Alien God System

Chapter 2175: Director Hu

Uh uh uh ...... did not respond, the entire hall in addition to the gods of Yun Cai, the only sound is that slightly painful groan.

At this moment, even if there is a judge who is still sober, he can't speak, who can answer him?

Glancing at these old men coldly, Yang Feng raised his brows and said noncommittal: "If you don't hand it over, I will find it myself.

Brothers, search for me! "

"Yes, Brother Feng!"

As soon as their bodies were erected, all the younger brothers were very passionate, and immediately under the leadership of Yang Feng, the verdict turned upside down, but before they could take a step, they shouted loudly.

"Presumptuous, the destiny of the human world is the most important point in the judgment, who gave you the courage to be so shameless... uh!"

A middle-aged man in a black robe walked in fiercely, with fire-breathing eyes in his eyes, his beard and hair standing, but when he saw the scene in the hall, his anger suddenly weakened and he was dull.

I wiped it, how did this happen?

Are these people so good?

A group of ultimate judges of level 190 and above were all beaten up, and none of them could stand it?

By the way, aren’t these all interns who haven’t turned up?

Why is this fighting power like the Shura God or Heavenly Dao God with hundreds of billions of years of skill, so abnormal?

Gurgle! Swallowing hard, the black-robed man felt that he had come in the wrong way and wanted to turn around and leave immediately.

However, it's all here, if you just turn around and run away, wouldn't it be even less faceless?

While he was hesitating, Yang Feng jumped up and came to the man, immediately startled him, and backed away: "You, you, you...what are you doing?"

"Don't do anything, listen to the tone you just said, and you will be a leader.

Why, this sentence is yours? "

Looking at the person obliquely, Yang Feng arrogantly said.

The black robe man expelled a thick breath from his nostrils, straightened his chest immediately, and shouted: "Yes, this is the director of the Judgment Office of the Department of Fate, Hu Lifeng.

Who are you, dare to be wild in my judgment? "

"Under Yang Feng, a very ordinary intern, not enough!"

"Yang Feng?"

He squinted his eyes and took a deep look at him. Hu Lifeng thought about it a little and immediately understood: "Oh, it turned out to be a student of President Chang Wei. No wonder he is so lawless and domineering.

I know that President Chang Wei loves you very much. During the half month of his disappearance, he sent all the main gods of all dimensions to help find him.

But even so, you can't do anything wrong in my judgment. "

"Am I acting nonsense?

If it wasn't for the judge of your judgment office who made the wrong case, do I need to take action? "

"Fart, the judges in our judgment all made judgments based on Tenjo, so how could they judge the wrong case?

Whose case was wrong? "

"It's my brother, a good-natured monarch. Why is he convicted of a tyrant and infiltrated ten hells for three thousand years?"

Pulling past the trembling Huang Laojiu, Yang Feng shouted loudly.

Hu Lifeng glanced at him obliquely, then smiled: "It's just a mere mortal, is it necessary to make such a fuss?"

"A mere mortal?"

With a raised eyebrow, Yang Feng immediately smiled: "Your judgment is to judge the fate of mortals. Now that you have made a wrong judgment, do you still feel reasonable?

In short, if you don't check the case for me today, I will never let it go! "

This... his brows frowned slightly, and Hu Lifeng patrolled in front of Huang Laojiu and Yang Feng, exhaling a long suffocating breath.

Originally, if a mortal ghost came to him to redress the grievances, he would ignore it, and it wouldn't be a problem to just slap him and slap him.

However, Yang Feng came out differently.

Although Yang Feng is just an intern, he has a solid background. President Chang Wei is his mentor, and President Chang Wei, who is a leader in the world, who is willing to be his mentor, is certainly not because he appreciates his talents. Maybe this girl There is a deeper background behind.

Everyone is messing around in the officialdom, and there are many rules and taboos, even if others don't say it, they are a little compelling in their hearts.

People with mysterious backgrounds like Yang Feng, who are so favored by their bosses, should not be offended.

After pondering for a long time, Hu Lifeng nodded slightly: "Well, seeing you are so persistent, I'll sell Changgui to save face.

Originally you didn't have the right to view the files here, but now I ask you to check it to reassure you. "

"Thank you then."

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng laughed.

Hu Lifeng rolled his eyes, ignored him, and shouted, "Come here!"

Quiet, deadly quiet! Hu Lifeng glanced back, and saw that everyone around him was seriously injured and no one could stand up. He immediately became angry and came to a priest and waved his hand gently: "Useless waste, was People can't afford to fight with three punches and two kicks. Have you cultivated all the magical arts on earth for nothing?

Can't even self-heal?

It's embarrassing, huh! "

A soft white light poured on him, but it was a pity that the priest was still in a coma, and there was no sign of awakening.

Uh... what is going on?

Why can't my healing technique wake them up?

His mind was stagnant, and Hu Lifeng was immediately dumbfounded.

Yang Fengxie stepped forward with a smile, and shrugged indifferently: "I'm sorry, the start is too heavy, I'm afraid it won't be cured with your skill, let me come, ha ha ha."

As he said, Yang Feng waved his hand to the priest, and saw that the person was agitated. He straightened up immediately, opened his thick eyebrows, and woke up.

"what happened?

What just happened?


Director Hu, why are you here? "

I wiped it, how did this happen?

Is this kid's magical level higher than mine?

For the people he injured, my magical skills have no effect at all. He healed them casually?

Oh, who is the official god, who is the intern?

How is his ability better than me, an executive of the human world?

Hu Lifeng was dumbfounded, his eyes looking at Yang Feng seemed to be a monster.

It wasn't until the awake priest asked him to please him more than thirty times before he finally recovered and coughed dryly to cover up his embarrassment.

", go look up this ghost's case file, who convicted his case, go!"

"Yes, director!"

The priest nodded firmly and went to check it immediately, but after a while, he returned empty-handed.

Hu Lifeng glanced at him strangely: "Why, where's the file?"

"That... Director Hu..." After taking a cautious look at Yang Feng, the priest immediately leaned in front of Hu Lifeng's ear and whispered in a whisper in the voice of only the two of them: "This person's case is small, it's your nephew. Judgment, if any problems are discovered..." With a violent body, Hu Lifeng immediately waved his hand to make the priest retreat, and then looked at Yang Feng with a bright smile: "Sorry, the verdict was cleaned up yesterday, this mortal The file is lost, look at this..." "Lost?

What a coincidence? "

Raising his brows, Yang Feng immediately sneered and moved his ears slightly.

Oh, shit, I can’t hear you when you two whispered just now! Want to hide it from your nephew?

I let you two go down together, hum!

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