Alien Lord

Chapter 1003: The war ended (2)


()     In the hearts of these Qingzhou rebels, the strength of the opponents they face this time is really too strong. If their opponents do not destroy the forward's 50,000 cavalry all at once, then the Qingzhou rebels behind The infantry slaves of the army will never lose their combat effectiveness in a chill, but the fact is that this cruelty, the combat strength of the cavalry under Lin Ze is really scary, directly scaring the army of these peasants, and they have all lost their helmets. Abandoned armor fled backward.

More than 50,000 cavalrymen of the      forwards have been so easily packed up, and then continue to fight with Lin Ze’s cavalry, there is absolutely no chance of winning, just riding and shooting, you can completely destroy them, so now rush to kill, then It is no longer called bravery, but stupid.

     had such an excuse, and after the order of the Black Dragon later, all Qingzhou rebels began a collective escape.

     For more than half a year in the past, they have been the winners. They were the only troops that chased the mansion, but now they are directly reversed, and it is their turn to escape.

     Qingzhou’s rebels have no horses, so they had to rely on their two legs to flee on the battlefield.

     Only in this way can they have the greatest possible escape.

     But, in fact, they want more.

     are two powerful legs, and they are not as fast as the four legs.

     So, waiting for them in the back is still the desperate end.

     saw that Qingzhou's rebels had completely collapsed and fled, and Lin Ze's cavalry immediately started the operation.

     They draw bows and arrows on their horses, quickly chasing the fleeing Qingzhou rebels, and aiming at each person who was fleeing from their avatars, and they are also fleeing to the surroundings, and give away a free kill. Life arrow.

    The heavy cavalry under Lin Ze is not just heavy cavalry, they are also bow cavalry.

    As long as there is a need, these heavy cavalry can immediately become bow cavalry, and the bows on their hands are all five-stone bows, with a range of up to two or three hundred meters.

     are far from comparable to the archers in the army, but in other legions of Chu, they are already rare archers in the army.

     saw that their arrows were full of fire, and one arrow shot would definitely take away one or more lives. Lin Ze, who watched from behind, nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, there is no waste of my elixir, these soldiers’ Eagle Eye Gong is already an entry!"

     Lin Ze was well aware of the mighty strength of the cavalry, which was proved in ancient China.

     In ancient China, the Yuan Dynasty was able to build a huge empire across Asia, Europe and Europe, not relying on his invincible bow cavalry.

     The powerful power of Mongolian cavalry, even in modern times, is still being transmitted by many people.

     Bow cavalry is so powerful, how could Lin Ze let go, so when he started to build a cavalry unit, he already started to build a bow cavalry unit with all his strength.

     These cavalrymen, Lin Ze not only allowed each of them to practice eagle eye skills, but also, from time to time, took some elixir to speed up their cultivation speed.

     After more than half a year of training, Lin Ze's bow cavalry has already taken shape.

     Looking at their current combat situation, you can understand that these bow cavalry have indeed been initially trained.

     was just a few round shots. The tens of thousands of Qingzhou rebels who fled quickly left on the left left half at once. Most of the remaining half were directly defeated and all surrendered on their knees. Less than two or three hundred people are still desperately fleeing, but soon after a round of shooting, these people all fell down.

    's five rounds of bow and arrow shooting destroyed more than 10,000 troops, which shows that Lin Ze's bow cavalry's combat strength is strong.

     Of course, in these escaped Qingzhou rebels, not all soldiers are so incompetent. There are still some **** pictures in it.

     Even after Lin Ze read it, I felt sorry for these people in my heart.

     is like an escaped rebel unit on the right side of the battlefield. This unit has more than 500 people. It seems that their number is not large, but as long as they look at their escape, they can still maintain their positions. The shape is complete, and the armor of the weapon remains intact. It can be seen that this unit is not ordinary.

     After seeing a cavalry chase behind him, a man who was clearly the leader shouted something, so the whole team of more than 500 people stopped suddenly, no longer fleeing backwards, half of them turned back, Raise the shield, ready to meet the enemy, and the other half will take out the bow and arrow, pull the bow string, and prepare to shoot.

In the middle of     , there are still a lot of Qingzhou rebels passing by them, but only a very few people stayed, and the other nine-story people directly escaped from them, and some people even hated These people can block more time, so that they can survive.

     So, next, many Qingzhou rebels once again accelerated their pace, trying to escape as soon as possible, and doing their best for the continuation of their lives.

