Alien Lord

Chapter 1303: Bloodthirsty Mosquito

For example, taking the spirit mirror that Lin Ze obtained before, the spirit mirror is a mysterious soldier of the third grade at the Xuan level. Its power is not small. With Lin Ze’s full exertion, he can easily pin down the innate strongman below the guru level. Let them appear in a static state with varying time, it can be said that it is an extremely powerful mysterious soldier.

However, once it is psychic, it can even directly leapfrog to the top strong at the Grand Master level.

A huge soldier who was only able to fix the master below the master, but was able to fix the top strong at the level of the master after psychic, such a huge gap, really is too big, too big!

As for the reason, it is actually very simple, that is, these psychic soldiers are all combined with some barbarian souls of Grand Master level strength, and even the souls of human Grand Masters.

It is precisely because of the fusion of the spirit of the Grand Master level that these basalts can be psychic. Their power is much stronger than that of the general basalts, and they basically belong to the category of non-replicable.

In addition, because the number is extremely rare (the Grand Master level is not so good to collect souls), the use limit is low (the acquired warriors can use it), and the power is powerful (the killing of enemies is more common at several levels) ), therefore, their value has been out of the scope of the black soldiers, even higher than most terrestrial level third-grade black soldiers.

The Thousand Demon streamers that Feng Yan said before were one of the psychic soldiers, and its previous level was not low, reaching the third grade on the prefecture level.

Qianmo streamer is a unique treasure inherited from the time of the establishment of Qianmo Dao. It has been passed down for tens of thousands of years. Inside it, the predecessors of Qianmo Dao have sealed a supreme grandmaster level Dark Warcraft beast soul , The power is so powerful that you can’t really speak in words.

In these tens of thousands of years, I don’t know how many Thousand Demon Gates are just innate masters of the guru level, who once held this streamer to contend with those guru, or even the top guru of the supreme guru level, or even Severely injured or even beheaded.

Therefore, in the four or five countries around the Chu Kingdom, the Thousand Devils can be described as the magic powers.

(It is only a fusion of a beast soul of the Supreme Grandmaster level. Therefore, for a top ancestor like the Great Qin Empire with four or five or even more Supreme Grandmaster strong towns, a thousand Moban really is nothing.)

Wasn’t it rumored that the Thousand Demon streamers disappeared as early as ten years ago? How would it appear here? Is it...

Thinking of this, Lin Ze flashed in his head, his face showing a sudden look.

It was at this time that Lin Ze suddenly realized that all the things before him were fleeing.

At the beginning, he felt strange. Like Su Zhe, Gu Xiyao, Feng Yan, the core leading figures of the younger generation in their respective schools, all appeared in this trial of Xuanyin Tomb. It is no coincidence that there are other intentions, and they will appear here together.

After all, although the tomb of Xuanyin is a treasure, but such a treasure, Gu Xiyao, Feng Yan and other core disciples would not like it.

Like Tai Yizong, I participated in this trial, but looking at the participants, although there are many elite disciples in the sect, they are only elite disciples. The most outstanding on the surface are only a few. The true descendants of the elders of the inner gates ranked lower.

None of the true disciples of the elders, such as the heads and other true core elders, came.

The disciples who came here, no matter from the name or the strength, were inferior to the remaining disciples of other sect.

Lin Ze was still wondering why this was. Now that he has heard Feng Yan’s words, he understands it. Obviously, the thousand demon streamers that have been owned by Qianmo Dao are exactly one trial of Xuanyin’s tomb ten years ago. Lost in the.

At that time, it was estimated that there were several other disciples present. Therefore, the relevant information was brought back. Only then did they have the core elite to compete and compete.

If Thousand Demon streamers are in the hands of Thousand Demon Roads, then the other Sects want to take them, that is dreaming.

However, now that the thousand demon streamers fell in the tomb of Xuanyin, the one who picked it up was the one.

Even after Qianmo Dao came to trouble, but with Qianmo Dao in hand, it is equivalent to the addition of a supreme grandmaster level strong, and Qianmo Dao is equal to the lack of a supreme grandmaster.

One entry and one exit is the difference between the two Supreme Masters.

On the contrary, Qian Mo Dao can guarantee that his status does not decline even if it is good. If he still wants to take Qian Mo Fan from other sects, hehe, it is also a dream.

Even one is not good, it will also suffer a big loss, and then give other sect opportunities.

It's just that this time it's obviously a big loss, because I didn't get the information in advance, so I didn't send the top experts who really support the facade of the school.

This time, not only is there little hope of competing for the Thousand Demon streamers, but I am afraid that the elite disciples sent by Tai Yizong will also be killed or injured by half.

