Alien Lord

Chapter 1060: Terrified

Lin Ze guessed nothing wrong, Confucian Kong Yu had already received news that fifteen Confucian innate masters had been annihilated by the army at this time.

Lin Ze had just taken down these people from Qu Jingwen, and it had not been half a day. The dark nails of Confucianism placed in Linsha City reported this news.

When reporting, it was directly stated that all the people had fallen into the enemy.

Before they set off, Qu Jingwen had an explanation in advance with the dark nails here. No matter whether the mission was successful this time or how much damage they suffered after the success, they would continue the dark nails of Confucianism in Linsha City.

And if it hasn't come back after a certain period of time, like half a day, it means that they have been wiped out by the whole army.

Now the time is far beyond half a day, but even one of the reporters did not come back. Confucian's secret nail immediately knew that they had all been wiped out by Qu Jingwen. Otherwise, how could someone be sent to inform them? of.

Upon learning of the bad news of the Tianda, Confucian's dark nails immediately spread the news. They even left the original stronghold and lurked into Linsha City. They dared not show up again to avoid being captured by Lin Ze.

"Bang!" Kong Yu's face was black and translucent when she saw what was written on the information.

He is already very much looking at Lin Ze's strength, otherwise, he will not send Qu Jingwen and their fifteen innate masters to deal with Lin Ze, among them there are three top four innate masters.

However, as a result, Qu Jingwen's fifteen people were still annihilated by the whole army. This is really a blow to Kong Yu's heart.

"How is this possible, how could Lin Lixuan have such a powerful force by his side, actually wiped out all 15 of them in Qu Jingwen, such a strength, even if it is in the ancestors of Chu, Strong, but a young man like Lin Lixuan, how can there be such a strong guardian force around him, this is impossible!" Kong Yu mouth kept muttering to himself, I do not believe that Lin Ze will be so powerful.

"What should I do now? These are fifteen congenital masters, plus the six that fell into Lin Lixuan's hands, but there are twenty-one congenital masters. Such a loss can really be said to poke It's breaking the sky, this makes me confess with the Sect Master." Kong Yu's brow furrowed, and his heart was uneasy for a while.

Kong Yu is the person in charge of Confucianism in the Chu Kingdom, or his deputy suzerain, or even one of the candidates for the next suzerain. However, this does not mean that he can arbitrarily lose the power of Confucianism.

There is only one Sect Master of Confucianism, but there are as many as 18 Sect Masters, that is to say, there are still 17 people sitting on equal footing with Kong Yu, and the next generation of Sect Masters of Confucianism has more competitors. There are twenty or thirty.

That is to say, Kong Yu said one thing here in Chu Kingdom, but his status in Confucianism is not very high, and there are many people who have higher status than him.

Kong Yu will come to Chu Kingdom from the headquarters of Confucianism. One is to help the Seventh Prince to ascend to the throne. In this case, the future Chu Kingdom will be Confucianism. He will also become the next generation of Confucianism because of this credit. metropolitan.

The second reason is because the emperor Tian Gao is far away. In the headquarters of Confucianism, there are still many people who can control Kong Yu, like the suzerain, and those elders, which is different in Chu Kingdom.

In Chu Kingdom, everything is up to Kong Yu, so Kong Yu would not be willing to stay at the headquarters of Confucianism.

It is a pity that everything is different now. This time the action directly lost fifteen innate elite masters of Confucianism. Once the headquarters knows, it will definitely hold Kong Yu's corresponding responsibility.

Like this, the loss of fifteen congenital elites has suddenly disappeared in Confucianism for ten years, but now it appears here in Kong Yu.

"T Mom D, what a bad luck, how could there be a monster like Lin Lixuan!" Kong Yu sighed for a while, feeling helpless for meeting a strong enemy like Lin Ze.

"However, there is no possibility of salvation here. With Lin Lixuan's current strength, it will definitely be a great obstacle for our Confucianism to control the Chu Kingdom. Therefore, if I can find out the strength of Lin Lixuan's strength, it can be considered as a supplement. At that time, the blame of the headquarters will be much smaller."

Kong Yu immediately thought of a way to save, that is, to figure out how strong Lin Ze is by his side.

"Well, the Seventh Prince just happened to have a team dedicated to investigating the news, but this time it can come in handy."

Thinking of this, Kong Yu got up directly and went to the palace of the Seventh Prince Yan Yucheng.

Obviously, Lin Ze's prediction was correct. After knowing that Qu Jingwen had annihilated their whole army, Kong Yu didn't dare to easily send any man to deal with Lin Ze, but wanted to first understand Lin Ze's details.

Kong Yu didn't even know that it was because of his idea that Lin Ze gave enough time to strengthen his strength. When Kong Yu thought that he had cleared Lin Ze's strength, he sent another manpower to prepare for Lin Ze. At that time he suddenly discovered that Lin Ze's strength was so strong that he could not resist it at all.


