Alien Lord

Chapter 997: Aooo...


()     The end of the bison herd, I believe that many people who watched the Animal World show know that carnivorous animals are ultimately a good harvest.

The guidelines between      are still applicable on the mainland of China.

    Here, carnivores are born with a higher status than drafting carnivores. Even in terms of strength, herbivores are stronger than carnivores, but when they actually play, the winners are often carnivores.

     are like the firearmed cattle and scavenger wolf captured by Lin Ze before.

     fire armor cattle are herbivores, scavengers are carnivores. In terms of strength, fire armor cattle are two or three levels stronger than scavengers. Generally, fire armor cattle have two layers of strength in adulthood. Wolf, the general strength of adulthood is in the acquired layer, and it is not even yet. The gap between the two strengths is still obvious.

     However, as a result, the fire armor herd is the predator of the scavenger wolf.

     Facing the attack of scavenger wolves, even if the number of scavenger wolves is only a dozen, and there are hundreds of fire armor cattle, the weak side is still the fire armor cattle, because they are naturally afraid of eating Rot wolf.

     A lot of armored cows, unable to exert their fighting power in the face of scavengers, were eventually captured and killed by scavengers.

The armored bull is a herbivore, and the mounts of the Qingzhou Rebels are also herbivores. So, how does the armored bull respond to carnivores such as scavengers? Those mounts are the same.

     "Baiyue, let the guys on the opposite side look at your wolf king's style!" Lin Ze said, gently stroking Baiyue's white fur under him.

     "Oh!" Bai Yue answered with a wolf howl.

     "Well, my Baiyue is the best!" Lin Ze touched Baiyue's head with a smile, Bai Yu shook his head very much.

     Next, Lin Ze put the gold horn directly in front of Bai Yue's mouth, and then, Bai Yue's stomach swelled for a while, and his mouth had been put on the mouth of the gold horn.

     saw this scene in front of him. Wang Ming and Lin Hu next to Lin Ze thought of Lin Ze's experiment outside the Black Sand City. They suddenly changed their complexion and didn't have to urge Lin Ze to jump off the horse immediately. Come, cover your ears tightly with both hands.

     At the same time, Tieying's shout rang again: "Soldiers who haven't dismounted yet...dismount their ears at the fastest speed, fast!"

     Tieying's voice was very loud, and with some rush, the soldiers who were still on the horse immediately realized that something was wrong, and some of the brains were a little smarter, already guessing the impending change, so, I heard Tieying's shouting After the sound, I immediately followed my thoughts, turned over and dismounted, and covered my ears. Those who reacted a little slower, or were stupid, could only successfully complete the dismounting of the ears by the companions.

     At this time, the Black Dragon, which is only more than a thousand meters away from Linze, these people also saw the movement of Linze. Many people even heard the roar of Tieying. For this, many people were ignorant. Looking at the soldiers on the opposite side who kept dismounting, there was a daze in my heart.

     At this critical juncture, shouldn't we just kill it, or turn around and run away? How can we dismount? Is it to surrender?

     When he thought of the words surrender, the Black Dragon's heart was full of joy, and at the same time, his eyes inevitably showed disdain.

     Seriously, even in the first second he was still afraid of Lin Ze, after all, Lin Ze completely wiped out more than 500 thousand sand thieves.

     Although he had spoken to the military division before, he said that the army of the thieves was not as good as the army of his men, but the Black Dragon knew that it was just that they put gold on their own faces.

     The black wind thieves are all sand thieves in the army. They generally have the strength of quasi-warriors. Moreover, the perennial looting has been seen bloody. With excellent equipment, the combat power is definitely far superior to him. These have just been established. Before the 7th and 8th floors, they were composed of ordinary people who had just put down their hoes. Their equipment was still a single-armed army.

    Since Lin Ze was able to eliminate 500,000 sand robbers before, his own army of 140,000 would not really be Lin Ze's opponent.

     So, this time the Black Dragon tried to destroy him when his military division was moved, and when there were only 10,000 troops beside Lin Ze, but really, he had no bottom in his heart.

     was directly hidden in the army when he charged, and he was ready to escape once the situation was unfavorable.

    , but now Lin Ze’s army, like a surrender of the horse, completely inspired one of the black dragon’s hearts //high//tide //point, he threw his whip with excitement in his face, an acceleration , From the army, came a little bit ahead.

