Alien God System

Chapter 2156: Heart-to-heart

Bump! At the peak of the Nine Clouds, two figures, one black and one white, were constantly interlacing, making a deafening noise.

A group of Asura gods stood on the top of the sacred mountain, watching this supreme powerhouse peak battle, but their hearts were full of doubts.

Compared with the previous battle that destroyed the world, the fight between the two seemed to be much calmer. Except for the violent sound, the entire plane seemed to be very calm and did not cause too many fluctuations.

"Did the strength of the director and that other **** degenerate a lot, should we go up and help the director?"

A captain looked at the crowd with some expectation. People bowed their heads and thought, but before making a decision, the man could not wait to fly up: "Director, I'll help..." Boom! However, as soon as he left the top of the mountain, he was not three meters high, and his whole person suddenly shattered into dross and disappeared completely.

hiss! Qi Qi took a breath, everyone was dumbfounded, it was unknown why.

But how did they know that the current battle between Tang Hao and Yang Feng had entered a more advanced realm, and the two of them had become more precise in their control of power.

Although there is no such big opening and closing, the power that shook the entire plane, but the two of them condensed their power to a point and hit each other, but every move was a powerful and destructive force.

Their surroundings on the battlefield were filled with powerful thoughts. As long as the power of the gods stepped into them, they were immediately destroyed and destroyed.

Moreover, they couldn't perceive the fierce battle between the two, because they were too close to the battlefield.

Because the strength of the two has reached the peak of the strongest in the world, the violent collision between the two is difficult to cause ripples locally.

The extremes of things must be reversed, and when the powerful force reaches the extreme, it will change from extreme movement to extreme quietness, returning to the basics.

But this power spread away, but it caused the entire universe to shake, and the countless six gods shivered and trembled.

Not caring about the horror in the eyes of others, the two are now completely immersed in the life-and-death battle of their opponents in this match. In the blink of an eye, they have fought hundreds of millions of times.

And every time, the power is no less than that of Yang Feng's fifth anger and Tang Hao's full use of the fifth sword.

It's just that after they used the fifth way before, it was the end of their power and their power was lost.

But now they have broken through to the sixth way, but it's just the beginning.

Each has enlightened the sixth way, not only letting the two of them come back to life, break and stand up, but also let them have unlimited mind power.

The origin of Perseverance Dao made Tang Hao the source of Shura Dao. The power of Shura is inexhaustible and regenerates infinitely; Yang Feng’s jealousy of Dao’s essence has also changed from being purely out of nothing with spirits and substances in the divine world to having endless mind regeneration. the power of.

This is the pinnacle realm of Domination! The two reached this point at the same time, and it can be said that they have become the immortal supreme together, and there is no difference between Lord Tiandao and Tianyang Six Lao.

And the battle of master-level masters is basically indistinguishable, because everyone has unlimited power, unless they deliberately seek death, generally speaking, no one can beat anyone.

But even so, there is still a difference between the winners and losers of the master-level masters, and the key to this is the last one that the two understood separately.

Whoever can knock on the threshold of the seventh way first will be the real winner.

Yang Feng and Tang Hao, who had already penetrated the Six Paths of Mind, knew this well, but they knew better that to achieve the seventh path, opportunities, not penances were needed.

Fighting with evenly matched opponents is the key to grasping this opportunity.

Therefore, the battle between the two men is not so much to settle personal grievances, but to tacitly regard each other as a springboard for their breakthrough.

Whoever can take the lead in breaking through will have the strength to truly stand shoulder to shoulder with them.

That loser will fall and become a thorough tool man.

Quickly...The fierce battle continued, but Yang Feng and Tang Hao stared at each other, but they were very calm, only the giant hammer and the long sword in their hands kept coming back and forth, making ear-piercing beeps.

Don't be a god, will you be the one who has returned from the destiny to check the Lord of Heaven?

Taking a deep breath, Tang Hao's face was very serious.

If you are really that person, you have to pass me first.

Otherwise, you are not qualified to challenge heaven! I never thought of challenging the way of heaven! From the look in Tang Hao's eyes, Yang Feng seemed to read his meaning, and his eyes became firmer.

I'm just a lucky ant who climbed from the bottom to the top [].

I don't have any ambitions to realize it, but I can't bear the feeling that someone is despising an ant so high, it seems to be insulting me.

What I want to do is simple, let this contempt disappear completely, no one can stop me! Then you are the enemy of Lord Tiandao, because the highest existence in this world is Lord Tiandao... Touch! With the final blow, the two separated, stood in the air, and looked at each other, seeming to understand each other better.

"You seem to be dissatisfied with this world too!"

Yang Feng grinned and spoke slowly.

Tang Hao sighed, "I didn't feel dissatisfied at first, but since meeting you, I suddenly felt a lot of blockage in my heart.

In the past, I was a proud **** of Shura, maintaining the order of the world and being upright.

But who ever thought, in the eyes of a mortal, we are just puppets.

The inability to achieve equal justice is not justice.

A mortal knows this, how can we not know it?

It’s just that we dare not think about it, dare not equate that supreme being with everything else. "

"The world is not benevolent, and everything is a dog."

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Yang Feng said: "In Tiandi's eyes, everyone is an ant. What's the difference?

But people have to divide themselves into three, six, nine, sacred humans and animals, how ridiculous and arrogant.

The key is that some people are willing to divide this way because he is in a high position.

But some people are also willing to divide this way, because he is an ant.

Some people think that fate is expensive, some people think that fate is cheap, why?

Because of this injustice, it has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Even the execution of penalties and punishments is very righteous and varies from person to person. "

"This is true in the human world, and so is the God Realm.

High-ranking officials and dignitaries naturally like this kind of world, being able to drink blood and **** the marrow of the next and fill their own pockets.

Even if you make a mistake, you can pass three glasses of wine to minimize the loss.

But if the people at the bottom made a little mistake, or even made no mistakes, they would suffer innocent disasters and their families would be destroyed.

As an ant, I don't care about other people, but I am not convinced.

They are all born and raised by heaven and earth, where heaven and earth can sit, why can't I sit, why can't other people sit?

If someone wants to deceive me and oppress me, I will poke a hole in the sky, and I will not hesitate! "

Yang Feng's anger was shocking, and Tang Hao's heart trembled and he didn't feel moved.

At the same time, the seventh door in Yang Feng's mind began to vibrate, and two words slowly appeared on it.


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