Time has passed for almost a month. At this time, Lin Ze has planted the puppet mark of most people, and now only the strongest Qu Jingwen is left.

Qu Jingwen deserves to be the leader of this team, the strength is indeed very strong, especially in terms of mental strength, much stronger than other people, Lin Ze has been fighting with Qu Jingwen for a full five days.

"Hoo!" Lin Zeshu exhaled, wiped the sweat beads on his forehead, and there was a look of joy on his face.

"Finally, Qu Jingwen's mental strength was almost destroyed, and now he is only left to plant his puppet mark!" Lin Ze looked at the opposite Qu Jingwen and thought.

Qu Jingwen’s spiritual strength is not as good as Lin Ze’s. However, specializing in Confucianism exercises has made Qu Jingwen’s mental strength extremely resilient. Lin Ze’s constant mental power attacks and crushed Qu Jingwen’s spiritual power, but, soon Yes, Qu Jingwen’s spiritual power will re-condense again.

What's more terrible is that Qu Jingwen deserves to be a genius of Confucianism. He actually refined his spiritual power while fighting Lin Ze's spiritual power.

In other words, Qu Jingwen directly regarded Lin Ze's mental power attack as a sharpening stone for purifying his spiritual power, and wanted to strengthen his spiritual power and refine his spiritual power through Lin Ze's mental power attack.

After understanding Qu Jingwen's plan, Lin Ze was instantly speechless.

At the same time, the bottom of my heart also raised a great alert attitude towards Confucianism.

Qu Jingwen is only the outer elders of the Confucian division. If the elders who changed the inner gates of the city and the elders of the headquarters, it is not much stronger than Qu Jingwen.

A Qu Jingwen is so difficult to deal with, then the other elders of Confucianism, will Lin Ze be able to deal with it in the future? !

Thinking of this, Lin Ze's heart was cold.

In fact, such a thing is a matter of course.

People who can become elders of Confucianism are all the most elite part of Confucianism. Confucianism cultivation is very demanding to get started. It is not that geniuses cannot enter the door, and elites are geniuses in geniuses. Qu Jingwen is Such people, it is difficult for them to deal with it for granted.

However, this time Qu Jingwen looked at himself high and Lin Ze underestimated.

Qu Jingwen wanted to use Lin Ze’s mental power attack to temper his own mental power. Seriously, this idea was indeed very powerful, but he forgot the qualitative difference between his spiritual strength and Lin Ze.

What's more terrible is that Lin Ze also has a plane seed world in hand, he can quickly restore his mental strength, and Qu Jingwen obviously can't do it.

Therefore, although Qu Jingwen persisted for five days, he was finally defeated by Lin Ze's mental attack level.

Seeing that Qu Jingwen had lost his resistance, Lin Ze's heart was relieved, and he took a rest for an hour to restore his mental strength to zero in order to keep his mental strength in the most powerful state.

Lin Ze's mental strength was fully restored. He didn't hesitate any more, he just pulled Qu Jingwen over and sat cross-legged opposite him, ready to plant a puppet mark for Qu Jingwen.

Lin Zening looked at the opposite face struggling, his eyes were full of panic Qu Jingwen, and there was a pride on the corner of his mouth.

Qu Jingwen was the last person to be planted with puppet marks. Fourteen people planted puppet marks before him.

On the first time, Qu Jingwen didn't understand what Lin Ze was doing. After seeing that person's respect for Lin Ze, Qu Jingwen just thought that person could not bear to surrender to Lin Ze.

However, until the second and the third..., they were directly convinced by Lin Ze's men and obeyed Lin Zeyan's words, even the secrets they practiced and the secrets in the Confucianism were not retained at all. After telling Lin Ze everything, Qu Jingwen immediately understood that Lin Ze had some special means to conquer them.

Think again about the blood demon Xinxu that I met before, which looked like Lin Ze as the master. Where would Qu Jingwen not understand what Lin Ze was going to do to them?

After thinking that he would become a slave in Lin Ze's hands in the near future, the fear in Qu Jingwen's heart directly increased to the extreme.

This is also the main reason why Qu Jingwen has always insisted on fighting Lin Ze’s spiritual strength. He doesn’t want to be a slave of any person, no matter who the whole person is, how amazing this person is.

It is a pity that all these developments were not dominated by Qu Jingwen. Now his spiritual power has been completely defeated by Lin Ze, and he has become the meat on top of Lin Ze’s investigative office.

Seeing Lin Ze's spiritual power restored, a smile of triumph was still revealed at the corner of his mouth, and Qu Jingwen's heart was cold.

"No...!" Qu Jingwen roared in his heart...

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