Alien God System

Chapter 2193: Subdued

How...why... His whole body kept trembling, Jin Shiyuan's eyes widened, he looked at Yang Feng, who was still sitting calm and serene from a distance, and then looked at his height, but he couldn't step out anyway. The sole of the foot of a step, the heart seems like a huge wave, the waves are magnificent.

What happened?

What trick did he use to me? Why can't this step be taken anyway?

Jin Shiyuan was puzzled, but desperately stepped down on the soles of his feet, trying to step on the ground.

Because of this, he was equivalent to entering the Yang Feng ten meters category, and he won.

Although this is not a glorious thing to brag about, it is even more embarrassing if you can't even do this.

However, at this moment, he was like an invisible high wall in front of him, no matter how hard he tried, he could hardly make a step forward no matter how hard he tried.

The people around him looked at his independent appearance of the golden rooster, and kept raising his legs high, not falling down for a long time, all showing a puzzled expression.

"Eh, what's wrong with him?

Is your foot cramping? "

Zhao Gongming gently touched the arm of Zhong Lihun and asked softly.

Zhong Lihun directly rolled his eyes: "At any rate, he is also an innate saint, and he will be officially converted into six gods immediately. He is still a physical training person. Can he cramp so easily?

I think he feels that his request is shameless and embarrassed to take this step.

It seems... he still wants to force his face. "

Oh! Nodding clearly, Zhao Gongming understood, and then saw Jin Shiyuan's high footsteps step back, and the money fell to the ground.

I have to say that if he just retreats, he can move freely, but once he moves forward, he can't take a step like being pulled by the whole world.

"You guys know a shame..." Ah! Seeing that Jin Shiyuan had retired after all, Zhong Lihun nodded slightly and stared at him, but he didn't finish his words. With a loud shout, Jin Shiyuan's terrifying aura went straight into the sky and shocked the entire academy. Trembling.

Zhong Lihun was so frightened that he took two steps back and shouted: "You...what are you going to do?

Just now I thought you wanted to show some face, but I didn't expect that you would not let it go, and even used the animal Taoist magic, what do you want to do? "

"I must step over today!"

Ignoring Zhong Lihun's clamor, Jin Shiyuan just roared.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone around was stunned.

What did he say?

Step over?

What to step on?

Is it to be within ten meters of Brother Feng?

Just walk over it, what kind of magic is used?

He is now using such a powerful magic technique, is it obvious that he is going to fight?

But soon everyone understood that Jin Shiyuan didn't want to fight, he just wanted to complete Yang Feng's request and take that step.

It's a pity that this step, for him, is far more difficult than going to the rice cooker of Master Stealing Heaven.

"Beast-born Taoist magic, the four images are in one, the diamond is not bad!"

Ho Ho Ho... a roar of beasts, one after another! Jin Shiyuan's body suddenly burst with dazzling golden light. The four great time and space beasts, Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu, suddenly turned into his limbs and torso, and appeared all over his body.

The tyrannical power of the divine body has already caused the space of the divine realm to tremble, and it seems that it may collapse at any time.

All the teachers and students around were even more clingy, not daring to approach easily, for fear that the fluctuations around their divine bodies would instantly hurt them.

But even so, when he raised his foot again to step forward, as before, he could not move anymore.

With such a simple step, he, the beast prince, the top powerhouse who specializes in body refining in the Seven Sage Kings High School, could not do it with all his energy.

On the other hand, Yang Feng, who was ten meters away, still sat cross-legged on the ground, did nothing, and didn't even move a finger, but he couldn't step into his ten meters range.

Suddenly, Jin Shiyuan softened and fell to his knees weakly. He drew up his whole body and sighed breathlessly, "I... lost!"


How did you lose? "

"Yeah, I didn't see anything just now. He didn't even take a step, so why did he lose?"

"Yeah, they didn't do anything, and Brother Feng didn't make a counterattack. Why did Jin Shengwang admit defeat?

That's weird! "

... Hearing what he said, and looking at him lying on the ground with a decadent look, everyone was confused, and Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out.

Chang Yanyan ran to him with a look of puzzlement, and asked, "Eh, what the **** are you doing?

If you want to challenge, just be serious, challenge hard, and show your true ability.

You just used the divine art to strengthen the divine body, but you didn't get a single move, so you knelt and gave in. What are you doing with us? "

In silence, Jin Shiyuan didn't speak, but stiffened his head and raised his head, looking towards Yang Feng, his pupils suddenly burst, and his body trembled again unconsciously.

Although at this moment, Yang Feng still looks calmly meditating, as if all the noise around him has nothing to do with him, but in Jin Shiyuan’s eyes, Yang Feng’s figure is already in harmony with the heavens and the earth, the majesty that is hard to look up. Let him just take a look, and he suddenly realized that he was as small as an ant, and he had no resistance to resist.

"Yan... Yanyan..." Grumbling! Swallowing hard, Jin Shiyuan sank his head tremblingly, gritted his teeth and said: "He...he is completely different from us.

I was too arrogant before, thinking that if I surpassed him by level 5, I was qualified to challenge.

But now I discovered that this is not a level difference at all, he and us are not in the same world at all! "


Chang Yanyan was puzzled, looking at Yang Feng who was still cross-legged in the distance, scratching her head inexplicably, not knowing what she meant.

Yang Feng slowly opened his eyes, turned his head to glance at the same confused students, and smiled slightly: "It's all over, then let's continue to practice.

Next stop, Shura Road, go! "

With that, Yang Feng stood up and left in strides.

Everyone around you look at me, and I look at you, and they also followed.

Lu Chengfeng blinked two shocked and horrified eyes not far away. After gently stroked his beard, he sighed, "No wonder this kid can't appreciate the power of the blessing of heaven. It turns out that he is already... Why is it so fast?

He doesn't even reach level 200, has he already realized that realm?

Gee, what a genius! "

"Dean, don't you give him the points he deserves?"

At this time, a celestial master beside him smiled and said: "I know, the dean has always been a knife mouth, a tofu heart, and cherish talent.

Although he said that he would give Yang Feng a zero point, he would just hit him casually. As long as he admits a mistake and gives you a step, you are still willing to help him, right, ha ha ha! "

It didn't matter shrugged, Lu Chengfeng smiled and shook his head: "No, he doesn't need it."

"No need?

What do you mean? "

"It means... he has touched the threshold of another realm, so all the hierarchy of this **** realm can't restrain him, hahaha!"

Yang Tian let out a hearty laugh, and Lu Chengfeng left leisurely, leaving only the puzzled look of the teacher that day.

Another realm?


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