Alien God System

Chapter 2172: No one can wrong my brother

After gently clapping his hands, Zhong Lihun smiled at Yang Feng and said: "Brother Feng, when you encounter this kind of person in the future, don't listen to her nonsense. After verifying his identity, he just accepted the matter.

Otherwise, so many mortal souls have to wait for reincarnation, how long are we going to do? "

"But isn't this inspection work?

Is it just checking the identity, in case there is a wrong judgment? "

"Even if the verdict is wrong, that's what he decided. What does it have to do with us?

We are to prevent these ghosts from imposting and reincarnation with other people's identity cards. "


Are there ghosts that can replace them? "

Yang Feng froze for a moment, screamed in surprise, but suddenly he heard a big man suddenly shoot up the case, and glared at the trembling ghost in front of him: "You are so bold, and the spirit power of the soul card fluctuates. Inconsistent, do you dare to substitute?

go to hell! "

boom! With a loud noise, the big man just waved his hand and knocked the ghost in front of him to death.

The ghosts around him trembled with fright, and Yang Feng opened his eyes strangely: "Is there any imposter?"

"Isn't this normal?"

With a grin, Zhong Lihun said non-committal: "These people come from all planes of the mortal world. What treacherous people do not exist?

Once you get the verdict, you can see that you will be reborn as a beast in your next life, or go to **** without the chance of reincarnation. You will definitely be unwilling and will take the risk.

At this time, they will grab a soul card with a wonderful fate in the next life, wanting to get lucky by impersonating a reincarnation.

But they also don't think about it. We are here to check, are they eating dry food?

cut! "

That's it! Nodding clearly, Yang Feng asked again: "Then this impostor was shot to death, what about the original owner of the soul card?"

"It must have been killed by the impostor...Uh no, it should have been eaten, and the spirit power has been strengthened.

Otherwise, the original owner is still alive, he dare to take the soul card to impostor? "

"Oh, can't you think that there are still robbers in the circle of ghosts?"

"Hey, as long as there are benefits, there are roadblocks and robberies everywhere.

But he grabbed the wrong place, maybe he could take the identity of someone else in the mortal world to replace him, but in the eyes of the gods, these mortal ghosts still want to be fooled?

It's just asking for a dead end, hahaha! "

Hahaha! Yang Feng let out a big laugh, and Yang Feng nodded in agreement.

It's true that the gods are dimensionality reduction attacks on mortals. Mortals can deceive mortals, but it is absolutely impossible to fool the gods. The power gap between the two parties is really too big.

Putting that set of mortal tricks in the God Realm is simply self-infuriating.

Thinking of this, Yang Feng began to continue the verification work.

At the beginning, Yang Feng was like a recruiter at a campus job fair, taking every ghost who came to drink tea seriously, listening to their crying, unwillingness and wailing, and then putting them into the soul card and throwing them into the garbage.

But soon, Yang Feng got bored.

With so many people and endless ghosts waiting to verify the reincarnation, they were chattering and clamoring, Yang Feng had no patience, and never looked at them again.

Basically, after correcting their verdict and spirit power fluctuations, they were directly accepted.

It's no wonder that Chang Yanyan is going to ask her dad for leave. This kind of mechanical work with no technical content is really meaningless.

Ha... yawned, Yang Feng put his cheek in one hand, squinted his eyes, took the next ghost's soul card, inspected it, and muttered: "Huangfuren, a tyrant, fornication, captivity, all evil, sentenced Exiled to ten layers of **** for three thousand years.

I'm really a scumbag.

Come on, the spirit power fluctuations are checked consistently, come to the bowl, I will send you to hell! "

"Feng... Brother Feng?

is it you?

Brother Feng..." Suddenly, a trembling voice sounded.

Yang Feng was taken aback, wondering why the voice was so familiar. When he raised his head, his pupils shrank and he stood up suddenly: "Old nine?

Why are you? "

At this moment, it was not others standing in front of him, but his good brothers in the lower realm, Huangfuren and Huang Laojiu.

At that time, Huang Laojiu was still a rich and graceful big fat man, but at this time, he was already full of vicissitudes, and his eyes no longer had the agility and joy of the past.

Huangfuren... Why did I forget my brother's name?

I've been used to calling Laojiu before, but his real name is not quite clear.

Frowning slightly, Yang Feng cursed inwardly, then looked at Huang Furen's excited eyes and said, "Aren't you the emperor?

The elixir should be constant, and the life expectancy should not be so short even if you don't practice. Why did you come here so soon? "

"Brother Feng, I..." His mouth was full of bitterness, Huangfuren wanted to say nothing, then glanced at Yang Feng's current position and said: " are now..." "Oh, I am..." "Interns can get off work!"

Yang Feng had just spoken, but just said two words. With a loud shout, Zhong Lihun and others stretched out and walked quickly to Yang Feng, patted his shoulder and smiled: "Brother Feng, those The earthly gods have come to change shifts, we interns can go back to rest, ha ha ha."

Intern...It turned out to be just an intern... His eyes dimmed, and the original shining light in Huangfuren's eyes dimmed instantly, but his face was strong and smiled: "Congratulations, Brother Feng, you have become a god. .

Although it is only an intern now, I heard that after an intern becomes a full-time student, he can become a real god, which is very majestic.

It’s just that it’s not easy for interns to become regulars, but I believe that with Brother Feng’s ability, he will be able to become regulars. "

Huang Laojiu smiled, and smiled heartily and sincerely as before.

But Yang Feng looked at him with only solemn and solemn expressions.

"Student Yang Feng, it's time to change classes, you can go back, leave the rest to us."

At this time, a main **** came to Yang Feng with a smile, and wanted to take the soul card in his hand, but he waved his hand and refused.

Yang Feng stared closely at Huang Laojiu's eyes, and flicked the soul card, "What's the matter?

Why have you become a tyrant? "

"That...Brother Feng, don't worry about this..." Huang Laojiu hesitated, but Yang Feng was still very firm, roaring: "I'm asking you, why have you become a tyrant?

My brother, I understand that you have everything you need to eat, drink, and gambling.

Who said you are a good gentleman, I was the first to slap him, but I don't believe you that you are cruel, burned, killed, and looted.

You are at most a faint prince, how can you become a tyrant and be thrown into hell? "

"Brother Feng, I..." "Say!"

Yang Feng was roaring: "Give me an explanation, is my brother changed, or Lao Tzu was blind and didn't see you clearly?

Give me an explanation! If you are really a tyrant, I will cut off your righteousness with you now, and drive you into eighteen layers of **** with my own hands. I don't have your brother! "

Woo...No, don't deny me... My heart was sour, Huang Laojiu immediately shed tears in grievance, and finally fell to the ground feebly and howled: "Brother Feng, I am not a tyrant. It's been wronged, oh oh oh!"

Snapped! He slapped him on the shoulder again, and Yang Feng smiled, smiling comfortably: "I believe you, don't worry, no one can wrong my brother, absolutely nothing!"

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