Alien Lord

Chapter 1051: "Acquaintances"

"Qu Jingwen, this is not a very obvious thing!" Blood Demon Xinxue said indifferently.

Maybe the average person surrenders to others, and after seeing their former colleagues, there will be some embarrassment in their hearts, and the words will not be so powerful, but these things do not exist in these people who are planted with puppet marks.

This is not, the blood demon Xinxue replied with integrity, making the opposite Qu Jingwen heart depressed to vomit blood.

"Come on, you are a traitor. You should not be ashamed or embarrassed to see yourself. Why are you not at all now?" Qu Jingwen said slowly inwardly.

"Xin Xue, you have to think about it. What are the consequences after the seven princes and Confucianism? You have been with the seven princes for a long time. You should know how strong our strength is." Qu Jingwen Threatening blood fiends with words.

The previous tricks have consumed more than half of the innate ingenuity in Qu Jingwen's body, so now he is really not the opponent of the blood demon and blood, so Qu Jingwen is going to threaten the blood demon and blood, It is better to be able to retreat him.

"Hehehe, don't say these threatening words, Qu Jingwen, since I stood up, there will be no result this time, I won't go." Blood Demon Xinxue said playfully.

"Well, for the sake of our acquaintance for more than ten years, as long as you surrender, I will say a few good words for you in front of adults." (In front of outsiders, these people called blood devil Xinxu called Lin Ze adults. , This is to avoid someone thinking of something.)

"Xin Xue, don't be wrong yourself!" Qu Jingwen's face gradually dropped.

"Oh, you should be the one who misunderstood you, Qu Jingwen, what's the trick, you can use it now, I'm waiting here." The face of the blood demon Xinxue is eager to try, otherwise Lin Ze has been Secretly told him to use words to contain Qu Jingwen. At this time, he had already killed him.

"No, Xinxue is delaying time!" Qu Jingwen quickly sent out something wrong, because the ice on the ten frozen magma snakes began to dissolve quickly, and the ground around them gradually turned red. stand up.

Obviously, now that this continues, there will be some time when these ten magma snakes will come out of their traps.

"M's, originally I wanted to delay the time to restore my energy. I didn't think that the person on the opposite side also planned this. Delaying the time to get the eyes behind the snake out of the trap, hum, where is such a good thing." Thinking of here, Qu Jing Wen quickly made up his mind.

"Zhou Qiao, you went to kill those ten magma snakes, and Xin Xue gave it to me." After that, Qu Jingwen didn't hesitate anymore, and went directly to the blood demon heart Xin Xue.

After these time adjustments, Qu Jingwen's temperament recovered a bit. Although he will definitely not be the opponent of the blood demon Xinxue in the end, he still managed to control the blood demon Xinxu for more than ten minutes.

And Zhou Qiao and they can solve the ten magma snakes in half a minute. By then, the crisis here in Qu Jingwen can be lifted.

"This Qu Jingwen is really powerful. How quickly did he make a decision!" Qu Jingwen's decision allowed Lin Ze to see the power of Confucian disciples again.

In such a short period of time, he saw through Lin Ze's plan to make a plan and immediately made a decision to attack, showing that Qu Jingwen's IQ is high.

"Good, blood fingerprint!" This time Lin Ze stopped the blood demon blood, so he laughed and killed Qu Jingwen.

Under the leadership of Zhou Qiao, the five Confucian inborn masters turned into five small light spots and flew to the ten horrified magma snakes frozen.

If you do not take this good opportunity to solve these ten magma snakes, when they are out of trouble, these people in Zhouqiao will be in trouble.

With Zhou Qiao and their serious injuries, they are really not opponents when they encounter these ten magma snakes.

"Heavenly Thunder Sword!" Suddenly, a thunder sounded above the heads of Zhou Qiao and others, and then, twenty or thirty to the thunderbolt sword gas from the sky, deadlocked Zhou Qiao and others.

"Hao Ran is righteous!" Zhou Qiao and others immediately lifted the gang gas shield, and then, without fear, the whole person turned into a ray of light and greeted the thunder sword gas above.

"Ben Lei Palm!"

"Blast Punch!"

"Qingfeng Sword!"

"Zheng Qi Quan!"

........A move is taken from the hands of Zhou Qiao and others. For a time, there was a continual innate qi surging around, and there were some roars, sword slashes, fists and feet The collision sound received, the sound of Jian Qi and Quan Gang hitting the innate body protection Qi Passport...

These sounds lasted for about half a minute before they gradually subsided.

However, at this time, the terrain in this chaotic rock canyon has completely changed beyond recognition.

Before, there were still a lot of rocks in the area. Now these rocks have been crushed by the residual forces such as Jian Qi and Quan Gang, and the surrounding area of ​​100 meters has become empty.

