Alien Lord

Chapter 1071: Shouts behind

Being sensitive, Lin Ze walked around these stalls very quickly. At each stall, Lin Ze spent no more than two minutes, but every time he stopped to buy things, he directly said these The advantages and disadvantages of things, so many people directly regard Lin Ze as a veteran in discerning elixir, speech and hospitality, the more polite.

Where can the bosses of these stalls think that there will be such a magical thing as a sense of sensitivity, so they will mistakenly think that Lin Ze is a veteran of discernment.

What's more, the bosses of some stalls also took out the elixir they had acquired before and could not be sure. One was to see if Lin Ze knew it, and the other was to see if these things could be sold.

In this way, Lin Ze's harvest on the stall was huge. Soon, he acquired a lot of elixir, many of which were fine.

Because there are too many elixirs, Lin Ze can't just put elixir into the plane-seed world, so every once in a while, a congenital person will come to Lin Ze to take him to buy Then, looking for a place that others can’t see, Lin Ze directly collected the elixir into the world of Plane Seeds.

This made some people who wanted to follow in secret a mist, and finally left after he could not find it.

The gains on the stalls are great. Lin Ze will certainly not leave easily. He is going to take a look at these small stalls.

The time soon passed two hours. Lin Ze handed the elixir to one of his congenital men again to take him away, and all the stalls here were almost finished by Lin Ze.

"A lot of elixir has been acquired, but none of the truly precious elixir is available. The small stall is a small stall. It is very difficult to seek treasure on this!" Lin Ze lamented.

Lin Ze’s harvest in these two hours was not small. He purchased hundreds of spirit medicines and spirit fruits seeds, and other spirit materials and spirit medicines also acquired a lot. However, these are very common things. There is nothing really precious, and the best ones are some hundred-year-old Pei Yuan Guo.

These Pei Yuan fruits are only useful to the warriors on the 7th and 8th floors of the day after tomorrow, and they are no longer useful for Lin Ze, who is a day after day success.

"Forget it, this is a normal thing. It's not too early now. It's time to go for lunch."

After visiting for such a period of time, Lin Ze's stomach was also hungry, so I was going to find a place to eat.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind him.

"This gentleman, I have some old stuff, would you like to see it?"

"You call me?"

Lin Ze stopped and turned to look at the person behind him who was talking to himself suddenly.

This man is a young man, about twenty years old, thin and weak, with a pair of eyes that are a little small, and when he smiles, he squints into a slit, and Lin Ze can't see his eyes.

This person's dress is also very interesting, anyway, Lin Ze saw an urge to laugh.

This man's true age is definitely not old, but he has to put some beard on his mouth, and he also wears a pair of eyes on his eyes. It looks like the master of the big landlord in the movie.

Just by looking at this man's dress, Lin Ze knew immediately that he had encountered a "ghost".

The "ghost" that Lin Ze is talking about here is not a real ghost, but a kind of name similar to the tufu in the antique market.

In the antique market, Tufuzi is usually very concealed and will not show up easily. However, they will also send some people to find candidates in the antique market in order to sell the antiques they brought out of the ground.

The mainland of China is the world of martial arts, where martial arts is the honor, so, of course, there will be some things in the dark.

Just like here in the 100,000 mountains, there are so many warriors, so it is inevitable that the warriors will ambush and secretly attack other warriors.

Many of the fighters killed will have more or less some secrets of the martial arts he practiced, or swords, swords, xuanbing, etc., but these things are very obvious. Once they are taken out, they are easy to be discovered, so, Can only be dealt with in secret.

It is for this reason that the underground black market has appeared in the trading market.

This time it was one of these black markets who secretly called Lin Ze.

Lin Ze’s local tyrants on the booth, as long as they are not blind, can be seen, and they are also the favorite trading objects of those black market businessmen.

As long as he likes and likes, the price is not a problem at all.

"This gentleman, I have been watching you for a long time. I can see that you are a real expert, but you have gained a lot, but there are no fine products, and I just have them here. I don’t know if you are interested in some high-quality products. If there are, go to my booth to see it. There are definitely some high-quality products above, which will definitely satisfy you. If you want to know such high-quality products, I wouldn’t take them out. ..."