    Although this seven hundred people (someone joined later) volunteered to stay and stop the Qingzhou rebels, the courage was commendable, but unfortunately, they did not complete their wish, because, Lin Ze’s bow cavalry The power is far beyond their expectations, so their sacrifice did not earn much time for their companions to escape.

     This time the leader was Tie Ying. After seeing the more than 700 interception troops, he immediately stopped, and then sent a person to persuade the surrender.

     who can take the initiative to stay behind is definitely good, so Tie Ying wondered if she could persuade.

     However, there is no chance of killing more in my heart.

     turned out to be just as Tie Ying thought, the leader of the troop after the break was directly rejected.

     Tie Yingxin is very sorry in his heart, but he will not be soft on this. Now he is on the battlefield, and Xin Ci is soft and has no place here.

     In order to show his admiration for this troop, Tieying took his men to attack with all his strength.

     This is a soldier, the best compliment to another soldier who is loyal to his duty.

     After three rounds of shooting, this more than 700 blocking troops were completely annihilated.

     Tieying paid a salute to the dead soldier who was standing firmly in the middle of the team, and then left a few people to clean up here, and gave the loyal soldier a funeral belonging to the soldier, and he took The remaining troops continued to chase the other Qingzhou rebels who fled.

     may have realized that their strength on this side is far from that of Tieying. So, soon, the soldiers who were originally defending on the spot, led by the leader, rushed to Tieying's team.

     It's a pity that Tieying's right hand waved before they could rush out ten meters.

     "Yeah!" Thousands of arrows directly turned into black arrows rain, instantly enveloped the rushed team.

     The soldiers quickly fell under the arrow, and their charge could not even stop for a moment.

     These soldiers are indeed not lacking courage, but in the face of absolute strength, no matter how strong courage is.

     is only the leader. His strength is indeed extraordinary. On the sixth floor of the day after tomorrow, he was covered with body protection, and a strong shock flew a dozen heavy arrows shot at him, and he held a ten stone strong The bow, five strokes in one stroke, five epee swords turned into five dark black awns, and in a flash shot five bow cavalry.

Of the five bow cavalry, three were killed in an instant, the other two, one was seriously injured, and the other was due to Tieying's rescue, only minor injuries.

     was only a moment, this man killed five bow cavalry, showing his strength, but his life also ended quickly because of his outstanding performance.

     A broken arrow that seemed to fly from the sky passed through the throat as fast as lightning. He looked at the direction of Tieying's battle flag, and his gray face showed a look of heroic but heroic.

     Zhou Riding on the warhorse, his face moved the fifteen stones across the cloud bow to the back, looking at the indifferent look on his face, as if shooting a master of the next six layers was just doing a trivial thing same.

     is an archer like Zhou who was specially trained by Lin Ze. The ancient version of the sniper is intended to sniper the enemy's generals on the battlefield, or some threatening enemies.

     Tieying looked sadly at the standing enemy general, shook his head, took the army, and chased it up again

At this point, there was no suspense in the battle. Until the end, 140,000 Qingzhou rebels were wiped out, and only more than 20,000 were wiped out in the middle. There were 100,000 people who surrendered and were captured. The rest escaped.

     And Lin Ze's 10,000 multiple cavalry, in addition to hundreds of cavalry died during the first charge, only less than three hundred heavy cavalry were injured in this battle.

     such a record, let some behind-the-scenes eyes watching from behind were dumbfounded.

    Although they knew the strength of Lin Ze’s army, at this moment, these people still felt a cold air rising from the bottom of their hearts.

     "Are such powerful and explosive enemies really what we can provoke?" From this moment on, this skeptical thought has been staying in these secret minds and cannot be repulsed.

     Lin Ze also ignored these secret eyeliners.

He knows that in these secret eyeliners, there are definitely the eyeliner of the Governor of Shazhou, the eyeliner of the emperor, and the eyeliner of the seventh prince Yan Yucheng. Lin Ze didn't care about this.

     just used these eyeliners to convey the history of this war. I believe that when the Governor of Shazhou learns the picture of this war, he will definitely be'surprised' in his heart.

     As for the emperor and the seventh prince Yan emperor will pay more attention to himself. After all, he has eliminated more than 100,000 rebels. If the battle in Qingzhou is not smooth in the future, he will definitely become a squad rebel. The best candidate.

     In this way, Lin Ze can expand his strength here.

     Yan Yucheng will surely be more frightened and more afraid of himself after learning this news.

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