make such a huge sacrifice for Huo Mingyuan, it can be seen that Huo Mingyuan is not generally loved, but now Huo Mingyuan is dying in his own hands. In this way, Lin Ze is equivalent to being the most powerful of a grand master. By.

And any grand master will have a strong grand master behind him, so at that time, Lin Ze had to face not just a grand master, but the entire grand master.

A great master, Lin Ze can rely on the red-haired great ape to cope with it, but, a sect, that...

"If Huo Mingyuan's father really learned that his baby son was dying in his own hands, then..." Thinking of this, Lin Ze violently shivered all over the body, secretly deciding in his heart that life and death would be critical in the future. In the meantime, Yan Long Fen Tian Pei and these three attacking seal stones will never appear in front of people, because it is too dangerous to do so.

"At least it was like this before I didn't have enough strength to fight those sects!" Lin Ze determined secretly.

Next, Lin Ze carefully put away these two temporarily hidden treasures. In a short time, Lin Ze was not going to let them pave the road.

As for other spiritual materials and immortals in the storage bag, ordinary products such as cheats, Lin Ze just calculated a number at first, and when he was aware of it, he also directly received it in the world of plane seeds.

Maybe these things are not a small fortune for other warriors, but for Lin Ze, it’s just a small amount of money, really nothing.

After reading these things in the storage bag, Lin Ze really understood how lucky it was to win this battle.

Regardless of anything else, any of the three Grand Master-level attack seal stones that Lin Ze just found was actually enough to kill Lin Ze.

I just don't know what Huo Mingyuan thought at that time, or what other obsessions he had in his heart, and he has always insisted on using the top-order psychic bastion of Yan Long Fen Tian Pei.

Yan Long Fen Tian Pei is good, but it is not his current strength can be controlled.

Therefore, under the restraint of Yan Long Fen Tian Pei, Huo Mingyuan had a powerful grandmaster attacking the seal stone without using it. In the end, he was killed by Lin Ze in vain, but it was the ultimate injustice of death!

Lin Ze sighed a little, and then, regardless of his physical injuries and fatigue, he planned to leave here now.

If he doesn't leave anymore and is knocked on by others while he is at his weakest, then he may also fall into a dead end like Huo Mingyuan.

If that were the case, Lin Ze really died of injustice.

To know that at this time, he is equivalent to a mobile treasure trove that can walk and run. If any guy can kill him, his net worth will immediately rise to the table. Even if he is replaced by a grandmaster, he will be envious.

However, many times, the more you don’t want a thing to happen, but he will always happen.

No, the accident soon came.

Lin Ze just took less than two steps here, and suddenly a "click" sounded at his feet, and his pace of progress stopped suddenly.

Lin Ze lifted his feet and looked at the sound of crystal fragments.

After recognizing it for a moment, Lin Ze felt that this was the fragment of the previous photo stone. It was really not easy to leave such a large fragment after being broken before.

Lin Ze ignored the wreckage of these photogenic stones on the ground, but, he didn't know how. He always thought of Gu Xiyao and the wreckage of the photogenic stones he had just met.

There was always a voice in Lin Ze's heart telling him that it was not that simple.

After walking less than ten meters, Lin Ze suddenly had a thought flashing in his mind, and some of the previously vague questions were instantly answered.

Before, Lin Ze's three arrows were shot instantly, flying the treasure box, then breaking the box, and finally breaking the beads directly.

When the last arrow hit the photostone, there was a vague question in his heart.

why? Why did Gu Xiyao do this.

Gu Xiyao has taken away the Qianmoban before, and has successfully used Wu Ren as a target to attract everyone's attention. It can be said that all her goals have been achieved.

So, why should she leave this photo stone?

Isn’t this superfluous? is replaced by Lin Ze, and it’s too late to hide it.

This is a thousand demon streamers, but it is not a general mysterious soldier. Anyone who gets it will not be able to hide it immediately and let others know, but Gu Xiyao directly spoke to them.

Was this Gu Xiyao killed, or was it just to tease everyone, especially Feng Yan?

Or maybe it is self-evident that there are thousands of demon streamers in hand, so the self-confidence is soaring, thinking that other people are nothing. A little harder, in the end, Gu Xiyao is more busy?

Of course, these things are impossible to appear, and such a thankless thing will not be done by a fool, let alone a savvy person like Gu Xiyao.

Besides, if Gu Xiyao does not leave the photo stone, he can delay the time of the hunt for everyone and leave himself enough time to refine the thousand demon streamers.

After all, in the absence of certainty that the treasure fell in his hand, with Gu Xiyao's previous fame, the ordinary warrior would not dare to start her.

In this case, she must have a plan to do so, at least the real reason will never be as simple as it seems.

Thinking of this, Lin Ze’s thinking seemed to break through to the sky, and all things were combined. Lin Ze’s heart was suddenly translucent, and he directly wanted to understand the reason for it: if it is himself, then only in one kind He will only do this in circumstances! Only this photo stone will be left on purpose!

Thinking of this, Lin Ze's sense of force involuntarily went underground, and went directly to the extremely deep underground location. His subconscious mind told him that there would be the answer he wanted below.

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