Alien Lord

Chapter 1314: Seriously injured


At this moment between the heavens and the earth as if a second sun appeared, just as soon as the fire bomb came out of the dragon's mouth, a tremendous light erupted in an instant.

A red light filled with extreme heat quickly spewed out of the dragon's mouth like a flood discharge.

With the attack of the fire bomb, the roar of the Yanlong Dragon reappeared, and the powerful dragon roar caused countless invisible ripples, which immediately flew in front of Lin Ze.

At this moment, three cold blue lights suddenly flew out of Lin Ze's hands, and turned into three huge ice circles in midair, giving the huge fire bomb just hit under the hood.

A ring of frost formed by the gathering of ice and gangster air emerged out of thin air. In an instant, the fire bomb was layered one after another from the inside to the outside. Bound, and then these frost and ice rings shrank so suddenly.

Suddenly, the huge volume of fire bombs that previously expanded from the size of a tire to the size of a car was tightened for a period of time.

The hot, high-temperature fireball that can directly gasify steel under the action of the ice ring, with a sound of'zizizi', began to gradually shrink and crack, and the middle of the fire was scattered. Countless white water vapor pervades the surrounding.

The surrounding trees, under the transpiration of these high-temperature water vapor, quickly became withered.

Seeing that the huge fire bomb in front of him was about to be cut into countless sections by the ice ring of cold mountains and green snakes, but Lin Ze's face did not have the slightest joy, but instead looked heavy and pointed at his toes. , Transported the hidden escape technique, and retreated abruptly.


The invisible ripples directly spread to the surrounding 20 meters. At the same time, the fire bombs that were previously imprisoned were also struggling violently at this time, and the numerous wounds around the body were cracked, condensed to the extreme, and the substantive fire Attributes are constantly squirting out of these wounds.

Upon contact with the outside air, the hot flame was immediately detonated. The temperature is high and the flame is strong. It looks like a miniature, active volcano that is violently erupting.

The three cold-hearted snakes that were sent out by Lin Ze to resist fire bombs before, because of the constant impact of such high temperature, coupled with the attack of the sonic power around them, their huge bodies gradually began to turn red. Then it became incandescent, and finally it shivered extremely violently.

Lin Ze, who evaded Sonic Escape, saw a trace of reluctance in his eyes, and his right foot took a step forward. However, when he thought that he had put away these three Hanshan green snakes, the powerful While Long Yanbo will continue to hunt down himself, Lin Ze's right foot has just stopped after all.

The power of the Dragon Flame was too strong, and even Lin Ze was not completely sure to deal with it.

Now the loss of the three-day congenital two-layered Hanshan green snake can offset the dragon flame, what can Lin Ze be reluctant to do.

"Fortunately, Huo Mingyuan can only play the strength of Yan Long Fen Tian Pei on the third floor, and his own strength is also limited. Otherwise, even ten cold mountain green snakes can't stop the dragon flame!"

For a while in Lin Ze's heart, he was lucky to be able to block the Dragon Flame with the Green Mountain Snake this time.

The dragon flame is a fire attribute attack, and the Hanshan green snake is ice attribute. The two are naturally opposed. Therefore, it is correct to use the ice attribute to deal with the fire attribute dragon flame.

Of course, the most important thing is Huo Mingyuan’s limited strength, which led to the limited power of the dragon flames he issued. Otherwise, the three innate and two-layer cold mountain green snakes in Lin Ze’s hands could not stop the power of the dragon flames.

"It's just that Huo Mingyuan can't be so cheap!" Lin Ze's mental power in Shihai moved.

With the sound of "Boom!", the bodies of the three Hanshan green snakes that had been entangled with the dragon flame suddenly burst out, and the huge snake body shattered into countless pieces. At this time, the ring of air was also followed by a burst, and the exploding Yuwei directly blasted countless large or small, long or deep traces on the ground.

"Poof!" The powerful self-exposure, for example, also hurt Huo Mingyuan, who had been controlling the Longyan bomb in the back. He opened his mouth again and spit out a big mouthful of blood.

This is precisely Lin Ze's shrewdness. He knows that his three-day Hanshan green snake can't be protected, so he simply let them explode. The power of self-detonation can definitely make Huo Mingyuan drink a pot.

As expected by Lin Ze, Huo Mingyuan was injured again.

However, after he exploded three Hanshan green snakes, Lin Ze did not continue to retreat, but instead ran his full strength to the Qi, even holding the Qingming sword tightly in his hand, and was ready to attack at any time.

At this time, from the countless blood smoke produced by the self-detonation of the Hanshan green snake, the incomplete dragon flame was rushed out. I saw that there were half a car-sized dragon flame before. Not only is it broken, it is everywhere. Loopholes, wounds and the like, and the volume is only the size of the original tire.

