Alien Lord

Chapter 1058: Placement (3)

Just as Zhang Sanshi said this, it was just a good expectation of his future life in his heart. He didn't think it could be realized.

However, soon, Zhang Sanshi knew that he had been wrong before, because such a beautiful life soon appeared in front of his eyes.

"The new migrants in Huangsha Town, who are called Xu Guoqiang, are the supervisors of the temporary resettlement camp on the 57th. First of all, I welcome everyone to this big family. I can tell you that when you come here, you will Live a happy life like never before.

It's just that before living these happy lives, everyone will be here for a month, that is, thirty days of quarantine, as well as some technical training and some places in your new life in Huangsha Town where you need ideas.

In our Huangsha Town, some of the living rules here are slightly different from when you were in Qingzhou. For example, we are walking on the right hand when walking here. If you throw garbage, you have to throw it in a fixed garbage station. ..... There are many rules like this, so in order to allow everyone to adapt to the new life here in Huangsha Town as soon as possible, so we will get this training here, and hope everyone can forgive me.

Of course, if you don't understand, hehe... "

Although Xu Guoqiang only chuckled in the end, all the meaning in his words can be understood.

If you do not understand, then of course you cannot enter Huangsha Town.

After seeing that the following people have understood, Xu Guoqiang went on to say: "Of course everyone in this month, all the food and other expenses are paid by our Governor Lin. After receiving the training, we According to your specialty, we will arrange a job within our ability.

Of course, you are also free to choose whether to accept it, like farming or something. Of course, we also arrange a temporary residence for you and your family here. The houses are all ordinary houses. If you want to live a little better first, then you can work **** the land or work.

Have you heard these things clearly? Asked Xu Guo with a loud roar.

"Listen clearly!" A sparse answer came from below.

"That's good, if someone doesn't understand, ask those around you who hear clearly!" Xu Guoqiang emphasized again.

"Now the big guy will return to the room according to his assigned room, and will ring the bell when eating. Finally, I wish the big guy a happy and happy life in Huangsha Town!" Xu Guoqiang said sincerely.

Looking at the two or three hundred refugees from all over Qingzhou, Xu Guoqiang was not impatient at all. For those who came to Huangsha Town from Qingzhou to seek for work, Huang Guoqiang was more hug He has a kind of mentality with the same life, therefore, he does not mean to despise half in his heart. After all, Xu Guoqiang himself was like them three months ago, and he was a refugee who had to leave his hometown. He just preceded them. It's been two months.

Xu Guoqiang knew that these people who came to Huangsha Town must be a bit unfit for the current arrangement, but this is something they absolutely need to overcome.

For example, Xu Guoqiang's group of refugees came because of the lack of quarantine resettlement, and soon there was an epidemic. Three or four hundred refugees and the hundreds of guards who helped them set up their homes fell ill.

In the end, if Governor Lin took out the magic medicine to rescue them, this time the epidemic will directly destroy Huangsha Town.

Finally, Governor Lin personally told them the origin of the disease.

At this time, Xu Guoqiang knew that these diseases were actually brought by them, and at the same time, he also knew the importance of maintaining hygiene.

It is from this day onwards that Huangsha Town will set up an isolation point in the Liumin camp. In the future, before entering Huangsha Town, all the migrants must first live in the isolation point for a month. After one month, there is no problem. Only then can he enter Huangsha Town.

This month of quarantine is not in vain. These migrants will be taught some specialized skills and some skills that must be mastered when living in Huangsha Town.

Habits such as diligent bathing, this month, every migrant will go to take a bath every day. After a month, these people will go out of the resettlement camp. .

In this way, these migrants have ensured that their bodies are clean, and the possibility of epidemics is reduced to a minimum.

In addition to these new norms on life, Xu Guoqiang is also responsible for teaching how people in the camps he is responsible for farming.

Yes, these people are all migrants, and they don’t need professors for farming. However, this is in other places. In Huangsha Town, how to farm does really need to be taught again.

The farming of Huangsha Town has entered the stage of animal power from manpower.

Here, we have used Huojia to grow land.

