Alien Lord

Chapter 1001: beg for mercy


()     "m, this time I was fooled by the guy from the military division. If he had been persuading me, why would I come to deal with Lin Lixuan, I would not lose more than 100,000 troops, huh, This time I go back, I must make him look good!" Black Dragon's eyes were fierce and murderous.

     Previously, he was tempted by 15 million gold coins and the name of defeating Lin Ze, so he was easily persuaded by the military division. Now after encountering a huge blow, the black dragon was really awake and at the same time , Also realized that the previous military division was not right.

     "It seems that the military division itself is the governor's person, or was bought by the governor of the sandbar, so I would persuade me so much to persuade Lin Lixuan, m, I am really a pig!" After waking up, the Black Dragon's IQ Return to a positive value.

     "The Governor of Shazhou, hum, I remember you!" Heilong sneered inside.

     had no way for Lin Ze, and he dared not provoke Lin Ze any more, but he was not afraid of the Governor of Shazhou at all.

     Just when Heilongong was thinking about how to find the Governor of Shazhou, he suddenly felt only one flower in front of him, and then, one rider had appeared on his way forward.

     Black Dragon's eyes narrowed, and he immediately recognized who was blocking him.

     "It's Lin Lixuan!" There was a gurgling sound in the black dragon's heart, and an emotion called despair began to rise in his mind.

     By this time, the Black Dragon had already seen Lin Ze's power, so he didn't think he would escape Lin Ze's palm.

     Lin Ze rode on Baiyue, holding the reins in both hands, and smilingly asked, "This general, do you not know where to go?"

     He was wearing a light leather armor, as if there was no defense. The whole person's expression also gave people a sense of idleness and exhaustion. It seemed that he was not on the battlefield with fierce fighting, but at home. The garden gardens in general are not nervous at all, so I looked at the black dragon calmly.

     Black Dragon’s face changed drastically. Of course he could see that the other party would be so relaxed because the other party’s martial arts were so high, far above his imagination, otherwise how could they come and go freely in the chaotic army and how could they intercept In front of him.

     Lin Ze itself was so powerful, no wonder he was only 18 years old, he was able to wipe out more than half a million sand thieves, and was named the general of the Western Regions, and the vice governor of Shazhou.

     "Kill me..." Heilongqiang calmed down and shouted.

     reached this point, Black Dragon also knew that even if he surrendered, there was no use.

     He knows his own things, maybe he has some strength, but he knows that his strength will not be taken into account by Lin Ze at all, so even if he surrenders, Lin Ze will not care.

     Not to mention, the Black Dragon has already tasted the taste of power, so, not in desperation, he will never surrender.

     Lin Ze is now only one person, and there are two or three hundred guards around him, even if he wants to come to the Black Dragon, even if Lin Ze cannot be stopped, but it is not a problem to cover him from here.

     The soldiers around the Black Dragon were obedient, or thought Lin Ze had only one person, so they would not be their opponents. Therefore, the order of the Black Dragon here was just issued, and the guards around him immediately fought .

     looked at the ruthless guards in front of him, Lin Ze's face remained the same, still calm, then, he stepped forward directly, first calmly avoided more than a dozen shots at him Hidden weapon.

     Then, he grabbed his right hand, and the movement was not fast, but he grabbed some hidden weapons directly, and then gently waved his wrist.

     "Boom!" These hidden weapons fired at the leading guards at a faster rate than before.

     The first few guards clearly saw clearly. The hidden weapon was still a dozen meters away. They still had enough time to avoid it. However, the next moment, something terrified them appeared, those hidden weapons They had reached their eyes in the blink of an eye. They had no chance of evading at all, so they watched the hidden weapons hit their bodies.


     screamed more than two dozen times and instantly fell to more than twenty guards.

     The number of hidden weapons issued by Lin Ze is not ten, but the power of each hidden weapon is extremely powerful, directly shooting through two or three people.

     At this time, another guard who was on the sixth floor of the day after the day before Lin Ze entered, the palm of his right hand suddenly doubled, and the golden light appeared.

     "Vajra Palm!" The guard's ugly face struck Lin Ze with all his strength, and, as soon as he came up, he came to Lin Ze's eyebrow position, obviously he wanted to kill Lin Ze.

     Lin Ze smiled slightly, his body didn't move, he still reached out with his right hand, and the movement seemed to be slow and not fast, but it just grabbed the man's wrist at once.

