Alien God System

Chapter 2188: Add another place

"Yeah, I'll be an emperor in my next life, and my life is good!"

After a while, after Zhong Lihun completely checked the contents of Murong Yinfeng's soul card, he looked at him congratulatingly, but Murong Yinfeng was already depressed: "No matter how good it is, it's just a mortal.

By the way, when do you think I have a chance to become a god? "

"It's hard to say, if you weren't an innate saint, you would have to reincarnate for thousands of lifetimes, and now you have only reincarnated for more than a thousand lifetimes. There are hundreds of lifetimes in which there is no accumulation of virtue, and it is still early.

Furthermore, even if you are truly sanctified, you will have to pass the selection of Sanctuary Academy after you come to the God Realm.

In this step, more than half of the people will have to be brushed down, and those people are all similar to you, even stronger than you. "

After slapped his mouth twice, Zhong Lihun murmured: "Even if you can stay and enter the internship period, you have to work hard to earn points.

Otherwise, even if he can enter the six realms of the gods, he is still a wage earner. Every day he sees people nodding and bowing his waist. The lowest level of civil servants is not as happy as being king in the lower realm.

But don't worry, aren't you a fellow Feng, come to see Brother Feng when the time comes, he will speak of loyalty and he will definitely cover you. "

Ha ha! She laughed bitterly, and Murong Yinfeng was about to cry: "Being a **** is like a sword of fire.

Even if it succeeds, it is only the bottom one.

Then why did he get to the top so quickly?

All contacts are the second generation of officials, and they are the people in power at a glance! "

"You mean Brother Feng?

How can you compare with him? "

Hearing what he said, Zhong Lihun almost didn't laugh: "That's not an ordinary person. When he first came to the God Realm, he already had inextricably linked with the Six Elders and Lord Tiandao at the top.

Just like in your mortal world, a commoner can directly enter the palace to see the emperor and prince. We dare not compare with him, for fear of being angry with him. How can you compare with him?

Are you better than you, cut! "

Yeah, am I better than that.

The corners of his mouth trembled slightly, Murong Yinfeng looked at Zhong Lihun dejectedly and said, "Great God, please take me away and reincarnate.

Fortunately, I used to think of him as my lifelong opponent, knowing heroes and value heroes.

Only now I found out that I am not worthy, alas! At this moment, I won't even be an emperor in my next life.

You said, everyone is human, so how come the gap in life is so big? "

"It's not that. I used to have an idea with you and vowed to compete with Brother Feng.

But later I found out that it was good to surrender him, hehehe. "

With a chuckle, Zhong Lihun raised the soul card, took Murong Yinfeng's soul in, and threw it into the trash basket behind...At the same time, Yang Feng hurried back to Jin Ling's castle, but he didn't. Go back immediately without any hurry, just hide quietly outside the door, and probe the movement inside with your mind.

"Please use tea!"

Jin Ling sat in the main seat, staring coldly at the three people in front of her.

Mei Yan was so nervous that he folded his hands, and his two thumbs were turning around each other, in an extremely embarrassing look; Satan, a fierce man, was also nervous as never before, and even his face became stiff.

Although Mengyun was also shocked by Jin Ling's powerful aura, after thinking about it a little bit, he bit his head and gritted his teeth: "Vice President, you are welcome.

Today, we are here for nothing else, just for my sister to ask for an explanation, please Vice President Haihan. "

"Want an explanation?

What do you mean? "

"That's..." Mengyun murmured after licking some dry lips: "Your husband, the judge Yang who presiding in court today, he had a relationship with my little sister, and he has a daughter. , For this my little sister..." "I know!"

Before she could finish her words, Jin Ling interrupted very strongly: "The dead ghost in my family is always romantic. I know everything about him and Lingmei.

Lingmei lost her public office and sacrificed a lot for their bad fate. I also sympathize with her deeply.

But then we tried our best to compensate, and Lingmei returned to work. He and Lingmei’s daughter have now received enough compensation. I heard that they are living well, right? "


"Then what are you doing here this time?"

"Sir, vice president, we are innocent people. My younger sister got pregnant when she was unmarried and suffered a great loss of reputation.

Even if the material conditions are compensated now, the reputation of my daughter's family, my sister, still can't stop there. There must be a statement. "

"What do you mean?"

Feng raised her eyebrows, and Jin Ling stood up abruptly: "Do you want to blackmail another sum, or do you want that dead ghost to pay for it?

No problem, you can now pass a testimony to the Heavenly Dao Department to sue the dead ghost for forcibly offending the six public officials, and I can give you a witness.

Get him in and close it for tens of millions of years, so as not to save him from messing around with flowers and making trouble, hum. "

Let me rub, Ling'er, you are so cruel, want to get your husband in?

Shocked, Yang Feng's old face suddenly sank, and he shook his head helplessly.

Mei Yan was anxious, and hurriedly looked at Mengyun and said, "Don't, sister.

It was an accident that time, and he did not treat our mother and daughter wrong, you must not..." Raised his hand and swayed gently, stopped Mei Xing's words, and then Mengyun looked at Jin Ling again: "Vice President, you I misunderstood our meaning, we didn't want to cause any harm to Young Master..." "Hurt?"

What harm can you do to him? "

With a sudden smile, Jin Ling said leisurely: "You have also seen it in the lobby today. He holds the Brahma seal in his hand and has the six supreme powers of judgment. Who doesn't give face to the entire six gods?

Do you want to hurt him with this little thing?

Don't be too naive.

Don't say that the matter between Lingmei and him was an accident at the beginning, even if the dead ghost is really doing evil, what can you do to him?

A group of people who don't even dare to provoke the director of the verdict, dare to provoke him? "

Well! The hearts were stagnant, and the three men of Mengyun were choked to speak, and their momentum suddenly languished.

Yang Feng was also taken aback by Jin Ling's powerful aura.

I'm going, Ling'er here is trying to portray Lao Tzu into the image of a villain who robs the people.

Why didn't I have time for a while before I became a gangster?

Wrong, it was an accident that she voluntarily ran into it at the time. Am I not the dude bully?

Yang Feng felt that Jin Ling's tone was a bit excessive, aggressive and unreasonable, but he listened to her again: "Now, what else do you want to say?"

"Uh...Vice President, I'm sorry, we are leaving now!"

Unable to stop shaking their heads, the three of them immediately stood up and were so frightened that they were about to run, their hearts were already shaking constantly.

This vice president's domineering is too strong, and they won't have any advantage in negotiating with her.

But before they left, Jin Ling said again: "Wait, don't you want to talk?"

"No more, no more..." "Okay, you don't need it, I want it!"


What do you want to say? "

The Mengyun trio were dumbfounded. Could it be that this vice president is going to beat them up and kill them?

The official is too dark, right?

It's not enough for us to admit defeat and suffer a loss, but also to beat us as defendants and kill us?

With a grin, Jin Ling pouted noncommittal: "What I want to say is that our young lady in the Yang family can't stay out forever, we must return and recognize our ancestors.

Anyway, the dead ghost has a concubine room to marry recently. If you don't mind, you can add another place. Then you will pass the house together, and it will be counted as giving your sister a place, how about? "

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