Alien Lord

Chapter 1037: Bold!

"Sir, the Governor's Mansion has discovered something is wrong." Wang Ming smiled and reported to Lin Zeyu.

From the beginning of entering Linsha City, Wang Ming was staring at the Governor’s Mansion firmly, so Du Lin had already reported to his desk that he looked somber in the Governor’s Mansion.

"Oh, now I found something wrong, it's too late!" Lin Ze leaned directly on the back of the chair and said easily.

This time why Lin Ze had such a big battle with the Governor's Mansion on the price of food, the first thing was indeed for the livelihood of those people at the bottom, but Lin Ze also had other intentions in it.

That is to compete with the Governor's Mansion for the right to speak in Shazhou.

Why the Governor’s House can say so in Shazhou is not because others are afraid of the power of the Governor’s House, especially the adults of more than 500,000, so they dare not oppose the Governor’s House at all.

Although others dare not resist, Lin Ze knew that there were countless people in the dark who were dissatisfied with the Governor’s Mansion in Shazhou. At this time, as long as one person stood up against the Governor’s Mansion and won the victory, then the Shazhou Underground Those who are dissatisfied with the Governor's Mansion will appear one after another, and ultimately let the Governor's Mansion take its own course.

It is for this reason that Lin Zezheng is now brightly competing with the Governor's House for the right to position food prices.

"Yu Deen shouldn't be able to sit now, did he do anything?" Lin Ze asked with a light expression.

At this point in the matter, Yu Deen, even if he had great means, could not save this failure.

"Master, this is the reason why I am looking for you. It stands to reason that Yu Deen will be very anxious after knowing this news, and there will be some confusion in the Governor's Mansion, but Du Lin has been in the Governor's Mansion for more than an hour. It was still that calm, as if Yu Deen didn't care at all." Wang Ming said confusedly.

"Oh, there is such a thing." Lin Ze's face was also puzzled.

"It seems that our Governor is not such a simple character!" Lin Ze said with a smile, he had already guessed what Yu Deen wanted to do in his heart.

"Sir, you mean Yu Deen is ready to start our granary." Wang Ming also thought of this.

"Well, the only thing that can break the situation now is to burn all the grain silos in my hand. In this case, we have completely failed in the battle for the right to position the grain price, so if I was Yu Deen, I would definitely do it. "" Lin Ze said very confidently.

"However, our granary is far away in Baiyu City, and it is still kept secret by Baiyan City's owner Bai Yan. How could Yu Deen know so quickly?" Wang Ming could not understand the reason.

In the past two days, Wang Ming has been staring at the Governor's Mansion, and he knows every move of the Governor's Mansion, so he can guarantee that the Governor's Mansion has absolutely not sent any manpower to investigate the specific location of their granary.

"This is not simple. Our enemies are not just the Governor's Mansion, but also other enemies." Lin Ze said with a lip, and there was something wrong with it. He knew it with a simple thought.

"Sir, do you mean the Seventh Prince?" Wang Ming's face showed a horrified look. "Adult, this is a sandbar, and the strength of the Seventh Prince has followed?"

"Well, not only Yan Yucheng, but also Confucianism." Lin Ze said with a serious face.

The seventh prince Yan Yucheng Lin Ze didn't care, he had enough strength to fight, but Lin Ze didn't dare to underestimate the strength of Confucianism.

Confucianism has existed on the Shenzhou Continent for tens of thousands of years. The strong strength and deep heritage are definitely not what Lin Ze can deal with now.

"Fortunately, the status of Confucianism on the Shenzhou Continent is not as high as it was in ancient China. Otherwise, I really have to avoid it now." Lin Zexin's heart was glad for a while.

Confucianism did exist for a long time on the mainland of Shenzhou. However, the mainland of China respected martial arts, so Confucianism could not expand on the mainland of Shenzhou.

Confucianism is very difficult for Confucianism, and it is difficult for ordinary people to get started.

For example, take the students of modern society as an example.

Ordinary people want to practice Confucianism. First of all, you have to be a school bully. That is to say, your grades are very good. At least every subject must be more than 85.

Such people believe that there are not many in every school.

This is how Confucianism is practiced, and only those with a hegemonic nature can practice entry.

Faced with such a situation, Confucianism's rapid development and growth is simply impossible.

Genius is not that easy to find!

Of course, there are always mistakes. The entry of Confucianism is difficult, but once you start, the speed of cultivation is much faster than other martial arts, and the chance of advanced congenital is compared with other martial arts. , Much higher.

Just like those learning bullies, after entering the society, the chance of success is stronger than that of ordinary people.

