Alien Lord

Chapter 1019: 3 sons

The two of them soon came to a street that came to the south of the city. On this street, there were several shops that were very busy. There were big lanterns hanging outside the gates. Some people came in and out from time to time, and they looked alive.

Looking up carefully at these places, either the restaurant or the brothel, and Qi Hong and Ke Liang’s horses stopped directly under a brothel with the plaque of Piaoxiang Pavilion. This brothel is the largest and the most on this street. lively.

Of course, because they came to the brothel, Qi Hong and Ke Liang were already in casual clothes at this time.

Entering Piaoxiang Pavilion, the two ignored the entanglement of the exposed young women downstairs and went directly to the private room on the third floor.

Compared with the ground floor and the second floor, the decoration on the third floor here is very luxurious. In a private room named Meiyuan, a man in his thirties sits in the middle, looks very handsome, but the narrow eyes above the eyes It kind of spoiled the beauty and made people look like there was an idea that this person is definitely a playboy.

This man is indeed a playboy. Just looking around him, he is kneeling down. Four beautiful women are serving with all their heart, and there are six other women dancing and playing the piano.

This scene is completely like her daughter's country.

Beside him, there were more than a dozen people sitting around the room, all with arms around one or two beauties. The room was filled with laughter and women's smirk, and there were occasions in the middle There were a few temptations // temptations // groaning // chanting, the entire Meiyuan was filled with a ////industrial///dirty breath.

After Qi Hong and Ke Liang came, the guards at the door just glanced at them and let them in.

Obviously, for Qi Hong and Ke Liang, these guards are already familiar with it.

Seeing Qi Hong and Ke Liang coming in, all the people inside looked over, but none of them got up.

Qi Hong and Ke Liang seemed to be used to this too. They walked directly to the man in his thirties who was sitting on his knees and bowed to the ceremony and said, "Son, we just went to see Lin Lixuan and expressed to him Your three sons wanted to invite him to come to Piaoxiang Pavilion, but Lin Lixuan directly said that fatigue did not come."

The man known as San Gongzi narrowed his eyes and turned the wine glass in his hand, then wiped out the bright red liquor in his mouth, and asked with anger in his tone: "Did you not say that I am here, did not introduce me to Lin Lixuan Your identity?"

"San Gongzi, we said, but..." Ke Liang glanced at San Gongzi carefully, and did not dare to continue.

However, the three sons had already understood it. Obviously, Lin Ze, the identity of the three sons in his governor's office, did not see it.

With the sound of "Bang!", the three sons were thrown away and shattered.

"He's M. He thought he was the deputy governor, so he dared not give me a face. Well, in Shazhou, it was our Yu family who had the final say!" San Gongzi roared angrily.

At this time, a woman who could at least score eighty-five points hurried forward to comfort her. The woman's delicate body was entangled in San Gongzi's body, tickling him.

At the next moment, the three sons were directly cloudy and said, "Oh......... Forget it, my adults don't remember the villains, Lin Luxuan didn't come if he didn't come, come and give General Qi He and General Ke each prepared two of the best girls and let them enjoy the beauty of women. Well, girls, playing music and dancing, we are happy and happy, ha ha ha..."

Along with the words of the three sons, the room suddenly sounded again the music of the starter, and the laughter was very ///indecent////dirty///.

The next day, Lin Ze and Ma Ziqiang and others began to inspect the situation of the Left Acropolis.

Ma Ziqiang is now the leader of the Zuo Acropolis, which means that the Zuo Acropolis is now Lin Ze’s site, and more importantly, the Zuo Acropolis is located right between Linsha City and Huangsha Town.

Therefore, for the Acropolis, Lin Ze attaches great importance.

Once Yu Deen is really out, then the left Acropolis will be Lin Ze's first line of defense.

Lin Ze and his team rode on a horse and watched the situation on both sides while walking. Most of the sandbars here are plains, but this is already the outskirts of 100,000 mountains, so some hills gradually appeared, especially Zuowei This is even more true here in the city. Almost half of the area is hilly and mountainous. The relatively flat area is only close to Linsha City. Therefore, it is a military strategic point. The Zuo Acropolis will be established here for this reason. inside.

Once the barbarians have broken through the Tiancai City and entered the sandbar, they want to attack Linsha City. They can only lay down the Left Acropolis, and the south, north, and west sides of the Zuowei City facing the Tiancai City are hills, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack. Faced with Linsha City, it is a plain, and it is very simple to reinforce.

For such a strategic strategic place, Lin Ze will let it go.

