Alien God System

Chapter 2166: I want to marry you


Interns such as Zhong Lihun, Zhao Gongming, and Jin Shiyuan were all stunned when they saw this graceful and familiar figure, like a beautiful snake, entwined in Yang Feng's arms.

The glass hearts were smashed into pieces as if they had been smashed by a big hammer.

You know, this Alice instructor has a great charm. When they first met in the first year, they fascinated these inexperienced interns. He was the dream lover of all the intern boys.

But who could have imagined that the lover of their dreams would fall into Yang Feng's not very generous chest so easily.

Unexpectedly, all the male compatriots had their faces darkened. Even President Chang Wei had a sense of sorrow and sorrow that he had been loved by others.

Brother Feng, you are too much. There are so many beautiful sister-in-laws at home, and they are still hooking up and out, so angry at me, can't you leave a way for the brothers?

With jealousy in his eyes, the eyes of Zhong Lihun, Zhao Gongming and others instantly became cold.

Chang Yanyan glanced at them obliquely, then looked at Yang Feng's place, and rolled her eyes unanimously: "Smelly man, vixen, nothing good, hum."

"Uh...Tutor Alice?"

Yang Feng also didn't expect that Alice would be so enthusiastic about her return, and she dared to rush into her arms in the public, regardless of her usual goddess image, which is too unreserved.

Even if your charm is unstoppable, you can't be here in broad daylight to show me your affection and hatred, especially...guh! Swallowing hard, Yang Feng raised his eyes again to look at the eyes of Jin Ling and Yang Yuchan and other wives. As expected, the excitement and surprise of his return this time had already become completely colder than a knife at this moment.

The body couldn't stop shaking, Yang Feng suddenly wanted to survive, and hurriedly said with a smile: "Tutor Alice is really my good mentor. I know you must be because you lost me when you took me internship in the lower realm. Feeling guilty, so I will be so excited when I see me again.

But it's okay now, am I not coming back?

You don't have to worry too much, and I also want to thank you for the pure friendship between teachers and students, which really touched me, hahaha! "

There was silence, everyone was still sullen and expressionless.

Alice also held him tightly, buried her head in his chest, clutching tightly.

How does this look like the intimacy that teacher-student friendship should have?

Yang Feng squinted awkwardly, and whispered to Alice: "Let go, you will misunderstand the few people in my family like this."

Hmm! Shaking her head and twisting her slender waist, Alice did not speak.

Unconsciously, Yang Feng was even more embarrassed, and said with a dry smile: "The instructor is like a hard-working gardener. He is our elders to explain to us in teaching and teaching.

The so-called one day as a teacher, life as a father.

I can't help but feel the kindness of my mother because of the love of tutor Alice to the students.

Classmates, teachers, let us applaud and cheer for a dedicated teacher like Alice. "

Happiness! Yang Feng took the lead and slapped the slap, but everyone still stared at the two with stiff faces, completely out of his way, and the scene became more embarrassing, as if a group of crows were squatting above their heads.

After a while, Jin Ling turned and left with a cold face.

"It's really hard for him to sing solo for so long.

Sure enough, the cat can't change the fishery! "

"Hey, Jin Ling, what are you talking about?

Who is the cat and who is the fishy? "

Yang Feng was anxious and shouted, but Jin Ling had already walked away without even looking at him. Then he hurriedly looked at Yang Yuchan: "Yu Chan, you should understand my character, I am not that kind of person."

"Know, I know, isn't it just about preparing another bride price, I'm used to it."

Giving him a big white eye, Yang Yuchan also turned straight and left: "I knew you had no shortage of people to pick you up, so we won't have to rush to come in a hurry."

"Brother-in-law is still the same, and there will never be a shortage of new friends around."

"Yang Feng, I haven't passed the door yet, you actually have other people, you... scumbag, huh!"

"Brother Feng, even if you don't give face to your sister-in-law, you have to give your brothers a way to survive.

You can't occupy all the beauties in the world, alas. "

... Immediately afterwards, everyone shook their heads and left with bitter smiles. No matter who it was, the eyes looking at Yang Feng were full of deep resentment.

In the end, all the members of the Sheng family who came to welcome him back alive were gone, and there was only an empty space in front of Yang Feng, not to mention much desolation.

At this time, Alice lifted her head from Yang Feng's arms, looked back at the direction where everyone had disappeared, and then looked at Yang Feng's gloomy face. After squeezing her lips, she murmured: "I... Didn't it cause you trouble?"

"Teacher Alice, what are you doing?"

With a long sigh of relief, Yang Feng shrugged helplessly: "Originally, I returned safely today. Everyone welcomed me happily. Even my wife completely let go of our previous conflicts. We will soon have a good time as a family. As a result, you Ran out.

Before I had time to enjoy the long-lost family harmony, I was all upset by you. What are you going to do? "

I... biting my lips tightly, Alice thought about it for a long time, then suddenly mustered up the courage: "I want to marry you, right now, with that Luo Hongyu!"


Are you crazy?

To kill me? "

His body trembled, and Yang Feng immediately cursed: "Do you know that my family almost killed me when I married Luo Hongyu."

Fortunately, my family Yu Chan is so strong, and finally stabilized that violent temper.

As a result, now you jump out and put a punch. Do you think I didn't die fast enough? "

"If you don't marry me..." Alice took a deep breath, seeing him embarrassed, she sniffed twice and choked up, "I'm going to die!"


"Do you know that because of your disappearance, I didn't complete the task, and the fellow villagers association almost executed me as a traitor. President Vincent will not leave a person with no use value by his side.

And now, my only value is by your side. "

A pair of soft fists clenched tightly, and Alice's face gradually became serious: "If you don't come back this time, I will die; but because of your return, I once again got the chance to survive.

Therefore, I can live only if I am by your side.

President Vincent knows that you like beautiful women, so let me find ways to get close to you. If I can't stay by your side, it means that I have failed in the temptation. President Vincent will send other people and I will die. ,do you understand? "

Damn, I'm a pervert. Is Lao Tzu that kind of person?

Humph! Hearing what she said, Yang Feng couldn't help but breathe out a thick breath in his nostrils, then glanced at Alice's delicate face and graceful figure again, and couldn't help but make a small heart jump again.

In other words...saving a life is better than building a seventh-level Buddha, or...I, sacrifice?

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