     "Lin Lixuan ah Lin Lixuan, you also have a day to surrender, ha ha ha, starting today, my black dragon will be famous in the world, ha ha" Black dragon laughed wildly in the heart

     At this time, the army around Lin Ze was fully prepared. In the car where Ping Er was located, Ping Er had already worn the Kapok earplugs specially made by Lin Ze for her.

& nbsp    Now Ping'er, sitting cross-legged in the car, looked calmly at Lin Ze, who was at the front of the formation, and kept praying for Lin Ze in his heart.

     "Boom!" The sound of horseshoes became louder and louder. Qingzhou's rebels gradually approached. Some soldiers with good eyesight and ears before the formation were even able to see and hear the faces of Qingzhou rebels and their mouths. The sound of roaring non-stop.

     At this time, Xu Qiang suddenly appeared behind Tieying and asked, "Iron General, what are these guys on the opposite side calling?"

     Tieying raised her ears and listened. Then, she smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

     "Oh, it's really a huge bounty!" Xu Qiang said with a smile: "I just don't know what my worth is, is there one-tenth of an adult?"

The final tone of      is obviously ridiculous.

     In front of such a battle, Xu Qiang can also speak in such a challenging tone. It can be seen that he has already worked out.

     "Hahaha" Tieying laughed, and after a while he stopped laughing and said, "Xu Qiang, don't underestimate yourself. There are a lot of bounty for adults, but yours also seems to be Quite a lot, a hundred dollars, ha ha ha"

     finished, Tieying laughed again.

Xu Qiang was stunned for a moment, then, as if he heard the most funny thing in the world, he laughed and said: "My head? Ha ha, I'm afraid they don't have that life to take."

     When talking about the last sentence, Xu Qiang's tone suddenly turned heavy, actually full of murderous intent.

     "Baiyue, take out your wolf king's momentum and let these people see your wolf king's majesty! Let's get started!" Lin Ze sitting on Baiyue shouted faintly, but his ears did Nothing like earplugs.

     Of course, not Linzeto is big, but, he has a better way to block his ears with true energy.

     Not only did Lin Ze do this, they also did the same for Tieying and Xu Qiang.

     "Oh!" Hearing Lin Ze's orders, Bai Yue first excited the wolf howl, then, its eyes like Bai Yue's holy eyes, looking at Qingzhou rebels not far away with interest charge.

     Then, Baiyue wolf raised his head slightly, made the attitude of wolf king Xiaoyue, and began to inhale quickly in his stomach.

     directly sucked Baiyue’s belly several times, just like a pregnant pregnant woman. At the next moment, Baiyue suddenly opened her eyes, aiming at the gold horn on the mouth. Mouth, shouted.


     seems to be the spring thunder exploding to the world to announce the arrival of spring. The roar of the wolf king who is resounding in the world comes to the world like a roar of a dragon. The powerful sound waves spread far through the increase of the gold horn. The air not far away in front of Lin Ze actually turned from invisible to transparent tangible material at this moment, a wave of ripples came out from the horn of the Golden Horn, and soon spread to tens of meters away, the weeds along the way, The fine stones were shocked by the visible ripples and spread to the front with supersonic speed

     At this time, the people of Black Dragon didn't know anything about it, or Black Dragon had been confused by the good picture imagined in his mind. At this time, he only had the idea of ​​capturing Lin Ze in his heart, and everything else entered Nope.

     Therefore, next, the Black Dragon will be tragic.

     Qingzhou's rebel cavalry had rushed to Linze and they were only two or three hundred meters away. At this distance, they still did not see the soldiers under Linze's soldiers taking out bows and shooting at them.

     only appeared in front of them is a majestic white giant Seeing this, many people are thinking in their hearts, are the officers and soldiers on the opposite side scared by them? Can a giant wolf resist tens of thousands of cavalry?

     rushed to the front of more than a hundred riding faces is extremely excited, because, their speed is the fastest, so, most likely to rush into the battlefield like a lost resistance first, in this case, take Whether they kill Lin Ze or choose to capture Lin Ze alive, it is up to them. In the end, they can also get a reward of 10,000 gold coins. Such a huge sum of money is enough to make the hundreds of cavalry lose their normal reason.

     After they have even imagined going back in their minds, how to show off their fighting skills and heroism to their companions or their own family members.

     deal with these lost souls, it seems that they have lost their resistance army, that is not something that can be captured.

     As for the front, is it really dangerous? Whether the cavalry behind them will watch them catch Lin Ze and so on, these cavalry who have been enchanted by the gold coins have no idea.

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