Alien Lord

Chapter 1296: Women's big brother! !

It has been three days since Lin Ze left the stone forest. During these three days, he also collected a lot of spirit grass and elixir. Of course, while on the road, he also encountered some warriors with short eyes.

In this regard, Lin Ze will not be polite, and he has directly grasped all of the plane seed world.

Now Lin Ze is no longer overly surprised by the spirit grass and elixir that often appear along the way. He no longer feels resistance when he takes some warriors directly to the plane seed world. Instead, as time goes by, his heart The face felt more and more reasonable, and there were few big fluctuations in his heart, and he had been walking quietly.

On this day, Lin Ze came to a rock wall that was 100 meters high.

Here, Lin Ze discovered a Zizhi with a period of six or seven hundred years. This Zizhi can survive until now, because it grows on a rock wall sixty to seventy meters high. It is very concealed, and the average person cannot find it at all.

Lin Ze was able to find this Zizhi also because of his sensitive help.

After discovering this piece of Zizhi, Lin Ze stopped of course immediately.

He first waved a small array of hidden formations nearby. After being inherited the knowledge of the formation of Master Xuanyin, now Lin Ze has arranged these small arrays. It is really easy and pleasant.

After arranging the formation, Lin Ze carried out light work, came to the cliff, and picked it carefully.

This time Lin Ze arranged only a preliminary four-image array, and the materials for the array were found from a disciple of Wan Fa Zong.

Lin Ze was inexperienced after all. He had never thought of it, but he also needed to build a line of defense when collecting elixir.

Therefore, the result is that during the picking of the elixir, a sneak attack was encountered.

Not only was the elixir damaged, but Lin Ze almost turned over in the gutter. Even so, Lin Ze also suffered some minor injuries.

It was a team led by this disciple of Wan Fa Zong that attacked Lin Ze.

The final result is obvious. These people who attacked Lin Ze were directly taken by Lin Ze and thrown into the plane seed world.

In this way, Lin Ze found this set of formation flags from the body of the disciples who had attacked Wan Fa Zong.

With the cooperation of this person and the research of Qu Jingwen on the side, Lin Ze only fiddled with it for a moment, immediately understood the effect of this formation, and quickly manipulated it skillfully.

After this incident, Lin Ze was considered to have eaten a long grain of wisdom.

Every time after collecting elixir, elixir or something, Lin Ze will set up a formation in advance to protect himself.

Lin Ze's movements gently cleared the silt on the roots of Zizhi, and directly opened the world of plane seeds. Put the four-legged Zizhi with dense roots and carefully just put it into it, and let it wait for a long time. The three brothers of Feng Miao.

Then, these three brothers planted these Zizhi in the Lingyao Garden for the first time.

The three brothers Feng Fengmiao are all good at planting spirits. In this respect, they are much stronger than Lin Ze. Therefore, the three of them are now responsible for planting and harvesting Lin Ze’s Ling Yao Garden.

After seeing Feng Miao take Zizhi away, Lin Ze smiled slightly and stood up straight.

At the next moment, Lin Ze's face suddenly moved, and the hands of the four-image array French array flag that he just wanted to take back could not help but pause.

He thought for a moment, hesitated a little, and finally, he took the flag back,

As soon as Lin Ze put away the flag of the four-image array method, the effect of converging the hidden traces suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, in a distant place, a female disciple dressed in pink was chased and fled in this direction.

At the moment when the four-image array method was taken away by Lin Ze, her face was stunned because she felt someone nearby.

Slightly feeling the direction of this strange breath, she quickly turned her attention to Lin Ze.

When she looked at the clothing on Lin Ze, she was overjoyed, because this person was a fellow student. At the next moment, she shouted for help: "Brother in front, help! Help!"

The sound of the voice was so high and loud that Lin Ze's face frowned as he heard the ground just now.

He chose to show up rather than keep hiding. Obviously, he naturally had the idea of ​​saving this Tai Yizong female disciple.

After all, Lin Ze used the name of Tai Yizong, and he owed him a small relationship. Plus, this disciple was a female. Therefore, Lin Ze was soft in heart and wanted to save others.

(Women are born with such advantages. Seeing that they are being bullied, the men around them will not sit idly by as long as they are capable.

If it’s a man, alas......., I won’t say it, all the tears...

In the past few days, apart from some people who had been in a group before, or were too peaceful to know where the cat was, most ordinary Zongmen disciples had already been killed or retreated early because of self-knowledge. , Or do not go to the center to take risks.

