Alien Lord

Chapter 1024: reason

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"Boom!" After a slant of more than ten meters, the whole car fell into the ditch beside it.

"Ah...!!! Ah.........ah...............!!!"

Numerous screams came, and Lin Ze could hear them. Among them was the arrogant Yu Liangshizi's voice. His cry was most miserable and frightening.



The huge carriage finally could not bear the powerful force of the outside world and began to disintegrate.


In just two or three seconds, this luxurious carriage was completely broken down and became a pair of rotten wood.

"Help! Come and save this world son, come and save this world son!" Yu Mingliang panicked from the carriage.

"This world is suppressed, come and save me!"

At this time, Yu Mingliang completely forgot that he was a warrior on the fourth floor of the day after tomorrow. He only shouted for help and completely forgot. In fact, with his strength, he could easily come out of the carriage debris pile.

It is also true that Yu Mingliang has not experienced such a blow to Lin Ze in the past 25 years. In addition, his psychological quality is indeed irrelevant. Therefore, after being hit by the blow, the whole person was completely ignorant.

Hearing Yu Mingliang calling for help, the servants hurried down in a panic, chopping up the broken wood above, and pulling Yu Mingliang out of it.

At this time, you look at this Yu Mingliang again, he still has just the chic, the rich look just now, a magnificent robe is now hooked by the broken wood of the carriage many holes, plus he was on the ground before Rolled over the loess, therefore, Yu Mingliang now became a beggar outfit, his face was covered with dust, his hair was scattered, and there was no more handsome and elegant look.

Yu Mingliang didn't see what he was embarrassed now. If he saw it, with his temperament, he would be directly comatose by the air.

After sweeping away Yu Mingliang's carriage, the road was no longer blocked. Lin Ze looked at the roadside Yuliang brightly with contempt, and walked slowly past him by riding Bai Yue. I didn't look at Yu Mingliang again.

For opponents like Yu Mingliang, Lin Ze may wish to be in his heart.

At this time, Yu Mingliang had also slowed down. Looking at Lin Ze's face, he didn't want to look right there. He was sullen, watching Lin Ze's back walking away, but he didn't dare to mess up at all. Say what.

By now, Yu Mingliang understood, he planted it today.

In the territory of the sandbar, he was always Yu Mingliang's prestige and blessing. Which one of those officials should not beg his tail to beg for mercy, and which dare to provoke him, but did not expect that this newly appointed Lin Ze was so unreasonable. The card, so don't give him face, no, it's not as simple as giving face, but directly doing right with him and the governor's house. Those things just now have already made the relationship between them dead.

"Lin Lixuan, I will let you die in the sandbar, and let you die without a burial place, no bones!"

Yu Mingliang's heart hated Lin Ze now, but he dared not say anything, so he could only silently cast a vicious curse in his heart.

When passing the tragic scene of Yu Mingliang's team, Ma Ziqiang always had a shocked expression on his face. When Lin Ze started meeting Yu Mingliang, he looked quietly on the side.

It is not that Ma Ziqiang wants to watch the good show of Lin Ze and Yu Mingliang, but that he also lacks a rise for Yu Mingliang, a dude, and can even be said to be very unattractive.

Thinking of him as a strong man, he is working hard to resettle the migrants all day long, even to the point that he has forgotten to sleep and forget food, and can’t wait to use one minute as two minutes. After a day, he can sleep for four or five days. Hours, even if it is good.

Even so, he has to worry about the rations of these more than half a million refugees.

Shazhou is not Qingzhou, and the grain output here is just the level of living. It is really a worry for Ma Ziqiang to arrange so many refugees.

And Yu Mingliang, after he came to the Zuo Acropolis, he did not dare to do anything serious. He spent the whole day with his men, or the same dudes, in the pile of women, and wasted a lot of food every day. These Let the wasted food be enough for the displaced people to eat for some time.

In the end, these credits Yu Yuliang, a person who doesn't do things, have to occupy a big head. All these things add up. It is good for Ma Ziqiang to not kill Yu Mingliang, let alone give Yu Mingliang a good face.

At the beginning, Ma Ziqiang thought that maybe Lin Ze would do some superficial work with Yu Mingliang, but soon, Ma Ziqiang knew he was wrong.

Very directly, Lin Ze aimed at Yu Mingliang.

First, they just quarreled, threatened something with words, and then they even started to act directly. In the end, something that made Ma Ziqiang unexpected did not appear. Lin Ze actually shot a bright shot of Yu Ming’s luxury carriage. Hit the ditch and buried Yu Mingliang directly in the ruins of the carriage.

