Alien God System

Chapter 992: Who did this?


Silence, everyone present was too stiff to speak.

Yang Feng looked left and right, suddenly showing a wicked smile, his two-finger guns wandered to the side for a while, muttering: Who said that our lower realm spells can't do your spiritual spells? ? It depends on who made it. In front of the King of Kai Hang, no matter who it is, they are all scumbags. "

Fireball machine cannon! "


As soon as the voice fell, a series of fireballs from Yang Feng's fingertips burst out, like a sickle of the **** of death, and instantly came to the people around him, wantonly harvesting the lives of these unconscious people.

They want to resist, but where is the opponent of the small fireball that has added the basic attack power of the 200-level military division?

This is a trick that even the evil gods can't stop, let alone them.

However, in a short time, Yang Feng has already flown out more than a hundred artillery pieces, shooting these dozens of them into dregs, and the smoke of gunpowder fills for nine days, leaving only Yang Biao, who has been frightened, looks like a devil now. Yang Feng was trembling.

With a sly smile full of teasing curled up at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng sneered at the leader who was already pale with fright, and said jokingly: Seeing that our surname is Yang, we were a family five hundred years ago, I will give you a runaway opportunity. I count three times. If you can escape my fireball chase, I will let you survive. How about? "

Monster, you... are a monster... How can there be a lower realm cultivator who has just ascended up here, who can kill dozens of spirit emissaries once here? You monster! "

With a cry, Yang Biao didn't seem to hear what Yang Feng was saying. He turned his head and ran, flying towards the distant sky, tears streaming down his face, scared to urinate.

Yang Feng looked at it from a distance, slowly raised a finger, pointed at him, and sarcastically said: Lao Tzu is an open monster, what can you do? Come bite me? Che, I actually caught the strong man and caught Lao Tzu on the head. Is Lao Tzu such a bully? Go to hell, three, little fireball! "


However, after Yang Feng's fingertips burst into a blue smoke, it was instantly dumb, and the system sounded: Players please note, players please note that the amount of blue is insufficient to activate the skills! "

what? I have a million faith points and send a few small fireballs, you will tell me that the blue amount is insufficient? What about hairy? "

With a twitch of face, Yang Feng was stunned, and then looked forward, only to see that Yang Biao had run away, so he would not pursue him anymore, anyway, it was just a little bit, it didn't matter.

At this moment, Yang Feng is more concerned about where his huge belief value goes?

It took more than ten years to defeat the top ten empires and serve as their own blue warehouse. Wouldn't they expire so soon?

Yang Feng immediately opened his control panel and looked closely, only to see that, as expected, his one million blue volume was completely exhausted. However, it should not be said that it is a blue volume, but a gold volume.

I saw that the blue ball of light turned into gold, but the previous blue faith value added hundreds of thousands, one million. But now, it's like jumping beans, adding little by little.

It's hard to get enough together to send a small fireball.

Damn, how about smashing local tyrants to divide fields? Lao Tzu’s possessions for more than ten years are the power of these beliefs. System you bastard!

Yang Feng cursed in his heart, and the system seemed to know Yang Feng's feelings of fire, and quickly explained: Congratulations to the players, the energy boost was successful. The spiritual power system of the original wizard is upgraded to fairy spiritual power. Warrior Yuanli system, upgraded to Wu Yuanli. Its power is stronger, every point of fairy spiritual power is ten times the power of the original spiritual power. With the newly-connected spiritual skills of the system, the power is a hundred times more powerful than the previous magic skills. "

Come on this! "

Yang Feng looked at the panel indifferently, and muttered: I just want to know where my millions of faith points have gone, have they been eaten by dogs? "

Players, please note that after the system enters the new server, energy docking requires exchange rate conversion, which is about one million to one exchange value. In other words, one million original spiritual power can be exchanged for a little fairy spiritual power. We are a serious system and will not pit the player's game experience value. Your believers continue to contribute their faith to you, but the proportion is a little smaller, just get used to it. "

habit? "

With a twitch of face, Yang Feng suddenly became so angry that he just wanted to swear: I used to send a million blue skyfire meteor showers without panting, but now it's just the simplest small fireball, which is saved. I used to be a rich man, but now I am poor, how do you let me get used to it? Don’t you know that it’s easy to change from poverty to luxury, and from luxury to poverty? "

But your energy is upgraded now? "

But your exchange rate ratio is too big, one million to one? Where to grab the money? Is the stock market afraid to collapse like this? "


Silent, the system stopped talking.

Yang Feng refused to give up, still yelling: eh eh eh, don't stop talking, give me an explanation, why set such a high exchange rate? The power of the skills has increased a hundred times, but the amount of mana required to spend is actually one million times the previous. You are manipulating exchange rates, robbing my wealth, you vampire system. "

All interpretation rights belong to the system. If the player is fine, I will withdraw first. "


As soon as the voice fell, the picture of the control panel in the air disappeared.

When Yang Feng saw it, he was even more furious: Hey, he dared to turn off the screen. This is obviously a big bully. "

Okay, where is the Consumer Association? You'd better go around first and find a place to stay. "At this time, the voice of the ancestor sounded.

Yang Feng's expression was sullen, and he ignored the system, and muttered: Brother Saint Ancestor, have you been to this spiritual world, can you show me a way? Where should I go? "

How many years ago I arrived in the spirit world, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle, the vicissitudes of life, everything has changed, let me show you a shit? Now I'm just like you, no different from the newcomer, and I can't navigate you. "

Alas, I knew that, I shouldn't have let the robber run away just now. At least there is a guide now, but where should I go next? How about Simon and Marshal Dugu? And my wife, where is her family? Gee, these are all mysteries! "

Sighing lightly, Yang Feng chose a direction aimlessly and flew away.

Half an hour later, swish... dozens of guards in uniform and armor appeared here, bowed their heads and looked at the corpse residues on the ground, unconsciously all stunned.

These are... bandits from Gejiazhai? Who did it? "

It's hard to say that the bandits in Gejiazhai are very tough, and the castle owner has always had a headache. Just now we saw the light of the lower realm coming up here, worried that Gejiazhai was robbing the source of troops again, and hurriedly chased it. Unexpectedly, they would... Could it be that the cultivator who flew up from the lower realm killed them? "

Impossible, since ancient times, there has never been a person from the lower realm who has ascended up to the spiritual realm, who can kill the spiritual masters as soon as they arrive, especially so many! "

There was a flash of brilliance in the eyes, and a beautiful and heroic figure shouted very firmly...

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