"It's you, Yu Baoji, Yu Yuanhuai, but you guys at home, why did you surrender to Lin Lixuan." After stopping, Zhou Qiao immediately recognized Yu Baiji and Yu Yuanhuai among the ten innate masters across from him. Wait for the people who belonged to the Seventh Prince Yan Yucheng before.

"How is this possible, how could you all surrender to Lin Lixuan, does Lin Lixuan have tempting magic skills that fail?" Zhou Qiao's face was dare not elaborate, and even speculated whether Lin Ze had any deceptive magic skills, otherwise, Yu How could a person like Baekje surrender to Lin Ze.

"Oh, thanks to our seven princes. After we disappeared, we were so kind at home!" Yu Baiji stood up and said with a sneer on his face.

"Uh........." Zhou Qiao's face suddenly turned red when he heard Yu Baiji's words.

It was at this time that he remembered that after the disappearance of Baekje, Yan Yucheng, the seven princes who thought they had died in the hands of Lin Ze, directly gave Yu his family to compensate Lin Ze for the 10 million gold bet.

Yu's immediate staff disappeared overnight.

Official//Fang's statement is that Yu Jia knew that he was guilty, and the whole family fled directly.

However, this kind of argument can only fool the civilians, the people in the Chaotang, and the family, Zongmen knows that these people are all disappeared, and the people who started, more than nine floors are the seventh prince Yan Yucheng .

Because, after all, the seven floors in all the industries at home fell into the hands of the seventh prince Yan Yucheng.

As for the other three floors, they were swallowed by others.

The Yu family did everything for the seventh prince Yan Yucheng. Over the past ten years, they have done countless things for the seven princes. Among them, there are some things that destroy the family and the genocide. It can be said that Yu Jia really paid for the seventh prince Yan Yucheng. Everything.

It stands to reason that even if these people died in Baekje, it seems that they worked faithfully for the Seventh Prince before their home. At Baekje, their death this time was also for the sake of the Seventh Prince. How can the Seventh Prince be treated well? Home is.

The worst thing is to keep your home safe and secure.

However, as a result, Yu Baji had just'dead' yesterday. Today, Yu's collectively'escape'. Finally, Yu's property fell into the hands of the Seventh Prince.

This kind of thing, no matter which person is placed on it, this person will definitely be angry, and he will definitely seek revenge from the relevant people.

Therefore, it is true that Yu Baoji and Yu Yuanhuai surrendered to Lin Ze.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qiao sighed in his heart.

He actually disagreed with the practice of the Seventh Crown Prince Yan Yucheng turning his face afterwards to deny himself.

It is a pity that Zhou Qiao is a man who says things lightly. It is not his turn to decide what is going on.

"M's, if you do this, you have to investigate whether they are still alive in Yu Baoji. Now that they are still good, they are still our enemies, hey... .. What kind of thing is this?" Zhou Qiao was slowly speechless in his heart. As it is now, he didn't know what to do.

"Yu Baiji, Yu Yuanhuai!" Qu Jingwen, who was fighting against the blood demon and Xinxue, also found Yu Baiji and As soon as he saw these people in Yu Baiji, Qu Jingwen's heart With a direct gurgle, a chill that never felt before came to his heart.

Seriously, Qu Jingwen had already estimated Lin Ze’s strength in advance. He guessed that Lin Ze also had around ten innate masters in order to be able to destroy the assassins of Baekje.

In fact, Qu Jingwen's estimate seems to be similar.

Ten magma giant snakes, plus blood fiends and blood, and the innate five-story master who was protected by Lin Ze, happened to be twelve, which did not exceed Qu Jingwen's estimate. However, now appeared in Baekje and others, in an instant, Qu Jingwen was black for a while.

"Seven princes, seven princes, this time you really took a trick, you really killed us this time!" Qu Jingwen wailed in his heart.

Confucianism is also one of the people who shot against the family. Afterwards, he secretly obtained the two-storey property of Yu family. So, when he saw Yu Baiji and others, Qu Jingwen knew that they were hanging today.

The experience of Yu Jia will definitely make Yu Baiji and others extremely crazy. Originally, they had enough headaches to deal with the opponents in front of them. Now with Yu Baiji and others, Qu Jingwen has realized that this time they Not good.

"No, I can't go on like this. Now there are ten innate masters in Baekje, plus the innate five-layer master who hasn't appeared yet, the ten magma snakes that are about to get out of trouble. There are twenty-two congenital masters to deal with, and even more terrible is that we still have ten serious injuries here, so we can’t fight anymore, otherwise...

Thinking of the ending in the future, Zhou Qiao shuddered...

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