     The man clearly saw Lin Ze’s hand outstretched clearly and was prepared to dodge it with all his strength, but, I don’t know how, but let him avoid it, Lin Ze’s hand still caught his right wrist and then , The wrist of his right hand numb, the whole person can not move.

In the eyes of others,      seemed to have sent his hand to Lin Ze's palm.

     These actions seem to have been written so much, it seems that the time lasts a lot, in fact, they are all finished in one or two seconds.

     Lin Ze took advantage of a pull, the guard could not hold his feet, his feet pulled off the ground, flew in the air in a circle, then, Lin Ze's right hand suddenly let go.

     "Hoo!" Suddenly the man's head was facing forward, and he flew towards the later ones.


The guards behind      couldn't dodge them, and were directly hit by him fiercely. They rushed violently and shattered the body protection on their body surface, and spared their bones. There is no strength to get up.

     Lin Ze is still performing the Taiji Divine Skill on the earth. It doesn’t need much force itself. All of it is struggling with strength. Just a trick, it instantly extinguished a dozen powerful guards.

     can be seen from here, Lin Ze's Taijiquan has become a great success, otherwise, his moves within the strength will not show such ingenuity.

     "Master, I'm here!" Lin Ze's Tai Chi has just been performed, and Lin Hu's voice came.

     "Kill!" At the next moment, Lin Hu led the guards around Lin Ze directly into the guards around Black Dragon.

     "Puff puff puff!"


     blood and screams continued to appear on the battlefield, but for a moment, the black dragon was empty beside him, and no one was available. All the guards were either killed or captured.

     Seeing this, Black Dragon's face was extremely pale in an instant.

     "What's your name, if you catch your hand, the general will keep you alive and worry-free." Lin Ze looked at him coldly and promised.

     Black Dragon's face was pale, and his head was thinking sharply.

     "Lin Lixuan, I have surrendered. Can you promise not to kill me? Guarantee not to hand me over to the emperor?" Black Dragon asked with a hint of expectation.

     Since the Qingzhou incident, the Black Dragon has committed countless crimes. I really want to investigate it. A Ling//late//death//death is good.

     Moreover, as the leader of 150,000 rebels, his name has long been on the emperor's desk, so if Lin Ze gave him to the emperor, what would happen in the end, it is imaginable.

     "You only have the option of surrender, other things, you have no qualification requirements!" Lin Ze said with a cold face.

     If Black Dragon is able to lead the team, he can only start against those who are rich or corrupt, and not against ordinary people. Lin Ze can guarantee not to kill Black Dragon, not to hand him over to the emperor, or even You can also let him go.

     However, looking at the actions of the soldiers around him, it is obvious that these things have not been done by the Black Dragon, so the Black Dragon is already a dead person in Lin Ze's eyes.

     At the moment he started with ordinary people, the ending of the Black Dragon was already determined.

     Besides, Lin Ze will meet Qingzhou rebels sooner or later, so he needs a chip to deter Qingzhou rebels, and Black Dragon is obviously the best chip.

     "Lin Lixuan, I have a lot of money. As long as you can guarantee the safety of my life, I will give you the money!" At this time, Heilong didn't care about his money, and was ready to use it to buy Lin Ze.

     "Oh, capture you, your money is still mine. I don't believe you can stick with torture." Lin Ze said with a sneering expression.

     For people like Black Dragon, Lin Ze knows well, don’t look like they are very vicious, in fact, they are weaker than the average person, they will constantly show the evil side to outsiders, just to hide them The weak side.

     "Uh" Black Dragon was speechless for a moment.

     "Lin Lixuan, why don't you follow the rules!" This is the only idea in Black Dragon Just like Lin Ze guessed above, don't look at Black Dragon in front of others, yes A fierce, not afraid of death, the appearance of loyalty, in fact, Black Dragon is not such a person at all, his heart is very weak.

     Especially after more than half a year, after enjoying countless glory and wealth, the fighting spirit in Heilong Heart is even weaker.

     Now, he definitely can't bear the torture of a few tortures. He will tell him what he was in the bed when he was six years old when he was a child.

     "Lin Lixuan, do you really want to do that? As long as you can not kill me, I can order all the troops to surrender now, how?" The black dragon seemed to have grabbed the last straw and was full of expectations. Said.

     "Oh, what I did?! Did you think about this unique word when starting against those people!" Lin Ze said coldly.

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