Alien Lord

Chapter 1040: Scare yourself

With Zhu Yuquan's order, the others began to separate and headed towards different granaries.

After all, Zhu Yuquan came to burn the granary. This matter cannot be spread. Otherwise, the reputation of the Governor’s Mansion is very bad, so they have to complete this task in the shortest time to prevent people in Baiyucheng from listening. After coming here, they came and sent them.

Zhu Yuquan didn't know that his order was in Lin Ze's arms.

Zhu Yuquan If they were all together, Lin Ze would not be easy to take them all.

The strength of the thirty-seven people united is still very strong, and it is still night. Once the thirty-seven people see the situation and choose to break through, it is difficult for Lin Ze to want to wipe them out.

If it was only those who got rid of the acquired level that Lin Ze would not feel distressed, but if the escaped congenital strong man, Lin Ze would be in distress.

"Very well, if you are separated, then tonight, you are the only ones who don't want to run away, hehe..." Lin Ze's figure disappeared into the darkness with a smug smile.

"Hidden escape!" Lin Ze's figure continued to fly with the shadow in the darkness. Soon, he found a corner and waited quietly here.

No fingers in the darkness? The average person can't see it at all?

Haha, for Lin Ze, there is no problem at all. Under his sensitivity, darkness is completely non-existent.

It can even be said that in the dark, Lin Ze’s force of induction is much better than the eyes.

Even in the dark, people's eyes can't see clearly no matter how good they are, but under Lin Ze's sensitivity, the night is as bright as the daytime, and it is still 360 degrees without dead angle.

Therefore, the night is a dangerous place for others, but for Lin Ze he is the best hunting ground.

Therefore, I thought that there were no strong guards here. Therefore, the whole team of Zhu Yu's men entered the granary very relaxedly, and they were scattered directly. There was no warning at all, and they did not do well in advance. After the encounter with the enemy, the contact plan went so boldly towards their goal.

It's no wonder that these people's actions are so indifferent. Lin Ze pretended to be really good. The people he sent to harass these people are very ordinary. The strongest in his hand is the five layers of the day after tomorrow, and such strength In the eyes of Zhu Yuquan, they are different from ordinary people.

In addition to this granary, they secretly sent someone to check it before, and they knew that there were not many people guarding here, and their strength was not strong, so they would act so rampantly.

If it were not for the purpose of deriving Lin Ze’s strength, maybe tonight only a dozen warriors from the 7th and 8th floors of the day after tomorrow would come. Where would such a luxurious team be sent?

Yes, they are a luxurious team in Zhu Yuquan's heart.

In his view, this time the task is too easy, it is just playing in general, which is why Zhu Yuquan did not order full pursuit when they were attacked before.

The strength of the warriors who came to attack him was too low, and Zhu Yuquan couldn't bear much interest at all.

What's more, they are like innate strong men to chase down some of the strongest warriors with only five layers of strength in the day after tomorrow. It's a bit too disqualified. If this matter is spread, the reputation on their faces will not look good.

Zhu Yuquan thought this way up and down. It is conceivable how loose their mentality is now. Even if they know that there are still people ambushing around, their powerful strength gives them full confidence, so, They didn't want to think about it, and took the plan of splitting up.

Looking at the separated teams, Zhou Shan's potential for secretly passed.

Under the influence of Lin Ze, these people are in nothing.

They are constantly searching around the granary, one is to find any hidden people around, and the other is to find a good place for fire protection.

If you want to burn the entire grain silo the size of a basketball court, it is not so easy to burn the whole grain silo.

This is a granary, and there are countless grains, so the fire-fighting measures here are also very complete. If you just find a place in a hurry to ignite it, then the fire head may be extinguished soon, so these people You have to find the best place for fire prevention so that others can put out the fire.

This time they came here, the main task is to burn these grains, as to attract Lin Ze's eyes, only incidental.

Indeed, for Yu Deen, attracting Lin Ze’s strength to Baiyucheng is indeed only incidental. For him, the most important thing is to burn Lin Ze’s granary and win this battle with Lin Ze. Only in this way can he guarantee his majesty and unequivocal status in the sandbar.

