Alien God System

Chapter 948: The strongest army in mainland

A cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops come to meet.

Under the call of Yang Feng, the world's martial arts leader, the elite soldiers of the five empires in the south, east, west, and central regions and the martial arts masters of all sects all gathered together.

After this period of unity and united front movement, all the forces in the entire east, west, south, and middle schools have basically been dispatched by the Holy Fire, and the convening of these people is also very smooth.

Fenglei Empire, in the wilderness outside the imperial capital, built the high platform for this swearing-in-arms conference. Yang Feng stood on the top and looked at the black and crushed heads below. There were more than 30 million soldiers in the five empires, neatly arranged, mighty and majestic.

Yang Feng was excited and shouted: Hello, brothers! "

Good lord! "

Brothers have worked hard! "

Work hard for Cang! "

The shouts of the crowd shook the sky, and even the sky above his head was trembling. Yang Feng nodded in satisfaction and shouted: Long Xiaotian, the master of the Dragon King's Gate, colluded with the master of the Nether Palace, Qiu Xiaotian, disturbed the safety of the northern martial arts, justice did not exist, and Xiaowei The people are miserable. As martial arts decent sects, who shoulder the justice of martial arts, can we agree? "

Can't! "

Okay, I'm so good, I must throw my head and blood for justice in the world. Now that the northern land is in deep suffering, we need to rescue it, and we are duty-bound. Furthermore, if those demon heads occupy half of the northern part of the country, it will inevitably threaten the safety of us and our families. Therefore, whether it is for the love of the martial arts fellows or the lives of ourselves and our relatives, we must resolutely defeat the bottom in this battle, vowing to wipe out all these demon heads and return the world to peace. "

War, war, war! "

The three shouts of the soldiers present made God's ears almost deaf.

Yang Feng's eyes flashed sharply, and he waved his hand fiercely, sending the Bingshuai flag to wave: Go! "


Along with the ups and downs of the earth, the five-nation coalition marched to the north.

About three months later, the coalition forces passed through the entire territory of Fenglei and came to the junction of China and North. There, the border guards of the Northern Han Empire were directly destroyed without much resistance.

The army commander drove straight in, with great momentum.

However, at this time, the spies from the front reported that the four northern countries had already formed an army of fifty million, and they were about to encircle the five-nation coalition.

After discussing with the marshals of the military regiments, Zhuge XIII, Sikong Lengguang and other advisers, Yang Feng decided to divide the troops into ten divisions, first take down the military fortresses, and stabilize the results.

The Ten Route Army is connected with each other by karma, and takes care of each other.

As for the problem that Karma Treasure can only transmit thousands of miles, Yang Feng had already thought of it. In this march, every army has an accompanying engineering team from the Yang family consortium, and the base station is built wherever it goes. Therefore, whether the ten-way army is separated by thousands of miles or a million miles away, there is no problem in contact.

After all, the army is moving forward, and the grain and grass go first. The grain and grass here are not only the grain transportation team, but also the engineering team. It is the task of the engineering team to open mountains and bridges when encountering water, so that the army can move forward smoothly.

Thinking that Yang Guangsan, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, had to go with Goguryeo every time, he had to accompany one hundred thousand civilians. This was the predecessor of the engineering team.

It's a pity that in the end, the amount of this project was too great and it dragged down the Sui Empire.

However, Yang Feng has no such worries about this, because his battle is not the financial support of an empire, but five. Naturally, he can invest more and the rear will be more stable. There will be no economic collapse and the people's livelihood will not happen. .

The establishment of the Yang Family Consortium was born for economic development and stabilization.

So from the very beginning, Yang Feng had already laid a solid foundation for this battle.

Marshal Dugu, where are you now? "

Enlightening the leader, the old man walked to Jialing Pass and immediately took Tianyunling. "

Very good, old general Yelu, where have you been? "

Enlighten the leader, the old man walked to Hanshan Pass. "

Well, everything is going well! "

Nodded faintly, Yang Feng put down the Karma Treasure in his hand, and led an army on his own, marching forward mightily, looking into the distance, the other side is the military location he is going to take this time, Demon Cloud Valley.

Judging from this terrain, once these ten major fortresses are taken down, it is equivalent to choking the throat of the Allied Forces of the Four Northern Nations, making them fall apart and unable to gather again.

Then, his mighty heroic division only needs to divide and annihilate them.

Thinking of this, Yang Feng crossed his mouth with a confident smile, and shouted at the defenders on the opposite side: Listen, the defenders of the Northern Han Empire, I am the leader of the world martial arts, Yang Feng. We are here for peace to eliminate the demon heads like Nether Hall and Long Xiaotian. I hope you understand the situation, surrender quickly, and stop making unnecessary resistance. "


Without speaking, an invisible barrier suddenly rose up around the Demon Cloud Valley, ready for defense. Obviously, they will resist to the end.

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng curled his lips helplessly, a glow in his hand flashed, and he threw it out, blasting the enchantment to the point that there was no more residue left.

Then with a light wave, the army squeezed through, and there was no grass, and the people in it were killed in darkness.

However, when the war was over, Yang Feng's army had successfully occupied the boundary.

As a winner, Yang Feng rode a tall horse into the Demon Cloud Valley. He looked at the corpses below and the blood was all over the ground. He couldn't help shaking his head and sighing: Hey, why is this? We all said that we came for peace to eliminate those demon heads. Why do you have to sell your lives for them? Hey, I really don’t understand. Do you really think that you are defending your home and your country? It's just a running dog who acts as the devil! "

We... don't know? "

At this time, a weak figure in the pool of blood murmured, and smiled bitterly: But our family members are all in their hands. We can be heroes and go against them, but our family can't be brave and righteous with us. "

Yang Feng stopped slightly, and took a deep look at the man: Don't worry, I will end this war. "

I hope so, but General, there is a word I want to remind you that we people are destined to die here from the beginning, but nothing more than cannon fodder. The real elite and powerful generals on our side have yet to make a move. "

I know that Fenglei has ace troops such as white tigers and unicorns, and the four northern countries must also have..."

No, I'm not talking about the same regiments like Fenglei Xuanwu and White Tiger Army, but a much stronger army than them. I have never seen an army like that in my life. Everyone is like a **** of death who came out of hell. The ten elite regiments of our Northern Han Empire can’t beat them all together. That’s the strongest in the mainland. Legion...Um! "

He squinted his eyes, the man finally spit out a mouthful of blood with deep fear, and his breath was gone.

Yang Feng was suspicious, not knowing what he meant by the mainland's strongest legion, but only listened to this moment, that cause and fate treasure suddenly shook, and the sound of dreadful horror came from inside.

Teacher Yang, this is...this..."

Damn it!

Just said two words, Yinyuanbao suddenly lost his voice...

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