Alien Lord

Chapter 1007: new challenge


()     Gold Horn, Yu Deen has read some records about it, and it is clear that the Gold Horn is an artifact possessed by the former Shahai Kingdom and adapted to the battlefield.

The role of the Golden Horn that can greatly enhance the fighting power of his own army was once very interesting to Yu Deen. For this reason, he also sent a large number of troops to enter the 18th Sand City.

     On the surface, Yu Deen's army went to suppress the sand thieves of the 18th Shacheng, but in fact, it was to occupy the last city of the 18th Shahai, the former royal family of the Shahai Kingdom.

As long as they occupied these cities, let's not say that Yu Deen's territory can be expanded more than ten times, and he can also secretly search for the treasures of the former royal family of Shahai Kingdom, which of course includes the artifact on the battlefield, the Golden Horn.

     Unfortunately, imagination is good, but the reality is cruel.

    Yu Deen’s army that gave him great expectations, after entering the 18th Shacheng, not only failed to occupy any of them, but even the brutal environment caused his army to suffer heavy losses. Finally, he was also killed by the 18th Shacheng If the army of sand thieves attacked, if Yu Deen's army was indeed very strong, maybe his 100,000 army would never come back.

     But even then, less than half of Yu Deen's 100,000 expeditionary army returned.

     With this **** lesson learned, Yu Deen dismissed the idea of ​​eliminating sand thieves and occupying the 18th Sand City.

     As a matter of course, the three words "Golden Horn" gradually disappeared into his mind.

     Until today, these three words did not return to his mind.

     "I was still rumored to have this golden horn in the hands of Xiao Quan. At that time, I didn't believe it, but now it seems to be the truth." Yu Deen said with regret.

     If he knew that Xiao Quan had a gold horn in his hand, he had already sent inborn masters in his family to seize the gold horn.

The army of the sandbars can't help Xiao Quan, but several innate masters can definitely threaten Xiao Quan. I believe that if Xiao Quan is smart, he will obediently hand over the Golden Horn.

     thought of such an artifact on the battlefield as the Golden Horn, and passed him like this, Yu Deen almost spit blood in his heart.

     plus the gold horn is still in the hands of his enemy Lin Ze, Yu Deen is even more uncomfortable in his heart.

     "Xu Qiong, are we capable of snatching the gold horn?" Yu Deen asked without hesitation.

     Yu Deen really wanted the Golden Horn.

     "Governor, you can't do a humble job." Xu Qiong answered directly.

    "The combat power of Lin Lixuan’s army is really too strong. 10,000 troops defeated 140,000 troops. This is far from what we can do. We want to get the same fighting power, at least 100,000. The army, and Lin Lixuan has such a strong army of 100,000, so"

     Xu Qiong didn't go on with the rest, but everyone here knows the unfinished meaning of his words.

     "Humph!" Yu Deen snorted heavily, his face full of anger.

     Xu Qiong these people all saw the dissatisfied look on Yu Deen's face, but they didn't dare to stand up and say anything. Lin Ze's strength was much stronger than them. They really had no chance of winning.

     "Did I just let Lin Lixuan seize my rights?" Yu Deen thought sullenly.

     can't deal with the army in Lin Ze's hands, then he wants to destroy Lin Ze, the difficulty is extremely great.

     At this time, Yu Deen's think tank, or military division Du Lu, said: "Adult, in fact, we have to deal with Lin Lixuan, there is no need to mobilize any army to suppress, as long as a few small strategies, we can destroy Lin Lixuan."

     "Oh, let's hear it!" Yu Deen said with a bright eye.

     "Master, Lin Lixuan is now the vice governor of Shazhou, or the general of the Western Regions, but, no matter how, it is also your subordinate, so we can give him something to do." Du Xin's eyes flashed A touch of polish.

     "Mr. Du, aren't you helping Lin Lixuan?" A person on the side immediately objected.

     "Oh, on the surface, it looks like we are helping Lin Lixuan, but in fact, it is just to lure Lin Lixuan into the pit." Du Xing said confidently.

    "Whether Lin Lixuan became the deputy governor or a general in the Western Regions, but everyone noticed that no, the emperor did not give Lin Lixuan any wealthy territory, but instead used some desert areas as Lin Lixuan's territory. Okay, don't think about any output at all, so we can leave Lin Lixuan to do the resettlement.

