Alien Lord

Chapter 1049: War (2)

As for the remaining four, although they were not severely injured, the blood on the corners of the mouth and the burnt smell on their bodies clearly showed that their injuries were not light.

It’s no wonder that the strength of the magma snake is not weak, and it is the strength of two layers. In addition, this time, the magma snake is in ambush, and it has no intention to count, or it is facing Qu Jiangwen. Finally, magma snakes used their talents to attack magma shockwaves. With so many conditions added together, it is impossible for Qu Jingwen to want to be hit hard.

"Save people! Alert!" Qu Jingwen issued two orders in succession.

He was very clear in his heart that the best way is to abandon the people in these ten hands, leaving the five intact people to leave here directly is the most correct choice.

However, Qu Jingwen could not make this decision.

One is that these are ten congenital masters. Once he abandoned them and fled, Qu Jingwen's best ending was also imprisoned.

This is definitely not the result Qu Jingwen wants.

In addition, there are still four people around Qu Jingwen. After they go back, they will definitely disseminate his affairs, and even if the people above do not hold Qu Jingwen accountable, then Qu Jingwen will not be in the future. The way to get a foothold in Confucianism, because, no one would follow him like an elder who would abandon his men.

In the end, there is a luck in Qu Jingwen's heart.

After all, they have fifteen innate masters here, and escaped Lin Ze’s trap before. Therefore, Qu Jingwen wanted to come, they still have the strength to fight Lin Ze.

Even if they lost in the end, at least Qu Jingwen did not directly abandon his men and walked away, but fled desperately after losing to the enemy.

One is to directly abandon his subordinates and run away, and the other is to run away after losing the enemy. The difference between the two is obvious.

When Qu Jingwen returned to Confucianism at that time, although he would still bear corresponding responsibilities, the identity of the elder outside him was preserved, and his reputation in Confucianism was also preserved.

Taking these into consideration, Qu Jingwen would simply stop and save people.

"Boom!" The ten magma snakes hidden in the cliff wall did not stop attacking, and immediately the second round of magma shock wave hit Qu Jingwen and others again.

"Be careful, the magma attack is coming again!" Zhou Qiao shouted with a big change in his face, striking out with his right palm.

"Vajra Palm!" Zhou Qiao's right hand shone with gold, and then a half-meter-long golden gangly palm flew towards the two incoming magma shock waves.

With the sound of "Boom!" Zhou Qiao's King Kong hit two magma shock waves.

"Uh!" The power of the magma shock wave is beyond Zhou Qiao's expectations. The vajra palm he put out with all his strength is like a paper-filled dam in front of the magma shock wave. It is destroyed by a rush, and then, the powerful anti-shock effect On Zhou Qiao's body, suddenly, Zhou Qiao's chest was like being hit by a heavy truck. A strong pain appeared. Then, a trace of blood appeared in the corner of Zhou Qiao's mouth.

Zhou Qiao was injured!

"Fool, don't resist, that's a congenital two-level magma snake! Quickly flash away!" Qu Jingwen's face changed after seeing Zhou Qiao's face, he shouted loudly, but he himself did not dodge around, but instead He directly took out the sword that followed him for many years, a Xuan-level Xuanbing Tianshu sword.

Tianshu sword, Tianshu is one of the seven stars of the Big Dipper, named after this name, it can be seen that this sword is powerful.

Tianshu sword, but the sword of the top swordsman 500 years ago, the biggest effect is to increase the power of sword energy, the strongest increase has reached ten times, is definitely the most sought-after soldier of every swordsman.

It took a lot of effort for Qu Jingwen to get this Tianshu sword.

In addition to Qu Jingwen, several other uninjured Confucian masters also directly pulled out the waist soldiers, staring at the ten large holes in the cliff wall that were constantly flowing with magma. Moving, they formed a piece of innate armor with amazing defensive power on their body.

Seeing this, Lin Ze said nothing, and ordered the magma snake to attack.

This time is Qu Jingwen's weakest time. It is the best time to attack. Lin Ze will not easily miss it.


"Boom!!" With the sound of a snake hissing, then a huge explosion sounded, and from the magma cave of the cliff rock face, the stone horror behemoth rose into the sky, bringing out a lot of magma four Under sputtering.

The light-black cliffs around turned suddenly orange-red.

"It's good, look at my Frost Sword!" Qu Jingwen was not afraid at all. He started to be strong and cut off with a sword. The Tianshu Sword actually turned into a huge, frosted frost in this scorching canyon. The composed ice snake, and then, a snake swallowed the lava that was rushing one by one and frozen into ice.