After all, Thousand Demon's affairs matter. Those people certainly don't want to be known by Tai Yizong's disciples. Therefore, they will definitely deal with Tai Yizong's disciples.

Lin Ze is still meditating on this side. The three people in front have already said that the dogfight is about to strike.

Seeing that the two in front of her still did not fade away, Feng Yan seemed impatient and entangled with the two in front of her. At the next moment, she flicked her sleeves and a large group of little finger-sized flying insects poured out, accompanied by a piercing Buzzing, killing Huo Mingyuan and Wu Ren.

"No, this is the bloodthirsty demon mosquito!" Huo Mingyuan looked at these mosquitoes and changed his face, exclaimed, flashing around to avoid it, and at the same time flames rose up around him, turning into a flame shield to protect it firmly. Whole body up and down.

On the other side, Wu Ren waved the pair of golden knives in his hand, and a fiery red flame knife continued to split, and soon Wu Ren's countless flame knife gas appeared, such as Skynet Generally protect yourself.

Feng Yan's face was still light, and the response to the two was ignored, but he slowly extended his right hand, out of thin air.

"Dingling Bell!" The bell on Feng Yan's right hand rang, and the sound sounded very sweet, but for Huo Mingyuan and Wu Ren not far away, this was a movement of death.

Accompanied by sweet golden bells, the large group of bloodthirsty demon mosquitoes suddenly split into two groups, rushing towards Huo Mingyuan and Wu Ren, respectively.

It seems that Feng Yan actually wanted to destroy the two together with one enemy and two.

The bloodthirsty demon mosquito doesn't look like its name seems to be very powerful, but in fact, it is extremely weak among the wild beasts, and it can't even enter the order, just like the killer bee before Lin Ze.

These barbarians don't have any rankings. If you really want to give them a ranking, it's a level zero barbarian.

Such a weak barbarian, a single one, or even hundreds of them, is naturally not in Huo Mingyuan’s eyes, but the one in front of him is not one or two, not even one hundred or two hundred, but densely countable. There are definitely tens of thousands, even 100,000 bloodthirsty mosquitoes.

Faced with so many bloodthirsty demon mosquitoes, as long as they are caught, they can definitely **** them into skeletons without taking a breath.

"I want to come to Feng Yan with storage equipment such as a barbarian bag, otherwise, where there are so many bloodthirsty demon mosquitoes!" Lin Ze saw Feng Yan's movements and immediately guessed her absolute There are storage equipment like the inner beast bag.

At this time, Huo Mingyuan and Wu Renke did not have much thought to think about what spirit beast bag, they are attacking an amazing number of bloodthirsty demon mosquitoes around them.

"Ah!" Wu Ren shouted, first forced the bloodthirsty demon mosquitoes around him, and then the countless sword qi began to merge, and in the blink of an eye turned into two golden swords.

At the next moment, these two golden knives cut into Feng Yan in a cross shape.

Wu Ren wanted to kill Feng Yan first. He knew clearly that it was impossible to kill the bloodthirsty mosquitoes around number of them is really too much.

The best thing is to kill Feng Yan directly. In this case, the remaining bloodthirsty demon mosquitoes will lose control, and they will collapse immediately, and they will not be threatened by then.

While attacking Feng Yan, Wu Ren's qi was not constantly surging. Like Huo Mingyuan, the fire-like gang qi shield enveloped him all.

When countless bloodthirsty mosquitoes rushed, it was almost as thick as the essence of gas, and suddenly turned into a palm, and flew up and down on his body, caught a bloodthirsty mosquito in his hand, and turned Ashes.

In an instant, the ashes transformed by countless bloodthirsty mosquitoes directly submerged Wu Ren's feet.

Under Wu Ren's full defense, Feng Yan's bloodthirsty demon mosquitoes are rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just half a minute, a thousand or two thousand bloodthirsty mosquitoes turned to ashes.

Huo Mingyuan also showed no signs of weakness. He didn't know what method he used, and his face suddenly turned red, as if he was about to bleed.

Then, the gas all over his body turned into a flame, and quickly rose nearly three meters high, like a huge torch.

Afterwards, the whips transformed by flames were separated from the flames on his body, swimming around him. All the bloodthirsty demon mosquitoes that were nearby were instantly concentrated by the whips transformed by these flames, and then turned into high temperatures on the whips. Aerosol.

In an instant, hundreds of flame whips appeared beside him. From a distance, they looked like the king of whips.

I believe that if he goes to the Japanese nation on earth, there will be no problems with his life.

His advantage over the whip alone will allow him to occupy a place in the Japanese movie.

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