The young man looked familiar and whispered close to Lin Ze's ear. The voice was very low. Only Lin Ze could hear it. Don't want people nearby to hear it.

As soon as this person came up, he first praised Lin Ze, except that a pair of small eyes were looking around, turning straight and dizzy, and there was a wave of true energy on the soles of the feet. Obviously, he was ready to run away, how to look It's all sneaky.

"Oh? Where is your stall? I won't go far away!"

Lin Ze didn't refuse, but asked nonchalantly.

If it is not in this trading market, he will definitely not go.

Don't look at the huge market here, it seems to be very safe, but the water inside is absolutely deep. The three religions and nine streams are mixed with fish and dragons. One is careless and it is a trivial matter to lose money.

Lin Ze's strength is very strong, but there are also strong players in the strong. In such a place, Lin Ze is still careful.

Some of the news collected by Lin Ze previously recorded an incident in detail.

This was two years ago, in the fall, when there was an acquired warrior on the ninth floor who had just come to the 100,000 mountain for adventure. When he entered the 100,000 mountain again, he was lucky to pick up three heads. Congenital brutal beast.

Because of the many harvests, the acquired warrior on the ninth floor brought the corpses of these three congenital beasts to the trading market to sell, preparing to come here to make a fortune.

In fact, just as the warrior on the ninth floor of the acquired day thought, as soon as he came to the trading market, countless people rushed directly to his booth.

The three congenital wild beasts are a bit broken due to the previous death fight. However, the general appearance is still intact, and more importantly, there are three snake eggs beside one of the red-horned pythons.

The red angle python will end up together, also because the red angle python wants to protect its eggs.

This is the snake egg of the red angle python. Once born, it is the strength of the six layers of the day after tomorrow. It is a very simple matter to cultivate it and become a congenital beast. Therefore, even if it is the price of one, it can be sold for 100,000. Gold coins around.

This thing immediately caused a sensation in the market, and the trading market immediately shouted. This shouting does not matter, and suddenly let the entire trading market people come to the warrior's stall. Everyone wants to buy these three red. Horned snake eggs.

You should know that there is no such precious thing on the street. For example, the descendants of congenital wild beasts will enter the auction and will not flow outside.

I don’t know what this warrior thinks, maybe for the sake of fame (with fame, you can form a team to enter the periphery of 100,000 mountains), or he thinks that the transaction tax on the auction is too high, and then Or because he was afraid of nights and dreams, he knew that the precious three snake eggs were still sold in the market.

Such a good thing appeared, immediately, within a few minutes, the news spread like a wind throughout the entire trading Since the three red-horned snake eggs have no full-term, it looks like the situation Not very good, so the selling price is slightly lower than before.

After discussing with three different innate warriors and this acquired warrior, they finally bought the three red-horned snake eggs at a high price of 70,000 gold coins each.

As for the corpses of the remaining three congenital wild beasts, they were also bought by several congenital warriors for the price of 700,000 gold coins per head.

It can be said that at once, the acquired warrior on the ninth floor became a full-fledged local tyrant, or the real local tyrant with golden light all over his body.

It is said that the story ends here. The good luck of the acquired warrior made him make a fortune, earning nearly 2.5 million gold coins. I believe most people who watch the lively will also sigh in their hearts. The warrior's luck is so good, Ping Bai made such a huge fortune.

It is a pity that the blessings are at stake!

In the Xingyue Valley trading market, there are also many people who want to make a fortune and are skeptical. After discovering that the warrior has earned so much money, countless pairs of greedy eyes have focused on the acquired warrior.

Perhaps the figure of two hundred and fifty is indeed bad, or the strength of the acquired warrior is too low. The two and a half million gold coins of this warrior have not been scorched. When passing a small alley, he was directly scored ten. Several men in black surrounded the group, and there were many innate masters.

Encountered such a situation, what will happen next, it can be imagined.

Fortunately, this is still inside Xingyue Valley, so all the 2.5 million gold coins in this acquired warrior were all robbed, but his life was finally saved.

This is also a great fortune in misfortune!

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