In a blink of an eye, the gorge that was originally covered with magma turned into a frost-covered land.

"Hiss!" The magma snake did not dare to step forward for a while, and the frosty cold made the hot magma snake feel uncomfortable.

Seeing the magma snake hesitated for a while, Qu Jingwen was relieved.

If he had not just shot in time, and blocked the rush of these magma snakes, I am afraid that when these magma snakes appear, the traumatized masters of the Confucianism below will suffer heavy losses!

Lin Ze was surprised when he saw that his magma snake was blocked by Qu Jingwen.

"This person's strength is really strong, but this is ten magma snakes, tweeting, luckily I didn't go out before." Lin Ze sighed for a while.

Judging from the power Qu Jingwen now shows, if Lin Ze went out before, he would definitely die miserably. (This is about removing Lin Ze's protection for Lin Ze)

Seeing that Qu Jingwen's strength is so powerful, Lin Ze did not let the ten magma snakes under him continue to attack.

The strength of the magma snake is strong, but it is still weaker than that of Qu Jingwenlai. One is not good and may lose a few.

Therefore, Lin Ze stopped the attack of the magma snake and was prepared to wait for Liu Xuan to rush and then continue to attack. (Liu Xuan and his party are ambushing in front, and they are still on their way.)

Zhou Qiao also came to Qu Jingwen's side at this time, and when he looked up, he saw ten red magma snakes hovering above the cliff.

Each of these ten magma snakes has a body more than 100 meters long and nearly three or four meters wide, which is comparable to the size of a bus. There is also a red flame burning all over, and the scales on the body are also red. A piece of scale armor is the size of a head.

What made him even more chilly was that these magma snakes had a red horn with a length of more than two meters on their heads, together with the huge red eyes under the horns, like the lantern-like grim eyes, After reading it, I really made Zhou Qiao's body a little soft.

In front of such a horrible innate magma snake, even a powerful innate strong man like Zhouqiao felt soft on his feet.

If it were changed to ordinary people being glared by this terrifying magma snake, I was afraid that the legs and feet would be soft directly, and the lower body would be wet for a while. One might not be good, and it might even be directly scared to death.

"The magma snake, the two magnate snakes of the congenital level, or ten, are still being subdued. How is this possible? How is this possible? Am I dreaming?" A Confucian master who was seriously injured before stood up and saw Ten terrifying magma snakes on the cliff couldn't help but blurt out, slowly unbelievable in his eyes.

The magma snake is a kind of giant snake that lives in magma. It belongs to the top barbarian. In the outside world, it has never seen a congenital magma snake.

Magma snakes like this usually only live in the depths of volcanic magma, and they are usually not visible at all. I just can't think of the horrible magma giant that I would see in this small rocky canyon today. The figure of the snake, but still ten.

The most terrible thing is that these ten magma snakes were conquered by people. This fact is too intimidating for this innate strong man of

"Lin Lixuan, you are behind the Beast Sect!" Qu Jingwen did not attack at this time, but asked Lin Ze this question first.

As long as Qu Jingwen can detect the background behind Lin Ze, then this time he will be regarded as a failed mission, and everyone else will be wiped out. After he returns, he will not be blamed or even awarded.

"Yu Beast Sect?! Ha ha, you think too much!" Lin Ze directly denied.

Maybe someone else has changed. If Qu Jingwen guesses like this, he would be tempted to put a layer of beast skin on himself.

However, Lin Ze did not think so.

Someone here will ask, why Lin Ze doesn’t want this skin, the control of the beast sect is the top sect in Chu, Yan, Hou Tang and other countries. With this name, Lin Ze is not more Is it safe? Don’t other people dare to provoke Lin Ze? Lin Ze can also have more development time.

Haha, in fact, the reason is very simple. One is that Lin Ze’s current strength is already strong enough. There is no need to control the skin of the Beast Sect. On the contrary, after the Beast Sect knew this matter, he directly recognized it. That Lin Ze would be able to sit on the wax.

Also, based on the number of wild beasts that Lin Ze currently has, Yuzu Sect will come to the door sooner or later, if Lin Ze is now wearing a Yuzu Sect skin, what will happen then?

Yu Beast Sect is also one of the top ancestors of Chu State after Tang Dynasty, Yan State and other countries. Once they know that Lin Ze is using the name of Yu Beast Sect to deceive people, then Lin Ze will There is another powerful enemy.

With these reasons, where will Lin Ze put himself on the skin of the Beast Sect.

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