Alien God System

Chapter 2200: Case No. 9

Quiet, deadly quiet! After groaning for a while, Kabbah let out a long sigh: "Tang Jing, I am calling you today because of Case 9!"

"Case No. 9?"

With a flick of her brows, Tang Jing instantly forgot about the argument, and said anxiously: "Master Kabbah, are you willing to continue to let me investigate case 9?"

"No, don't intervene in Case 9 and hand it over to Yang Feng!"

"What, hand over to him?

An intern? "

She couldn't believe her ears, Tang Jing looked at Yang Feng's confused eyes, then at Kabana's firm face, and immediately shouted, "Master Kabab, are you right?

You should know better than me who is the subject of investigation in this case.

We have gone through many hardships and encountered many obstacles. We still can't find out any clues. If you hand this case to an intern, how can he..." "I will hand it over, this is an order! "

With a roar, he stopped Tang Jing's words, and Kabbah said with unprecedented solemnity: "In a moment you will take him to the archives room and extract all the files of this case.

From now on, he is solely responsible for this case, and it has nothing to do with you. "

"No, this case is mine!"

"If you dare to disobey your orders, take off this suit and get out of Shura Road!"

Kabbah's words were loud, and Tang Jing's eyes were filled with tears, and the corners of her mouth were narrowed, full of grievances. Finally, she turned her head sharply and left here without saying anything.

Seeing her going away, Yang Feng couldn't help but praise her.

This girl is so temperamental, she dared to shake Kaba's face, what is the origin?

A ruthless person like Kabbah didn't even slap her with a palm. It seemed that the background was so deep.

"Yang Feng!"

At this time, Kabbah's face became amiable again, and he lightly patted Yang Feng on the shoulder and said: "You know that our Shura Dao is equivalent to the public security law of the God Realm. This No. 9 case is more difficult to handle. No results at all.

But as my student, you should be different from ordinary people.

Now I will give you this case for the teacher, what should I do if the teacher sees you?

If you do something wrong, you will be severely punished as a teacher. Don't let your teacher down, ha ha ha. "

Turning his eyes around, Yang Feng nodded fixedly: "No problem, I will not let you down, hehehe."

Smiling and nodding, Kabbah and Yang Feng exchanged a few words before sending him out of the hall.

Watching his relaxed and happy back gradually disappear, Kabbah's originally kind face gradually sinks, and a gloomy glow flashes in his eyes.

"Boy, don't you like to show up? This time the old man asked you to show up.

After this case is settled, the old man will give you no place in the God Realm, hum. "

"Sister Tang Jing?"

After a quarter of an hour, Yang Feng left the Asura Hall for a long time and finally found Tang Jing who was hiding in a corner and wiping tears. He laughed and said, "Why are you crying here?

Now I will take over your job, you can go on vacation, you should be happy, hahaha! "

With a cold face, Tang Jing glared at him fiercely: "Every work in the Asura Road is faced with endless dangers and pressures. All Asura gods will take every case at hand seriously.

A casual, frivolous and negligent person like you is not worthy to take over the case of Shura Dao.

I really don’t know why the Lord accepted you as an intern under his seat, and handed over such an important case of Case 9 to you to handle. "

"I don't want to bear such a heavy work pressure. I also want to be a casual messenger, but there is no way. That old guy will fix me, can he not let me eat and wait for a month?

Why are you so serious if you get a credit? "

"Not promising!"

Rolling her eyes, Tang Jing stared at him angrily.

Yang Feng chuckled, "How about... Sister, will you help me?

I will handle this case on the face of it, and you will take over it secretly, so that the old guy doesn't know, we can all get our wish. "

Humph! A thick breath came out of her nostrils, and Tang Jing turned her head in disdain.

Yang Feng didn't care about shrugging his shoulders: "If you don't agree to be pulled down, anyway, if the old man knows that you haven't handed over the case to me, he will definitely trouble you, maybe he will fire you directly.

At that time, even if you want to continue the investigation, you will not be eligible. "

"Okay, I promise you, come with me!"

Tang Jing's body shook. Tang Jing was right to think about it, and immediately nodded, leading the way.

Although she didn't like Yang Feng's lazy and slippery attitude, if she wanted to intervene in Case 9 in the future, she had to go through Yang Feng's presence on the bright side, so she agreed.

The corner of Yang Feng's mouth curled up, following Tang Jing's back.

Although Yang Feng didn't know Tang Jing's background, it was obvious that Kabbah took good care of her.

The Kabbah No. 9 file told Tang Jing not to intervene, but instead handed it over to her own hand, clearly wanting to pull this girl out of this matter, and then threw this hot potato to herself.

What can you do?

Of course, I have to bring this girl closer to the puddle. If there is any danger in the future, at least one more person will carry it. I must not make the old man pleased, hehehe.

Yang Feng let out an evil laugh, and within a short while, the two came to the archives room.

Tang Jing looked at the administrator at the front desk and said, "Tang Chen, Master Kabbah has an order, call this kid the No. 9 case!"


The man was a dull middle-aged man. After taking a deep look at Yang Feng, he nodded mechanically, looked down in the drawer, and took out a crystal clear stone and said: "Row 3245, far left, box 6. !"

"Thank you!"

Tang Jing took the sacred stone, didn't even glance at Yang Feng behind him, and walked straight in.

Yang Feng thought that the stone was something like a key, so he hurriedly followed. He wanted to see what was going on, but before he took two steps, a strong palm suddenly grabbed his arm.

Yang Feng was taken aback, turned his head and looked around, only to see that the person was not someone else, it was Tang Chen who had just been sluggish.

It's just that at this moment, Tang Chen's eyes were no longer muddy, but mysterious spirits glowed.

"Yang Feng, you have finally come to Shura Road, I was sent by President Vincent to look after you!"


Startled in his heart, Yang Feng looked at him up and down, then rolled his eyes: "I'm going, you are Vincent's nail in Shura Daoan?

Is it too different from other Taoists?

When I was doing internships in other Taoist schools, the spies from the fellow villagers were not at the senior management level, but were also beautiful teachers with status and status.

How come to you, the grade is suddenly so low?

File room manager?

You said to take care of me?

How to take care of it?

Whenever I have something, you, the administrator, can be a fart?

Who will take care of whom? "

With a wry smile and shook his head, Tang Chen said aggrieved: "Brother, don't pick and choose.

As you know, this Shura Dao is governed by Dao Lord Kaba himself [Penquge], and it is strictly managed.

It’s not easy for me to hide until now. Do you want me to be an executive?

Do you know how many times you have to be censored if you want to become an executive of Shura Dao, alas! "

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