Alien God System

Chapter 964: Lost Dog

The civil strife created by Qiu Xiaotian in the five countries was quickly quelled by the coalition forces.

Then, the five-nation coalition forces once again gathered on the China-North border, under the command of Yang Feng, for the second northern expedition. Only this time, they are already confident and will never lose again.

Even if the two of Qiu Xiaotian went out in person, facing this reborn army of the Northern Expedition, they could not be eliminated in a short time. And as long as he can hold on for a while, when Yang Feng arrives, Qiu Xiaotian will die.

The engineering team of the Yang Family Consortium also sent additional manpower to build base stations everywhere behind the army. In case one base station is damaged, the other base stations can still operate.

In this way, the army separated five men and horses, drove straight in, and killed the enemy without leaving.

Qiu Xiaotian's nether envoys were almost exhausted, and he could only rely on ordinary soldiers from the four northern countries to resist, so where was the opponent of the Heavenly Commander who had improved a lot of strength?

At this time, no one under Qiu Xiaotian was available.

And unlike Yang Feng, Yang Feng alone can determine the universe, but Qiu Xiaotian himself did not dare to show up at will and appear in front of Yang Feng this monster.

In addition, the Ten Thousand Demon Nation was also attacked from the north, and the four northern kingdoms quickly surrendered. The royal family members of the four kingdoms became prisoners, and the two of Qiu Xiaotian escaped without a trace.

Two months later, in a magnificent palace, everyone was lying on the ground tremblingly, looking at the fierce monsters inside and outside the entire imperial city with horror, shivering.

Yang Feng brought his various marshals into the army aggressively, and when he saw the five patriarchs of Qinglong, he roared: What's the matter? What does our human civil war have to do with your monster race? Why do you occupy our two human empires for no reason? "

Uh... didn't you ask us for help? "

After blinking his innocent big eyes, Patriarch Qinglong murmured.

With a twitch of face, Yang Feng couldn't help but smile: Didn't you not agree, we are all about to win this, you come out to pick up the ready-made ones? "

Oh, you can't say that. We are also kind, as you said, anti-fascism, everyone is responsible, ha ha ha! "

With a dry laugh, the patriarch Qinglong raised his eyes to look at the powerful aura of the men behind Yang Feng. He couldn't help but shake his eyes. He already understood that these were the masters who took the Beast Soul Pill, and he was shocked: Yang Xiaozi, you were from us. Is the material taken away enough to refine so many beast soul pills? How did you do this without counting the failure rate? "

How about my high efficiency in alchemy? "

With a raised eyebrow, Yang Feng smiled triumphantly, and then returned to the topic: Okay, don't talk about other things, let's just say what you want to do this time? Expanding the site? "

With a faint smile, the patriarch Qinglong didn't hide from him, nodded and said: Yes, the birth rate of demon tribe erlangs is relatively high recently, and it is necessary to expand the boundaries and breed the population. It’s just that it’s not easy for us to step into the human realm before, for fear of causing a war between the humans and monsters and causing heavy losses, which is not good for anyone. But now that everyone has a common enemy, it is not considered a battle between the two clans. We should be an alliance. "

Well said, I almost forgot, that **** hasn't been found yet. Patriarch Qinglong, let's talk about the distribution of the fruits of victory. Now we should work together to eliminate the hidden danger. "

A sharp light flashed in his eyes, and Yang Feng immediately looked down at the creeping Northern Empire royal family and said: I ask you, where are Qiu Xiaotian and Long Xiaotian? To answer honestly, I can still give you a leniency, otherwise...hehehe! "

The body shivered together, everyone shook their heads in panic, and some even wailed and cried out for mercy, their heads knocking loudly.

Yang Feng took a deep look at them, thinking that they really don't know the whereabouts of the two, but this is also right, with the cunning of those two, how can these young people know their whereabouts?

The Qinglong patriarch lightly stroked his long beard, and said solemnly: Master Yang, now the four northern countries have been completely occupied by us. As long as we search with all our strength, no matter how big the continent is, we will definitely be able to find their whereabouts. "

Yes, with the power of your monster beasts, coupled with the black technology of our holy flame, it is not too difficult to find them. "Firmly nodded, Yang Feng's face was full of confidence.

Ever since, the two sides joined forces.

The entire continent, the top ten empires, posted notices of the two wanted to prevent them from hiding among the people. The search team was composed of humans and monsters and beasts mixed into various groups, searching various hidden places such as deep mountains and old forests.

Each monster beast carried the holy fire teaching black technology and transmitted crystals. As soon as they found the whereabouts of Qiu Xiaotian, Yang Feng and the others could rush away.

Even in the water and the sky, there are monsters in the water and in the sky patrolling.

It can be said that this large search is the only large alliance of human demons in the history of the entire continent, and it is unprecedented in scale.

Let alone a human being, even if he was an ant, he would never escape such a terrifying search.

Report to the headquarters, report to the headquarters, there is a discovery! "

Three months later, Yang Feng and others, who had been in command at the headquarters, ushered in good news: a secret barrier was discovered near Miluo Peak, 300 kilometers west of North Vietnam. After we informed the monster clan's third team of the Heavy Armor Thunder Dragon Division to break through the barrier, we saw that on the second finger peak, there was a pretty grand palace, which seemed to be where the Nether Hall was located. "

Click it!

With his fists tightened, Yang Feng expressed his joy: Send me over immediately. "


A quarter of an hour later, a ray of light flashed, and Yang Feng brought the four patriarchs of the demon clan came here, kicked the door open, and searched.

However, within a short time, there will be a discovery: Master Yang, come and see! "

The patriarch Qinglong shouted, and everyone hurried to see him stopped in front of a dark hall. Yang Feng looked around and saw a hideous stone statue of several tens of meters high inside.

This is probably the evil god. "Suzaku murmured.


With a loud noise, Yang Feng blasted the stone statue into fly ash with a big fireball, and said coldly: In this world, I am a god. "

After speaking, Yang Feng turned to leave: Let's go, it is estimated that they will not come back. In addition, set the fire to burn this place for me. "


With a blast that blasted the sky, the entire Nether Hall collapsed and turned to ashes in the flames.

At the same time, in a remote town in the north, the newly-built Huang'en mighty is broadcasting the mainland's most wanted order, and the portraits in it are Qiu Xiaotian and Long Xiaotian.

But at this moment, the two of them are wearing hats, hiding in a dark corner, gritted their teeth with hatred.


After slamming the high wall around him, Qiu Xiaotian was almost crying: Unexpectedly, I would be driven to the point of a rat crossing the street and a dog of the bereavement today. Yang Feng, you wait for me! "

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