     Maybe in a short period of time, Lin Lixuan can accommodate these refugees. After all, he just won 10 million gold coins from the Seventh Prince, and also won 9 million gold coins from the casino in Kyoto."

     said here that Du Lin's eyes showed an envious look.

     is not just Du Lin, even Yu Deen's eyes also show the look of envy and jealousy.

     This is 20 million gold coins. For Yu Deen, it is also an astronomical figure. It is impossible for him not to be jealous, not to mention, how many gold coins Lin Ze earned, but it took less than five days. time.

     won less than five million days and won 20 million gold coins.

     "20 million gold coins!" Yu Deen shook his head enviously, "Forget it, don't say this, Mr. Du, you continue to talk."

     "Yes, lord!" Du Yu also recovered, and he continued: "Now we have as many as 4-5 million refugees in Shazhou. So many refugees, if they want to put them down, the money they need is absolutely Astronomical figures, even if Lin Lixuan has 20 million gold coins in it, it will not play any role.

Not to mention the fact that there are tens of millions of refugees in Qingzhou. We can continuously guide the refugees in Qingzhou to Lin Lixuan. In this case, his 20 million gold coins will be more insufficient and the time for persistence will be even longer. short.

     Once Lin Lixuan could not hold on, the millions of refugees would tear Lin Lixuan directly, and even if Lin Lixuan escaped, but a condemnation failed, it was enough for us to expel Lin Lixuan from the sandbar. "

     said here, Du Lu did not go on, he explained in such a detailed, I believe Yu Deen they must have understood.

     "Okay, okay, okay!" Yu Deen really understood, and said three good words directly.

     "Mr. Du, your method is good, we just deal with Lin Lixuan, ha ha ha ha" Yu Deen laughed wildly.

     "More than that, sir, we can secretly control the business of Shazhou, greatly increase the price of food, and the prices of other materials that are urgently needed to resettle the displaced people. Earn a fortune, and it can greatly increase the difficulty of Lin Lixuan's resettlement, when the time comes, hehehe!" Du Xing smiled with a smile on his face, his eyes full of complacency.

     "Hiss!" Xu Qiong and others listened to Du Xin's words and took a breath.

    's previous plan was already poisonous enough, but I didn't expect him to have a more poisonous plan.

     For a moment, Xu Qiong began to reflect in their hearts whether they had offended Du Lu before, so as to prevent Du Lu from giving them a few hands.

     "Hahahaha!" Yu Deen stood up and laughed wildly, the shadow left by Lin Ze in his heart completely disappeared.

     "Lin Lixuan, your strength is strong, but the officialdom is not just a matter of strength, there are many other things, oh, let me teach you this time, how to survive on the officialdom, Hahaha"

After tens of thousands of Qingzhou rebels were wiped out by Lin Ze, Lin Ze set foot on the road again, and no one else dared to come to Lin Ze for trouble.

     This disappointed Lin Hu and others around Lin Ze.

    Why did Qingzhou rebels attack them, Lin Hu thought about it with their heels, not to mention they also captured the Black Dragon, the soldiers around him, and some other leaders, so, I will soon know that this It is the hands and feet of the Governor's Mansion.

     When they first started, Lin Hu and they thought there would be war in the middle. After all, the Governor’s Mansion would never want Lin Ze to survive. However, there is nothing going on in Linsha City right now. Obviously, the Governor’s Mansion No further shots were made, which made Lin Hu and others who had been preparing all the way really disappointed.

     Lin Ze had expected it earlier, so I didn't care.

     How can he also be the vice governor of Shazhou, the general of the Western Regions, even if Yu Deen wants to kill him, he has to find a legitimate excuse. Like the previous Qingzhou rebels, it is absolutely impossible to do it himself.

    Yu Deen really wants to do this. He just told the court clearly that he had rebelled. At that time, the court will definitely send a large army to attack the sandbar. As a result, Yu Deen will still have a way to live? !

     Yu Deen’s strength in Shazhou is the strongest. However, once such strength is put into the entire Chu Kingdom, Yu Deen cannot be ranked in the top 50. Here, the influence of Zongmen is still not included in it, otherwise, The top 100 could not see Yu Deen's shadow.

     Qingzhou’s rebels can be said to be the most powerful force Yu Deen can If he wants to send such a strong force, he can’t do it anymore.

     "Now you just need to be careful of the assassination of those innate strongmen under Yu Deen's, other things, don't worry about it anymore." Lin Ze thought secretly.

Lin Ze didn't even think that Yu Deen had planned to use force to solve him this time, but was ready to use the power of politics to govern Lin Ze. This is an unprecedented new challenge for Lin Ze.

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