However, even if this is the case, the power of the Dragon Flame Bomb is still not reduced, but there is a tendency to increase.

Huo Mingyuan had already found Lin Ze on one side. At this time, his chest was covered with blood. When he looked at Lin Ze with his eyes, the killing intention in his eyes was already substantive.

"Li Ze, die for me!"

Huo Mingyuan burst into a scream and again directed Longyan to attack Lin Ze.

This time, instead of retreating, Lin Ze killed directly.

"Golden bell cover!!" Lin Ze was running the true energy in Dan Tian with all his strength. With a hum, a golden golden bell appeared in front of Lin Ze, and it seemed to grow in the wind and grow instantly. To the extent of six meters high and three meters wide.

The golden bell shone with golden light, as if a golden mountain suddenly appeared between heaven and earth, attracting everyone's attention.

"Humph, it's the golden bell cover again!" Huo Mingyuan snorted coldly in his mouth, and there was actually a trace of vagueness in his heart.

However, despite this, Huo Mingyuan's offense was unambiguous.

Long Yanbo still rushed toward Lin Ze with endless powerful power.

At the next moment, Long Yan shot directly hit the golden bell in front of Lin Ze.

"Boom!" A powerful explosion sounded, and countless dirt rose in front of Lin Ze's golden bell.

"Kaz, Kaz..."

The powerful power of the dragon flame and the hot heat constantly hit the golden bell in front of Lin Ze, making the golden bell continue to emit a slight sound of glass Su cracking.

Lin Ze's face showed a decisive color, and he directly carried the Qingming Sword, the true energy of the whole body, and the spiritual energy contained in the Yuanshi above the Qingming Sword also all poured out. The large and small blue sword spirit appeared in front of Lin Ze, and then Lin Ze was fully infused into the gradually growing golden bell jar in front of him.

However, soon, the blue sword spirit first conflicted with the gang gas of the golden bell. The bell body of the golden bell was originally very round. At this time, an extremely obvious protrusion appeared, which was the golden bell. The state before the explosion.

Seeing this, Lin Ze not only failed to save with all his strength, but the true energy in Dantian continued to input towards Qingming Sword, which led to the increasingly powerful blue sword energy caused by Qingming sword body.

Five seconds passed, and I saw that the surface of the golden bell was dissatisfied with concave and convex **** of a size of half a meter. Lin Ze also felt more and more difficult to control at this time. He sipped in his heart: "Hidden escape Surgery!!!"

"Boo!" Lin Ze's figure disappeared directly in place, and at the same time, Lin Ze's spiritual power issued an order.

‘Blow me up! ! ’

The golden bell cover, which was still barely maintained before, was like a Junjun order. The huge golden bell body was suddenly contracted and solidified. This sudden contrast made Huo Mingyuan, who is in charge of the dragon flame, a little unresponsive for a while, until he really understood it. At that time, all the dragon flames had been wrapped tightly by the huge golden bell cover, and no traces could be seen.


"Boom..." A loud bang sounded, and the sound of the sound, even if it was described by Xia Yue's most powerful thunder sound is not enough to describe its prestige.

"Boom!!" With the sound of the aftermath of an explosion, a mushroom cloud that was 40 to 50 meters wide and hundreds of meters high appeared directly at the place of the explosion...

The powerful prestige made the surrounding warriors who were far away from this place stunned.

Then their faces changed, and they fled here at a faster rate.

Being able to make such a powerful move, they all know the strength of this person.

The dragon fire projectile that was composed purely of the condensed fire attribute qi, this time was also torn into countless pieces by the powerful explosive force from the golden bell cover and the Qingming sword qi self-detonation. The dragon flame, at this moment, fell apart and turned into ashes.

In order to prevent Huo Mingyuan from escaping, and to increase the power of the golden bell to explode as much as possible, Lin Ze was too demanding this time.

The range of his concealment is only 50 meters, which is still within the power circle of this explosion.

Although it is the outermost zone of the power circle, the powerful explosive shock wave directly hit Lin Ze without mercy.

At this moment, Lin Ze felt that his whole body was up and down as if he was being face-mounted by a fully loaded heavy truck driving at a high speed of one hundred yards.

The strong impact force caused Lin Ze to rise up into the air, fly out, and directly flew nearly a hundred meters. After breaking five big trees, he fell heavily on the ground.

"Poof!" The powerful impact force caused Lin Ze to spit out the blood in his mouth.

After spitting out this blood, Lin Ze's very ruddy face turned directly into a pale...

Lin Ze was seriously injured!

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