The entry conditions of Confucianism made him unable to develop and grow at all. Even if it had existed for tens of thousands of years, there was still not much change. In the sect of the mainland of China, it only turned around in the mid-range position.

Therefore, Confucianism is very careful.

Just like the chase of Lin Ze this time, the strength of Confucianism can actually send stronger forces to deal with Lin Ze. However, in order to avoid the misunderstanding of the sect gates in Shazhou, Confucianism began to invade Shazhou, and also to avoid causing emperors. Idea, so this time against Lin Ze, Confucianism sent only fifteen innate strong men.

Of course, there are also Kong Yu's ideas that 15 congenital strong men are enough to deal with Lin Ze.

When Kong Yu wanted to come, Lin Ze's strength no matter how strong he could, he could not stop the fifteen innate strong men he sent.

"Master of Confucianism, hiss...!" Wang Ming took a breath in his mouth.

He himself is a talented man, so he knows exactly what Confucianism represents.

"Sir, we have to be careful. The strength of Confucianism is not to say." Wang Ming said to Lin Ze with a serious face.

"Wang Ming, relax, Confucian's strength is strong, but I still have a way to deal with him." Lin Ze patted Wang Ming's shoulder, his face full of confidence.

If before, Lin Ze would still be afraid of the strength of Confucianism, but after capturing the six innate masters of blood demon and Xinxue, Lin Ze was really not afraid of Confucianism.

We can calculate the number of innate strong men in Lin Ze's hands.

The first is the congenital wild beasts captured by Lin Ze from Baizhangyan. These congenital wild beasts Lin Ze have fifteen heads in their hands, and they are all congenital two-layer congenital beasts. The most powerful is Among them, the red-haired giant ape is still the state of congenital consummation, and this red-haired giant ape can be worth hundreds of congenital beasts with four or five layers of congenital.

There is also the elder Liu Xuan, the elder of the Beast Gate who has suffered two defeats with the red-haired giant ape, which is also a congenital five-layer top master.

Later, there was the innate master Xiao Quan, and the seven innate masters captured from Kyoto.

Even if it is not the congenital great consummated red-haired great ape, Lin Ze now has more than 20 innate strong men, and sent a few heads that Lin Ze placed on the side of Shaman and Black Sand City. The magma snake, Lin Ze also has seventeen or eight innate strong men.

Moreover, Lin Ze itself has innate combat power, so now he has enough confidence to deal with any challenges.

"If adults say this, then the humble job will be at ease!" Wang Ming said with ease.

Perhaps the average person would never believe Lin Ze's words.

The strength of Confucianism is too strong, where can ordinary people resist.

However, Wang Ming believed Lin Ze very much.

After seven or eight months under Lin Ze, Wang Ming knows exactly what kind of person Lin Ze is. It is a person who has one thing to say and will never deceive his men with big words.

What's more, there are really too many miracles in Lin Ze's hands.

For example, it was difficult for even one city owner to do this, but Lin Ze did it because a hundred households directly placed more than 300,000 refugees.

In addition, when Huangsha Town was facing the threat of 16.7 thousand blood clothes robbers, Lin Ze directly took the 7-8 thousand recruits who had just formed without a week to fight the blood clothes robbers.

The result In the situation where everyone is not optimistic, Lin Ze easily wiped out the blood robber, and his own casualties are very small, very small.

In addition, a few months later, with the new army of 30,000, the more than 300,000 black wind bandits that were entrenched in the black sand city and even the Chu court could not be wiped out. Hundreds of thousands of wind robbers have also been eliminated.

Every thing here is impossible for ordinary people to see, but in Lin Ze's hands, it turns the impossible into reality.

Wang Ming has personally experienced every miracle in it, so for Lin Ze, Wang Ming is 100% convinced, because, in their minds, Lin Ze is synonymous with miracles.

"Here, Lin Lixuan lives here." In a restaurant hundreds of meters away from the door of the Vice Governor's Mansion, three seemingly ordinary people walked up to the restaurant and looked at the Vice Governor's Mansion not far away.

"Okay, then let's get started, let this Lin Lixuan know how good we are." The person on the left said directly.

"Okay, let's get started!" The first speaker did not say much and nodded in agreement.

"Boom!" Suddenly, three sky-high momentums were pressed toward Lin Ze's deputy governor's palace. These three momentums were not felt by ordinary people, but as long as they were a little bit of cultivation, they could feel them.



A scream from above the street sounded, and then, forty or fifty people's knees softened, and they knelt down directly on the ground, a lot of sweat beads appeared on the forehead and back.


"Poof...!" In just two or three seconds, dozens of martial artists had a chest pain and a spit of blood spewed out.

"Bold!" A loud bang sounded...

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