The rest has a little skill.

Lin Ze's now apparently cultivated quasi-innate strength. Among the remaining elites, let's not mention the bottom, at least the last few.

Generally speaking, the warriors who are now at the core position are all innate strength. Lin Zezhun’s innate strength, in the eyes of these people, is really not enough to see.

In addition, Lin Ze is not the one who actively provoked things. These days, he has not shot much, so I am afraid that others think Lin Ze is a fast-soft persimmon.

Because of this reason, when Lin Ze was on the way to the place recorded on the map, from time to time, some warriors such as cats and dogs came to him and wanted to **** the spiritual material in his hands.

In this regard, Lin Ze was very upset.

Therefore, this time, I just took this opportunity to take the congenital blood demon gate disciple who was chasing behind to stand up for power, to shock the surrounding Xiaoxiao.

As for this rescue, it is just incidental.

Anyway, Lin Ze has the ability to save her. It doesn’t matter how much she stretches her hand because she is a disciple of Tai Yizong and a female.

Lin Ze was standing on the spot and waiting for a few breaths. The powder-coated Tai Yizong female disciple breathlessly exerted her light skills, and fled to Lin Ze in embarrassment.

As soon as he stopped, this female disciple of Taizong looked at Lin Ze with a grateful look, his mouth slightly open, as if there was something to say.

However, her mouth opened halfway, and suddenly she froze, and there was a bit of bitterness in her eyes.

Obviously, she was only able to see Lin Ze's cultivation behavior. Therefore, her regret and bitter expression appeared in her eyes.

She couldn't help but look back behind her, and found that the soldiers behind were already close at hand. It can be said that she could not escape now.

Faced with such a result, the female disciple of Taiyizong finally said helplessly: "This younger brother (the strength is low, the brother became a younger brother...), he is the core disciple of the blood demon Su Zhe , Because I coveted my beauty before, I had chased me for a day, and my former Xuanbing had already been destroyed by him. Brother, you must save me!"

"Covetous beauty?" Lin Ze looked at the extremely ordinary look on her face, which was at most sixty, and there was a word of silence in her heart.

"Women are like this, no matter how ugly they are, they think they are beautiful like fairies, hey..." Lin Ze sighed in silence.

Seriously, now he regrets saving this Tai Yizong female disciple, because such a narcissistic guy is definitely not that grateful to Dade.

But now that salvation has been saved, Lin Ze is too late even if he wants to repent, because the pursuit of soldiers is already in sight.

The female disciple of Tai Yizong kept looking at Lin Ze's face. Therefore, the changing expression on Lin Ze's face when he first saw him was naturally seen in his eyes, but it was a bit uncomfortable in his heart.

It's just that she still needs to rely on Lin Ze to save her life, so she didn't vent her for a while.

Lin Ze is no longer ready to ignore this narcissistic directly observed the man who stopped and stopped 30 meters away.

At first glance, Lin Ze got goose bumps all over him.

Because the Su Zhe in front of him looks like a man, but the man in front of him is charming and charming, and the dress is also feminine. Even now she looks more like a woman than the female disciple in front of him. .

"Hey, if this guy goes to Thailand, it will definitely be very popular!" Lin Zexin's heart was disgusting for a while.

He doesn't like this kind of person at all. You are a man, but you are dressed as a woman. For a guy who changes like this, Lin Ze wants to vomit at first sight.

At this time, Lin Zexin's Taiyizong female disciple was still in the heart.

The man in front of you is more than ten times more beautiful than you. He will look at you and want you, hehe..., Lin Ze only has the words Hehe in his heart.

The opposite Su Zhe did not immediately come forward. He first gently pressed the fluttering pink robe, and then looked at Lin Ze's whole body. Lin Ze looked like goose bumps.

Then, this Su Zhe seemed to be very satisfied, Dai Mei frowned, Tan mouth slightly opened, softly said: "This brother..."

Before the words were finished, Lin Ze couldn't bear the changed guy in front of him. Raising his hand directly was a fiery red sword gas, shooting directly at his eyebrows, and blocking all the words below him back.

Although Su Zhe said that the dress is very that, but the strength is indeed very strong.

Facing Lin Ze's sudden attack, a flash of shock flashed on his face, and no movement was seen at all. I saw his eyebrows raised, and a light blue mask rose up, tightening his body up and down. Tightly protect.

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