"There are not many places here, but unfortunately, there is already a master." Lin Ze looked at the dense fields outside the Zuo Acropolis and said with a pity.

If these lands have no owner, then Lin Ze can place 50,000 or 60,000 refugees here.

And these 50,000 to 60,000 refugees can become alternates for the left Acropolis.

"Adult, don't look at the many fields here, but the output of these fields is very limited, especially since there are signs of drought this year. These fields can produce one or two hundred catties per mu, which is good. Now."

Ma Ziqiang looked worriedly at these green fields around him. From the beginning of this year to the present, only a few rains have fallen here on the Zuowei City. Each rain did not even hit the ground. Obviously, there will be this year. Drought disaster.

Fortunately, the Zuo Acropolis is a military town. There are many deep wells dug in it, so don’t worry about drinking water.

"The output is so small!" Lin Ze said in surprise.

You know, the output of the general field is about four to five hundred catties.

(The mainland of China is full of aura, so the output of the field is not small, even if there is no fertilizer or the like, the average output of one acre is also about 400 kg.)

Now the field here can only produce one or two hundred catties, which is really beyond Lin Ze's expectations.

"Ziqiang, if this is the case, will we be able to buy the fields here at an appropriate price." Lin Ze asked with bright eyes.

Since the yield of the fields here is so low, does that mean that you have the opportunity to buy these fields?

Lin Ze has cultivated higher-yielding grains, and with the addition of soil and fertilizer on the earth, Lin Ze believes that even if these fields are no longer barren, they can also get a good harvest on it.

"This..." Ma Ziqiang hesitated, and finally said daringly: "Adult, although the field here has little output, but if you want to buy it, it is very difficult. The field is the most valuable thing. !"

"Alas..." Lin Ze sighed.

Indeed, the field is the most valuable thing.

Even in modern society, the field is not the favorite of ordinary people.

To put it awkwardly, as long as the private ownership of China's fact fields is true, I believe that even the fields in the desert will be bought by many people.

Because, in the hearts of the Chinese people, the field is always the most important thing in their hearts.

"However, if you really want to buy some land nearby, there are still some. There are tens of thousands of acres of land in the hands of the lowly servants." Ma Ziqiang said again quickly.

He thought Lin Ze had just said that, he wanted to place something here.

"Oh, this is not necessary." Lin Ze refused with a smile.

"Ziqiang, how is the living situation of the people nearby?" Lin Ze wanted to know the living conditions of the surrounding people.

Ma Ziqiang first thought about it, then replied with a trace of pity: "Adult, we are a sandbar here, most of the land is dry land, the output of this dry land is very limited, in terms of the most green corn on the market now An acre of good land can produce about 550 kg, and the dry land here can produce about 3.6 kg or more. When catching up with the drought, there may be only about 100 kg.

"Calculate with a family of Serve 10 acres of land, excluding the tax burden of the imperial court, and you will be able to cope with meals, food and clothing will not be able to meet, this is the field calculated by their own fields, if It’s the tenant farmer. After a busy year, maybe even the most basic requirement, stomach feeding, can’t be done. In many cases, you have to eat wild vegetables or something. So, adults, the people are suffering!”

Ma Ziqiang ended with a sigh.

"Yes, the people at the bottom are the most bitter!" Lin Ze also exclaimed.

Although Lin Ze didn’t eat and wear from childhood, when he grew up, he didn’t feel hungry. On the surface, he didn’t notice such low-level things, but don’t forget, Lin Ze is for mobile phone spirit, but there are He spent quite a period of time in the poor and backward Africa/Continent region, where he saw countless tragic things at the bottom.

Thinking about the refugees with empty eyes when they were in Africa before, and the refugees with the same empty eyes in the left Acropolis, Lin Ze suddenly became very heavy.

At this moment, Lin Ze suddenly appeared in front of them a huge team stopped in the middle of the road, headed by hundreds of cavalry heavy cavalry, just look at the chill radiated from them, they know that this heavy cavalry is very fighting Strong, in the middle are dozens of house slaves and maidservants. In the middle of these house slaves and maids are a very large carriage.

This carriage Lin Ze just looked at it, it was estimated to be four or five meters wide, which is almost the size of a room.

Moreover, this carriage is extremely luxurious, the body of the carriage is made of scented wood.

Ningxiangmu is inherently concentrated and centered. Therefore, the price is extremely high, and one side will sell thousands of gold coins.

And this carriage took hundreds of fragrant trees, which means that the carriage alone cost 100,000 gold coins.

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