As for whether he could kill Lin Ze, Yu Deen, after learning that Lin Ze had hidden strong power, actually had little expectation in his heart.

Yes, the strength of Confucianism is very strong, but if the strength of Confucianism is really that strong, Lin Ze was already dead in Kyoto, and he is still alive and well, so Yu Deen is afraid of Confucianism The fifteen innate strong men of the door, but he also did not think that this action of Confucianism would definitely win.

Confucianism really needs this kind of confidence. He went to the door to kill the mountain 800 years ago, where he still needs to lead away some of Lin Ze’s strength, and then start. It’s not very clear that Confucianism fifteen Lin Ze, the strength of a congenital strong man, can't help it!

For this reason, this time, the burning of the granary was the most important thing for Yu Deen. For this, he also promised great benefits.

As long as he can burn Lin Ze’s granary, Yu Deen will take out 100,000 gold coins, as well as some precious elixir and elixir.

Yes, the lowest strength of these 37 warriors is already the eighth floor of the day after tomorrow. They seem to have lost sight of these things.

If you really think so, you are wrong.

Yes, maybe they have lost sight of these things, especially money, but don't forget, which one of these people does not have three relatives? Nothing under the belt?

Their current strength is very strong, the lowest has the strength of the eighth floor of the day after tomorrow, but their relatives and apprentices are not their men, but want to enhance their strength, money and elixir, immortality are all indispensable.

Even if we don't talk about the fighting power after the strength is improved, the life expectancy of these people can be increased after the strength is improved. This alone is enough to make them crazy.

It is true that some warriors are very selfish and have only themselves in their hearts. However, it is undeniable that this is only a small part. Most of them still care about their loved ones in their hearts.

As long as you can become a warrior, even if you can't live longer than one hundred years of age, you can still live healthy and healthy to the eighties or nineties.

And if the strength can reach more than seven layers of the day after tomorrow, then his life can be directly broken.

If you can become a congenital warrior, it is not a problem to live one hundred and forty-five years old.

If you want your loved ones to do this, you need countless resources and money.

One hundred thousand gold coins is already a huge sum of money, and there are also rewards for elixir and immortality. Therefore, these thirty-seven warriors are none of the passive idlers, and they are all doing their best to complete their tasks.

It is a pity that these people will not think that this time the task is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and soon, danger begins to fall on their heads.

"Adult, how do I feel furry in my heart, as if someone is following us secretly?" said a warrior from the left eighth floor on the left.

When he was talking, his body shivered for a while, and his hair also stood up, which made him very uneasy.

This is a There are three people in it.

This squad was already allocated before departure. The area of ​​the granary was too large. If one person acted, at least a dozen flames would be needed, so it would take at least seven or eight minutes to ignite a granary. When three people worked together, they would act separately. , At most one minute, you can burn a granary.

One minute on one side and seven or eight minutes on the other. The pros and cons of the two are obvious. Fools know how to choose.

If three people act together, the security is higher, so these people are all acting in groups of three.

Of course, this is only for the acquired warriors, the innate ones are no longer in it.

Things like ignition do not need them to be responsible, they just show their figure, and then entice Lin Ze to be fooled.

"Okay, don't scare yourself. We haven't encountered enemies before, and we haven't been easily repelled by us. Besides, what are our strengths, and are we afraid of ambush in the dark?" One of the leaders The young man said carelessly.

At this time, they already had a torch in their hands, which was used for ignition.

The torch is very bright. In the darkness where you can't see your fingers, it is bright to directly shine a distance of more than ten meters around.

"Oh, fox, you are the most timid, ha ha ha ha..." The other laughed loudly.

"Hahahaha...!" The captain in the middle also laughed, which made the fox on the left face blush.

"Fuck!" The fox scolded secretly in his heart, and felt embarrassed for his caution.

Actually, to be honest, under such an environment, one should not have spoken so loudly. In the dark, a little bit of voice will be put loudly.

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