Alien God System

Chapter 984: The call of the spirit world


Half an hour later, a **** head was thrown out outside the headquarters of the World Conference.

The civilians who were screaming for grievances were startled when they saw it. When they saw who the head was, they were shocked.

Ximenzun glanced at them faintly, and muttered: The lord has heard your voice, and has sent someone to investigate the matter thoroughly. Don't worry. "

After that, Simon Zun left silently, leaving only a group of civilians who wailed in gratitude: Thank you, leader Yang, thank you, leader Yang, woooo..."


Stout! "

At the same time, after the meeting, Yang Feng listened to the noise outside the door and walked to the inner courtyard of the Tianxiahuihui with Tu Ganglie and his office, and said coldly: You see, the difference between the people and the king. "

When he raised his brows, Tu Ganglie didn't speak, and Yang Feng continued: The people who are kneeling are always the people, and those who are standing are always the king. When they stood up, it was time when there was no need for an emperor in this world. "

After blinking his bewildered big eyes, Tu Ganglie didn't know why: Brother Feng, forgive me for being dull, I don't know what you mean. "

I mean, what kind of people decides what kind of court. At the beginning, we were also bullied by Palace Lord Situ Zheng, how did we do it? "

Kill him! "

where are they? "

Kneel down and beg for mercy! "

So we are now kings, and they are still people. "

With a slight smile, Yang Feng said lightly: If I leave here one day, you have to help me watch this world. If the people are still kneeling in the future, you can just follow my current set. If there is a problem underneath, you can kill a few officials and calm the anger, without much action. But if one day they stand up, it will be time to dismiss the imperial families of the nine countries. This is the trend of the times and is irreversible. "

Nodding clearly, Tu Ganglie looked at Yang Feng again and said: Brother Feng, why did you say this to me today? Are you leaving? "

I just warned in advance, in case one day you go in a hurry, if you don't have time to say, you will suffer, ha ha ha! "With a chuckle, Yang Feng patted Tu Ganglie's shoulder heavily, a trace of goodbye filled his heart.

For ten years, he has experienced too many joys and sorrows in this world during the ten years when he was the leader of the world, and he also knew what real governance is.

No matter how he banned and issued various policies, the underlying problems still emerged one after another. This is officialdom.

If the rules of the officialdom remain unchanged, these issues will never change, not because of the existence of a political strongman.

This is probably a kind of law between heaven and earth, a kind of humanity, just like the law of economics, it reaches its peak and is bound to decline. No one can reverse it.

But before sliding down, I can do some measures to let it land softly without losing too much.

And this kind of measure may not need to be done by yourself and tell your subordinates to deal with it step by step when you encounter a crisis in the future.

Yang Feng was full of expectations for the little brother Tu Ganglie. After all, after spending so long with him, he should have learned a lot.

Q! "

However, in the face of Yang Feng's dying words, Tu Ganglie hesitated for a while, but said helplessly: If you choose your successor, you should find someone else. I am afraid I will bear your trust. "

why? "Yang Feng was puzzled.

Tu Ganglie licked some dry lips and murmured: I don't know, but recently I always heard a strange sound in my ear, as if calling me, Simon he also heard it. We all have a feeling, although inexplicable, we just feel that our deadline is approaching, and we seem to be leaving this world. Brother Feng, maybe we left earlier than you. "


As soon as his body stagnated, Yang Feng immediately understood what he meant. Could it be that they wanted...

Why, are you guys flying up too? "

Suddenly, before Yang Feng had time to speak, a deep voice came over.

The two turned their heads and looked, only to see that the person was not someone else, who was undoubtedly alone.

Old Marshal, how do you know about the ascension? Is it possible..."

Yes, it's time for a few old ladies, ha ha ha. "

He nodded slightly, and said with a smile: The old man, the old ghost Yelu and other old guys have also had severe tinnitus recently, and I feel that something is attracting us. So we went to ask Dean Ren, and Dean Ren went to ask the real person Bai He, only to realize that this was the call of the spirit world. If you don't ascend, you will become benevolent, and the end is coming. It’s just never expected, Brother Ganglie, you will have to pass this hurdle at such a young age, I don’t know if it is fortunate or unfortunate. "

With a dry laugh, Tu Ganglie helplessly shook his head.

In fact, he and Ximenzun were immersed in cultivating. Five years after Yang Feng ruled the world, they asked Yang Feng to take the Beast Soul Pill to subdue them, and they made breakthroughs one after another.

So their current strength is not tolerated in the lower realms, it's time to be collected by God.

Whether they can pass the test depends on their good fortune.

Yang Feng understood, and at the same time he was secretly happy.

Finally, after waiting for ten years, I finally waited for someone to break through and ascend to the upper realm, so I could take him for a ride. Now, he can go to Yu Chan and his second brother.

I don't know how they have been in the past ten years.

By the way, lord, three days later, the funeral of the old man, remember to come and join in the honor. "At this time, Du Gu Zhantian suddenly became more authentic.

Yang Feng was taken aback: Your funeral in three days? Who did you do for? "

For the old man himself. "

You're not dead, what funeral will you do? "

This ascension, nine deaths a lifetime. Whether the old man flew away successfully or was killed by the robbery that day, it was impossible to exist in this world. Have a funeral in advance, and have fun, just say goodbye to the children, hahaha! "

Dugu Zhan Tian Yangtian laughed, hearty and free.

Yang Feng nodded clearly, and had to admire the old marshal's open-mindedness and put life and death away, admiring them.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Feng fell into sorrow after saying goodbye to Dugu Zhantian and Tu Ganglie.

He is about to leave now, who should he choose as the successor of the next leader of the Nine Nations?

If it's too weak, it won't be able to shake the imperial families of the nine countries; but if it's too strong, it's probably not far from being summoned. Even if he is appointed, he will be appointed for nothing, tusk.

Yang Feng frowned tightly and thought, but he heard a burst of laughter: Hey, the old man is ready to be generous, when will you die? "

Tsk, what do you mean, brother Shengzu, curse me? "

No, if you want to be a god, you must die. How can there be any truth in this world for the living being to be proclaimed? "

With a grin, the saint ancestor said leisurely: The so-called coffin is concluded, as long as you die, all your current achievements will be worshipped forever by people. Even if the posterity is unworthy and the flood is so great, it is none of your business. Otherwise, when you are in power, even if you do one thing wrong, your great and positive image will be gone. This is why it is impossible for the emperor to be a god. He is a lifelong system, and he is responsible for all the merits and demerits during his reign. While man can make mistakes, God cannot make mistakes, so he can only be human. "

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng let out a sigh: I see, let me make arrangements for the funeral! "

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