It is not a simple matter to want to manipulate the fire armor flexibly.

Just like the buffalo farmland on the earth, you want to use it well, it doesn't take a little time, it's really not good.

Not to mention the use of Huojia this time.

Huojia Niu is also a barbarian. How can ordinary people like this barbarian be born with fear in their hearts? Even if you tell him clearly, Huojianiu is not at all dangerous, there are still many people who dare not move forward. Close.

There are many examples of this now, just like Erha, which is very popular now. Erha looks very huge, much larger than ordinary dogs. After reading it, many people will feel subconscious Fear, I dare not move forward.

Even if you tell him very clearly, Erha is very obedient and will not bite at all, many people still dare not touch it.

When Erha came forward enthusiastically and wanted to play with you, some people would be scared and cried directly...

I believe that those who raise Erha in their family will definitely have such an experience.

I went to my colleague's house for New Year's New Year last year. My colleague's house had a snow-white Erha. When I entered the door, the Erha stood directly at the door. At that time, I almost turned around and fled, even if it was behind me. My colleague said Erha did not bite people, but after I entered the door, I was still very careful between actions. I was afraid that Erha would come up with a bite.

In the middle Erha came to me several times and kept sniffing. At that time, I was all tense, and the atmosphere did not dare to catch my breath...

The half-hour just started that day is definitely the darkest time that the walker has encountered in his life...

Huojia Niu is not an Erha, it has a temper, once you really hurt it, it will directly give you a poke, then at that time, it is really dangerous.

After all, Huojia Niu is also a barbarian.

Therefore, if you want to use Huojia to cultivate land, you must first learn how to drive it, so that Lin Ze will be assured that they will use Huojia to farm.

Hundreds of miles around Huangsha Town are semi-desert areas. It is really impossible to farm here without the help of Huojia.

The soil here is buried by sand more than half a meter below the ground. Such a deep place can only be cultivated by humans, and cannot be done at all.

However, it can be considered wrong. Huangsha Town is surrounded by semi-desert areas. The terrain here cannot be seen in the eyes of ordinary people. Therefore, the land here can be expanded by Lin Ze.

In other words, as long as Lin Ze is willing, he can directly expand the site of Huangsha Town by a thousand miles, two thousand miles, or even more... (except for the side near Linsha City)

Emperor Yan Hao did not think of this when he gave Lin Ze the land. If he thought of this, he really would not seal Huangsha Town to Lin Ze as a land.

It can be seen that this is how good people are.

A few years later, when Huangsha Town became the economic center of southwestern Chu, Emperor Yan Hao's intestines were regretted.

Unfortunately, he didn't dare to do anything even if he wanted to do it at this time, because Lin Ze's strength at that time was already so strong that even the entire royal family was taken out, and he was not Lin Ze's opponent~www.mtlnovel .com~ After these refugees came to Huangsha Town, they really don’t need to worry about their future life, but this is just the beginning of the stage. When these refugees get their land, their lives will need They are responsible for themselves, and they have to work through their ceaseless efforts in order to live and be able to create a better future for themselves.

Every displaced person who comes to Huangsha Town can lead a good life. Huangsha Town treats every displaced person equally.

Think about the people who need National Day. When they first came to Huangsha Town, they were all penniless, but now they have a new home, a generous salary, and have lived a happy life, but in order to realize their Dreams, their efforts are beyond people's imagination, after all, any dream cannot be achieved without work.

It is an eternal reason for laborers to eat but not laborers!

"Had dad, the house here is so small. It looks like it's not as big as the one in our past house."

Looking at the room with only two bunk beds, a basin for washing hands and face, and a small room with a long table, Zhang Sanshi’s wife could hardly believe that she would live in such a small room after a family of four. More than thirty days.

"Okay, you don’t want to be dismissed anymore. We live here and don’t need money. We can eat more than 30 days of free food. Where can we find such good things? It’s good to have such a settled house just here. , When we were on the road, we lived very empty, but is there such a shelter from the wind and rain?"

Zhang Sanshi opened it very nicely. This room is a bit small, but it is much better than what they used to eat on the road.

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