Alien God System

Chapter 990: New arrival

Whoosh whoosh!

A swift figure, like an arrow from the string, galloped towards the golden light curtain, but listening to the loud noise, the sky thunder immediately smashed at everyone.

Want to go? It's not that easy!

Bang bang bang!

However, a figure flashed past and directly blocked all those sky thunders, with smoke rising from his body.

Leader Yang? "

Everyone was ecstatic.

At this moment, it was Yang Feng who stood in front of everyone and stopped those sky thunders.

With a more confident smile on the corner of Yang Feng's mouth, he pointed to Sky Qiong and said: Didn't I just tell you, something is coming to me, don't bully my brother. As long as I'm here, you can't even hurt them with a hair, God, Jie Jie. "


As soon as the voice fell, the thunder in the sky boiled again, seeming to be more and more angry because of Yang Feng's clamor.

Dugu Zhantian, they were moved in their hearts, without saying anything, they hurriedly speeded into the golden hole, don't hold back Yang Feng any more.

During this period, the sky again sent out a few thunders and gusts of wind, which were easily blocked by Yang Feng.

When everyone entered the passage, Yang Feng was the last one to enter, and did not forget to blow a kiss to the **** of this interface in front of the passage, and smiled: Thanks to you, I will go there first, let’s see you, hahaha ! "


After speaking, Yang Feng turned his head and drilled into the golden passage, completely disappeared.

Slowly, the passageway closed together, and once again isolated the two worlds, only the thunder of the sky was still shaking, and it could not be calmed for a long time. It seemed that he was still angry with a dignified **** who was actually being molested by a mortal boy. .

On a towering mountain in the distance, Bai He and Ren Xiaoyao couldn't help but sigh as they watched all this.

All gone, everyone passed safely. This is probably the first 100% ascent rate since someone ascended to the spirit world. "

Yes, it is great to have Leader Yang to withstand the catastrophe and help everyone ascend. It's just... what should we do when it's our turn in the future? This power, tut! "

That... only resignation, ha ha ha! "

The two old men looked at each other and both laughed heartily. It seemed that even if the disaster was terrible, they didn't care.

On the other hand, after everyone entered the golden passage, they flew straight all the way, surrounded by golden streamers, seeing Yang Feng catching up, they all cast gratitude.

Leader Yang, thank you very much, otherwise we might not even want to pass. "

Hi, you are my own. When I reach the spiritual world, I will take you with me and fight the world again, as long as you are willing to follow me. "

What did the leader Yang say? Those of us, who are you not talking to? No matter where you go, you are our leader, we have fixed you, hahaha! "

Dugu Zhantian laughed and said heartily, and everyone else nodded again and again.

Yang Feng smiled and nodded, eyes full of expectation.

What kind of copy would the spirit world be like? What is the difference between there and the lower bound? Is it also a political system composed of martial arts and empires?

Yang Feng is eager to try, to enter a new field, perhaps a new civilized system, and a new game rule.

He wants to gather more power of faith, is he going to be a sacred stick, or to engage in commerce, or to fight the world?

Yang Feng thought about countless possibilities!


At this time, the golden light spots like meteors slapped everyone, and then merged into their bodies, dyeing their entire bodies golden.

Everyone was stunned, and they didn't know why: What is this, what is it doing in our body? "

I don't know, I just hope there is no harm! "

It should be no harm, I feel my strength is increasing! "



Everyone was discussing in a panic, and the voice of the system rang in Yang Feng's ears: Players are entering a new instance, and the system is beginning to connect with the new server, please wait! "

Does the new server refer to the spirit world?

Yang Feng suspiciously opened his control panel, only to see that the blue volume of his mage account was quickly turning golden. And as the color changes, his blue volume is also greatly reduced.

How is this going? It stands to reason that with my current strength of faith, there is no shortage of blue. Why is there a lack of blue, is it because it has become golden?


Just when he didn't know why, the figure of Dugu Zhantian beside him suddenly disappeared.

Everyone trembled, and their hearts were shocked: What's wrong? Where did Marshal Dugu go? "


With a flash, the figure of Simon Zun also disappeared immediately.

Everyone was horrified again, not knowing why, but in an instant, many more people disappeared, not knowing what happened. A sense of fear filled everyone's hearts.

In the end, everyone disappeared, and only Yang Feng was still flying in this golden passage, suddenly bewildered.

What happened? Could it be that there is a more powerful tribulation in this passage, which just killed everyone?

But it was impossible, and I didn't feel any harm at all.


At this time, the system sounded again: the system has successfully connected to the new server, please prepare for the player to enter the new instance. "


With a flicker, Yang Feng disappeared. When he reappeared, he already came to the sky above a lush forest. Then he fell and hit the ground with a sound. He fell on the black ground below, smashed a big hole, and smashed the surrounding area. All the birds and beasts were frightened and fled.


With his face twitching slightly, Yang Feng wiped the dust off his cheeks, and then he got up and cursed: Damn, it turns out that the angel will actually touch the ground first. Damn, where did I go, could it be that I have come to the spiritual realm? "

Looking around, Yang Feng saw that this was a lush forest, which seemed to be no different from the previous world, but...

With a sigh of eyes, Yang Feng picked up a rock from the ground at random and let go of his hand gently, but when he heard a loud noise, a hole of ten centimeters deep was directly smashed into the ground.

Yang Feng jumped twice again, and he was already sure that the gravity of this place was ten times that of the original world.

It's no wonder that he just couldn't adapt. When he first arrived, he fell directly from the sky and fell into the mud.

Otherwise, in the original world, even if he suddenly appeared in the air, he should be able to quickly adjust his figure and stand upright.

However, with his current physical strength, even if the gravity here is ten times higher than in the original world, it would be harmless. He just needs to adapt.


With the golden wings spread out, Yang Feng flicked it lightly, and then flew high, searching around to see if Dugu Zhantian had landed in this place, but only heard a whistling sound, Yang Feng's brows trembled. Raising his hand to connect with **** directly, he clamped a sharp arrow in his hand, and shouted: Who? "

What a skill, friends from the lower world! "

Whoosh whoosh!

In the blink of an eye, a group of people in black flew in front of him, with grinning smiles at the corners of their mouths, and with an unkind look, they surrounded him...

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