Alien God System

Chapter 915: Zhen Guo Gong

The new emperor's ascension ceremony begins! "

At the same time, in the imperial palace of Fenglei Emperor's Capital, there were lights and festoons, and the heads were crowded. All the courtiers were in new clothes, waiting solemnly on both sides of the court.

The dragon chair sitting on the seat was the old emperor. On the square outside the main hall, Huang Laojiu was dressed in a dragon robe, ready to take over.

According to the agreement between Yang Feng and the emperor, his throne was to be given to his son, Lao Jiuhuang Furen.

In this way, the imperial family of the Fenglei Empire belonged to their Huangfu's family, and Yang Feng was also more assured that the new emperor would not have a double heart with him. After all, it was supported by himself, and both sides were satisfied.

After a short period of one month for the prince’s transition, the old and new emperors are finally about to take over.

It's just that Huang Laojiu looked upset, and said to Yang Feng on the side: Brother Feng, I'm not the emperor, OK? I want to be the sales manager of our Yang Family Consortium. "

As a sales manager, you can be your emperor. This position needs you more. "Yang Feng said impatiently.

The corner of his mouth flattened, Huang Laojiu was depressed: Then after I became the emperor, can I go back to the company and continue to work? "

What kind of work do you work? Be your civil servant. Laozi has worked so hard to train you out, let you go to disaster relief and food, accumulate merit and prestige, just to be in the right position today, you don't give me any tricks. So many people deliberately want to sit in this seat, but they still can't. It's okay for you, you still dislike it? cut! "

Since some people want to be, you let others be, why do you use my top bar? "

Do you think anyone can sit on this one? I don’t worry about what is suitable for sitting; I don’t worry about what is suitable for sitting. Only you, with royal blood, let me rest assured, who are you not on? This is also for the benefit of the company of my Yang family consortium. As a company manager, you should sacrifice. "


Hearing his words, Huang Laojiu pursed his lips helplessly, but only listened to the sharp scream: Please the new emperor ascend the throne! "

It's your turn, go in! "


Huang Laojiu's face was sullen, and when he didn't even hear it, Yang Feng's eyes condensed, and he kicked him out, urging him.

When the surrounding eunuchs, court ladies, and the imperial army saw them, they couldn't help but slap their tongues secretly.

This grandfather Yang was so bold that he dared to kick the new emperor. But since the new emperor has no objections, they can't say much.

It is estimated that this new emperor is the first in history to be kicked.

Huang Laojiu touched his **** and looked at Yang Feng reluctantly. Finally, helpless, he slammed his back and walked into the hall.

The emperor looked at him cheerfully, smiled and exhorted a few words to be the way of the king, then walked off the dragon chair.

After paying respectful respect to his father, Huang Laojiu walked straight to the dragon chair and sat on it with a thud, dignifiedly looking down at the group of officials.

Long live my emperor long live long live long live! "

And those civil and military officials in the middle of the dynasty also knelt three times and nine kowtows immediately to meet the new emperor.

Flat body! "

Huang Laojiu raised his hand, let them get up, and solemnly said: I first ascended the big treasure today, the whole country celebrates, I want to amnesty the world, and reward the ministers who have made merit. Backer King stepped forward and stopped sealing..."

With that said, Huang Laojiu began to honor the senior officials. There were dozens of them in a row, all of them were direct bureaucrats close to the Yang family. In the end, it was Yang Feng's turn. Huang Laojiu shouted: Anle Hou Yangfeng, listen to the seal in front of the temple! "

Minister Zunzhi! "

Yang Feng stepped into the main hall and stood quietly in the center. Huang Laojiu stared at him closely, and shouted: An Le Hou Yangfeng, he understands the sentiments of the people, and is kind and kind. I specially designated him as the Lord of the Kingdom of Town, the first of the three men, and bestowed him the post of General Marshal of Soldiers and Horses in the world. He patrolled and dispatched soldiers and horses in the world. Protect my territory for generations to come. "

Thank you Majesty! "

He clasped his fists heavily, and a wicked smile crossed the corner of Yang Feng's mouth.

In this way, he can legitimately take the power of the five legions into his hands, and if there are rebels, he can crusade with confidence.

The people of Fenglei would not think that he was an aggressor, because he was carrying military power on behalf of the emperor.

The ministers of the DPRK and China were also shocked in their hearts. The Lord Zhen Guo, the head of the Three Lords, was a position where power was overwhelming. Coupled with the position of general marshal of the world's soldiers and horses, it is simply that the political and military power is fully controlled.

Does this world still belong to the emperor?

Since Fenglei's founding of the country, no one has held the position of the head of the three men and the general of the world's soldiers and horses at the same time. Even, in order to avoid the military power of the Marshal of the Soldiers and Horses being overweight and supporting the soldiers, the last emperor established the system of the five generals to protect the country and the community so that they can check and balance each other.

Unexpectedly, today this military power is unified again, and even the power is handed over to one person.

Suddenly, everyone knew in their hearts that this Jiangshan belonged to the Huangfu family in name, but in fact it was already named Yang.

The prime minister Wang Boren had a smile on his mouth, his face full of triumph.

As expected, his son-in-law was right, he was a real dragon and phoenix. Unexpectedly, in such a short time, the emperor was forced to give up all his power.

Next, as long as the military power of the remaining warlords is taken back, the empire will be stabilized, and their Wang family can continue to enjoy the prosperity and wealth of this wind and thunder together with the Yang family, and they are not afraid of the turmoil of the society.

It's just that taking back the military power in the hands of those warlords is the most difficult point.

But he believed that his son-in-law had this ability.

Wang Boren smiled with his old face blooming, and was overwhelmed with joy.

The old emperor looked at his smug look with a grimace, and rolled his eyes helplessly.

The old man made a right bet and stuffed his daughter into the Yang family. This time Jiangshan has his share. However, his son has a good relationship with Yang Feng, and it is considered that our Huangfu family has not been lost.

From now on, let them take the Yang family as the head to govern this storm together.

In addition! "

At this time, Huang Laojiu said again: When I was in despair, I had been taken care of by the Lord Zhen Guo. Therefore, I decided to worship Zhen Guogong as my sacred brother, see that I was free from the courtesy of monarchs and ministers, and had an overview of the affairs of the country, and I was on an equal footing with me. Come, add a brother in front of our dragon chair. "

Your Majesty [Biqugex] Xia Shengming! "

As soon as the voice fell, all courtiers bowed down, and immediately there was a small **** carrying a golden chair to the dragon chair. Yang Feng stepped forward and sat down directly, staring down with his eyes.

At this point, the era of Yang Feng's formal control of Fenglei's government has begun, just like Dorgon and Obai, traitorous officials are in charge.


Suddenly, at this moment, there was a loud noise, shaking the entire imperial capital city, and in the direction of the northwest corner of the imperial palace, black smoke drifted slowly.

Huang Laojiu was surprised and shouted: What's the matter? "

Report! "

With a scream, the Yulin Army outside the door hurriedly ran over, and bowed and said: Your Majesty, Dali Temple was robbed, and Nangong was rescued with a knife. "

what? Someone robbed Dali Temple? Huang Laojiu's eyes trembled and shouted.

Yang Feng squinted his eyes and thought for a while, couldn't help but sneered: Finally, it started to reverse! "

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