Such an alarm, a violent scene, really made Ma Ziqiang dumbfounded.

Seriously, Ma Ziqiang never thought of such a thing. After all, Yu Mingliang was a child of the royal family, and he was the son of Governor Yu Deen. Lin Ze was just coming to Shazhou. How could he not give Yu Deen face? Are you not afraid of the other party's revenge?

"Alas, my lord, how can I always do such an amazing move." Ma Ziqiang thought secretly.

However, I was more happy in my heart.

In fact, all this is why Ma Ziqiang did not understand Lin Ze.

If you think about it, Lin Ze is not even afraid of the emperor's pro-son, such as the seven prince Yan Yucheng, who has heavy powers. He also repeatedly hit his face twice, not only won the blood demon and blood that Yan Yucheng valued very much, but Ten million gold coins were dug from Yan Yucheng's heart, but Lin Ze was still very moisturized. From this, he would not care about a so-called Governor-general.

As for Governor Yu Deen, Lin Ze really does not know him. Perhaps other officials come to Shazhou to take office, and they will also take into account the local power, the gentry and the strength of Governor Yu Deen.

However, when Lin Ze came to Shazhou, he had great ambitions, and he had a plane world to support himself, so he didn't have these concerns in his heart.

What's more, the governor Yu Deen had already killed Lin Ze before. In order to get rid of Lin Ze, Yu Deen opened the border of the sandbar directly, and let the 140,000 rebels of the Black Dragon face Lin Ze, if not Lin Ze Powerful, replaced by a low-powered person, has long since died under the rebels.

Since you Yu Deen all killed yourself, then what did Lin Ze do politely? In the face of Yu Ming's provocation, Lin Ze didn't want to go straight back.

As a traverser, as a person holding an artifact like the Plane Seed World, and facing such a arrogant and arrogant guy, if he is still very frustrated and grievances, to make dog legs for others, it might as well die.

Such an act is too shameful for the face of the passerby!

Lin Ze's team quickly left Yu Mingliang's team, and Lin Ze's was almost the same, so the team turned to the left Acropolis.

After walking for a while, Ma Ziqiang did not hold back after all, and took the initiative to approach Lin Ze to express his worries: "Adult, before that, Yu Mingliang was the most favored son of Yu Deen. You are so offended by him. It will be strongly retaliated against by him. The Governor’s Mansion has a huge strength in Shazhou. You are still here for the first time. You may cause a lot of trouble for you.”

Ma Ziqiang is also kind. He has been in Shazhou for more than ten years. Therefore, it is clear that Governor Yu Deen has infiltrated the sandbar from top to bottom. Not big.

Lin Ze smiled faintly: "I am self-improved, don't worry, I am very clear about the strength of the Governor's Mansion. I am so merciless. That means that I have the ability to block, even counter the strength of the Governor's Mansion, so you don't have to worry about it. ."

"Moreover, it is precisely because the influence of the Governor's Mansion spreads throughout the sandbar that I will respond so hard. We want to make a difference in the Sandbar, and we will definitely be in trouble with the Governor's Mansion. Ah, the tougher I say to the Government House, the less dare the Government House treats us. I am afraid that if we do this, is there any calculation hidden in it?

The governor’s government has managed the sandbar for several There are too many bottles and cans in your hand, and you have lost the unprecedented momentum when the governor’s government was just established. Now the governor’s office is already The dead bones in the mound are all about keeping the bottles and jars in their hands so that they won't break the net with us easily. "

"What’s more, if I give in this time, I will still give in when I encounter similar things in the future. Gradually, I will also lose my fighting spirit, how can I fight with the Governor’s Mansion. In short, we and the Governor’s Mansion, unless I chose to be a running dog under his door, otherwise, after all, it would be an enemy, and there is no possibility for us to get along peacefully."

"In this sandbank, the governor's government has already done its best to be a blessing. It stopped me halfway today. It was nothing more than wanting to give me an authority to show them the authority of the governor's office in Shazhou, let me submit to him, and use it for him. If I were today, Don't be stubborn. In Shazhou, no one will care about my voice."

"Yu Mingliang came directly to me, hehe..., I also happened to take this three sons to stand up and come to kill a chicken and a monkey. Since I want to offend, then I am fortunate to offend in the end. In this way, I can also Let others know that I’m not afraid of any governor’s house."

Lin Ze explained a lot of reasons why he was so ill-intentioned. This is why he told Ma Ziqiang that his hostile relationship with the governor’s office was also a preparatory psychological preparation for Ma Ziqiang.

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