Alien God System

Chapter 2161: Win

Zi Zi Zi! The black thunder and the white thunder light were stuck in the clouds, and the terrifying fluctuations caused the creatures of all planes to tremble, but they didn't know what had happened and thought that the end of the world had come.

And this day has become the common memory of all planes, and it has been recorded in all the annals of mortal history.

Both Yang Feng and Kabbah used the strength of milking, with the belief of victory, none of them flinched.

Kabbah wants to avenge his beloved disciple and destroy the world, while Yang Feng wants to be ashamed and torn the sky.

The final battle between the masters of the dominance level is the firmness of conviction. At this point, the two sides are equally matched.

Kaba is very confident in his strength. After all, he is the old master of Asura, but Yang Feng was born as a calf and didn't put him in his eyes. Unlike Tang Hao, he was full of awe in his heart.

Therefore, Yang Feng, the challenger, has the power to compete with the veteran master of Kabbah.

Even more, because Yang Feng is a new master of Taoism, he has a sense of arrogance in his heart, and he must pick out the old miscellaneous hair that had slapped him in the first place, and his belief has become much deeper.

Suddenly, the stalemate thunder changed, and the black thunder was like a flood dragon flying straight into the sky, and it actually went straight for nine days against the white thunder and forced it past.

how is this possible?

The pupils couldn't help but shrank severely, and Kabbah, who was in the Asura Hall, immediately exclaimed: "Is the old man actually forced to retreat?"

In an instant, Kabbah's firm belief suddenly weakened with this swift effort.

Yang Feng seized this good opportunity and slammed into the Dragon Fist, and went to the highest nine days: "Kaba, this is for you to slap my palm!"

boom! The powerful black thunder instantly annihilated the white thunder light, rushed straight into the six gods, and finally slammed on the protective barrier outside the gods, causing extremely terrifying fluctuations, and almost didn't break the protective barrier. .

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the other five elders among the six elders also shot together, otherwise this God Realm would have vanished in advance 100,000 years ago.

Kabbah had a spasm in his palm, and his body flew out for no reason, hit the wall behind, and then fell to the ground. With a puff, he couldn't help but vomit out a red mouth.

When I looked at his hand again, at this moment, it was already blackened, and it was accompanied by a gurgling black thunder light moving.

"Don't God!"

Gritting his teeth tightly, Kabbah made his eyes red with hatred. It is estimated that this was the first time he was stunned by his housekeeping stunt after fighting against the first generation of other gods.

"Master Tiandao has orders!"

At this time, the entire God Realm rang out with Li Taibai's loud shout: "The God Realm enters a special defense emergency response, the six elders of the heavens will gather, and the lower realm will capture the other gods, no mistake!"

This announcement echoed in the ears of every god, and at the same time it passed into Yang Feng's ears, but at this time, Yang Feng was still a little dazed and stood still in the air.

Ho **** ho! Panting heavily, Yang Feng put his raised arm down with a slight shake, stared closely, then raised his head to look at the plane channel above his head that was pierced by the punch. At the end of the channel is the headquarters of the Six Dao God Realm. Unconsciously a little embarrassed.

"I... did it, I slapped the old guy Kabbah back!"

"I am the real master, and I will no longer be afraid of the six elders who don't want to be raised by the gods, hahaha!"

Yang Feng looked up to the sky and laughed out loud, his voice was full of excitement and excitement, as if he had broken free of some restraints, but soon he calmed down again and frowned deeply.

"But I am not afraid of raising the six elders by one day, but the six of them will go together, and then add a higher and unpredictable Master Tiandao... Well, let's run away.

It takes so much effort to do one, and it will definitely be impossible to do seven more! "

Thinking of this, Yang Feng hurriedly flew to Jin Ling's side below to give his final explanation.

Seeing that Yang Feng returned in a big victory, Jin Ling could not even speak with excitement even when the Asura Taoist Master's Destroying God's palm could be pushed back.

Yang Feng didn't care about their jaw-dropping faces, but said anxiously: "Ling'er, I have to run away again. If I am not caught by them this time, it means I'm still alive. See you in 100,000 years.

Otherwise, stop waiting for me and remarry. "

"Bah, baah, what frustrating words are you, you will be fine."

The corners of Jin Ling's mouth flattened and her eyes filled with tears.

Yang Feng smiled slightly, took her into his arms, kissed her on the forehead, and then looked at the gentleman on the side: "Brother, we have been getting along well before. To a large extent, it’s because of the common difficulties. Grasshopper.

Now, I, the other god, as the number one terrorist in the God Realm, and the great enemies of all the six gods, are about to be encircled and suppressed. To be honest, are you afraid of me and want to draw a clear line with me? "

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

Hearing him say this, Wen Liang immediately raised his brows and solemnly said: "Yes, I was really taken aback when I heard that you are another god. After all, the other gods we heard from when we were young are the big monsters who do no evil. Enemy of the God Realm.

But after these days of getting along, I saw with my own eyes that those who wanted to kill us were all gods of Shura.

On the contrary, you, another god, are willing to take your own life to protect us. How can I believe those official rumors deliberately spread? "

Brothers! Yang Feng patted Wen Liang on the shoulder again, and smiled cheerfully: "But apart from the identity of other gods, I am an ancient **** clan, you are a local **** clan, the grievances between our two clan..." Clan, I don’t even care about your identity as a god. I still care about your identity as an ancient god?"

He shook his head with a smile, and his gentle face gradually became solemn: "To be honest, our Wen family is a member of the local protoss. We always regard the ancient protoss as a scourge, and we are not happy.

However, I discovered today that the grievances between the two races are not important. What is really related to our lives is that the **** Shura has too much power and the upper-level bureaucracy ignores the lower-level gods. "

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes this time, I really couldn't believe that those Shura gods would dare to kill the main **** and demon **** at will.

Fortunately, they usually promote the unity of the local Protoss. They are brothers and sisters. Is there such a pair of brothers and sisters? "


The corner of his mouth curled up, and Yang Feng nodded with admiration: "With your words, we are like-minded comrades, and we will be able to help each other in the future.

Come here, let me tell you a few words, I hope this method will protect you and Jin Ling from harm, and we will be able to work together in the future. "

"Big brother, please order!"

Nodding slightly, Wen Liang put his ears close, and Yang Feng whispered to him.

Jin Ling looked at them suspiciously, she didn't know what they were talking about, she couldn't hear her anyway.

After all the explanations were made, Yang Feng took a deep look at Nine Heaven's increasingly stronger aura and rushed forward, clenched his fists, and shouted: "I've run away, see you in 100,000 years!"

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