Alien God System

Chapter 2144: no way no money

This monster actually came here...what should I do? It's not of the same level at all... Grunt! After swallowing hardly, Hai Cube was so frightened in a cold sweat that he turned around and ran away, but it hadn't even flew out two meters...Kah! As soon as his body became stiff, he did not know when, a cold palm had suddenly grabbed his head, making it impossible to move.

"Old stuff, where do you want to go?"

Tang Jian's eyes were full of playfulness, staring at the old man's shivering body, like a cat playing with a mouse.

So fast! Seeing this, the other ten captains couldn't help but their eyes shrank, and their hearts were shocked.

They couldn't believe it, when their second brother had reached such an incredible level, far surpassing them by a million times.

Originally they and Tang Jian were both captain-level existences, even if Tang Jian was stronger than them, it was impossible to strengthen them too much.

At the very least, facing a Dao-level master like Hai Lifang, the ten of them struggled to deal with it together. Even if Tang Jian could defeat this old man, he would never reach the point of a spike.

But now... Tang Jian's strength immediately shocked these brothers.

No, the second brother's strength has far surpassed his original strength, but why?

His strength has progressed so quickly?

The ten captains were confused in their eyes. Tang Jian ignored them. He just stared at the back of Hai Lifang's head and laughed and said: "Vice President Hai, your mission has been successfully completed. It is time to retreat. Let me see you off, ha ha ha."

"Want to kill me?"

Gritting his teeth tightly, although Hai Lifang was afraid in his heart, he still hurriedly turned around and attacked Tang Jian violently.

The green light in his hand turned into countless sharp swords, which were inserted into Tang Jian's body one after another.

"Second brother, be careful, that is the power of other gods!"

The ten captains were shocked and hurried to remind them, but soon, the eyes of the ten were full of shock.

I saw that at this moment, Tang Jian didn't care about Haifang's attack at all, allowing him to poke those emerald green swords into his body, poking into a hornet's nest in the blink of an eye, but he didn't care at all.

The energy of these other gods couldn't hurt him at all.

how come?

The brows flicked slightly, and the ten captains were dumbfounded.

It stands to reason that the power of the other gods is completely opposite to the power of their Shura Dao. Once encountered, it is absolutely incompatible, but how can the second brother be immune to these powers?

After poking for a long time, Hai Lifang also found something strange, gradually stiffening his body, looking at Tang Jian with fear in his eyes.

The corners of his mouth curled up in an arc of evil charm, Tang Jian looked down at him contemptuously: "Vice President Hai, you are only carrying a little energy from other gods, but I have basically mastered this power. After his avenue, who on earth is closer to the gods?

You use the power of another **** to attack me, just like a child has found a mother. How can you hurt me half? "

Uh uh uh... trembling, Hai Lifang was already too scared to speak.

"Come back, return your strength, you should withdraw from this stage of history."

Wow! As soon as the voice fell, a green light poured out from Tang Jian's hand. Hai Lifang hadn't realized what was going on yet, and the whole body, including the soul, turned into a spot of green light, which was sucked into his body.

However, before a while, the director of the Department of Heaven and Destiny, the top master of the great avenue, disappeared forever in this universe, completely fallen.

The ten captains were all stunned, especially in the face of Tang Jian's weird methods.

"Second brother, what is this...what trick?

It's not like our Asura Taoist, but a bit like..." The voice stopped abruptly, and they didn't dare to continue, because they had a premonition in their hearts, and they would die if they continued.

"Elder Hai!"

Seeing the disappearance of Sea Cube, Yang Feng clenched his fists tightly, but he couldn't care about the sadness. He hurriedly urged: "Quick, no matter how fast, why haven't you rushed out of the enchantment?"

"Rush out!"

Suddenly, Jin Ling was overjoyed and shouted.

Yang Feng gritted his teeth excitedly: "Hurry up and take out the world mirror, let's go!"

Ok! Jin Ling calmly nodded her head, the light flashed in her hand, and once again took out her main divine artifact, but before it was too late to activate, a cold shadow suddenly enveloped both of them, exuding a biting chill.

"Where do you want to go in such a hurry, don't you god?

Hum hum! "

Uh! With a twitching face, Yang Feng stiffened his head and raised it, seeing that Tang Jian's ridiculous face was already in front of him at some unknown time.

So fast! How did he... catch up?

Obviously he was still on Hai Lao's side just now, how could it... Jin Ling also shuddered with fright, and the whole bright and pretty face turned white.

Wen Liang and the others stopped immediately after Yang Feng, their faces quickly becoming solemn.

Especially Tang Hao, his eyes looked at Tang Jian as if he wanted to kill.

Tang Jian also spotted Tang Hao who was flying with Wen Liang. He raised his eyes and looked around. He smiled evilly and said, "Yeah, isn't this the adult you grew up with? What's wrong?

Why is your face so green?

Oh, I remembered that when I gave you a pill, why is it happening now? "

"Sure enough it is you!"

With a clenched fist, Tang Hao gritted his teeth and said, "Your pill contains poison from other gods.

If I had just descended from the world, I would have been poisoned long ago.

Unfortunately, my strength broke through later, and the medicinal properties of your medicine were temporarily suppressed. It is not until now that my strength is not enough that it breaks out. "

That's it! Nodding clearly, Tang Jian understood.

Whoosh whoosh... At this moment, after hearing a few breaks in the air, the ten captains also rushed up and surrounded Yang Feng and others.

Di Ablo looked around with a look of horror on his face, leaned to Yang Feng's side, and whispered: "Great God, what shall we do next?"

What else can we do when we are dead?

Licking his dry lips, Yang Feng hissed his eyes slightly.

Tang Jian's ears moved, and he looked at Di Ablo with a weird expression: "Did you just ask him for a solution?

Please, because he has used the power of anger, he has lost all his skills now, and he is inferior to ordinary people. It is a waste.

You, a main god, a demon god, and an intern demon god, in this dangerous situation, ask for a **** opinion. Are your brains funny? "

Well! His mind was stagnant, and Di Abro was so horrified that he could not speak.

Tang Hao gave a chuckle and said sharply, "Second, this is the personality charm of being a leader.

Regardless of his strength, when people are in desperation, they will rely on him and regard him as their last hope. This is trust.

This feeling of being trusted by everyone, like you, who can only do some auxiliary work on weekdays, is absolutely impossible to experience.

Oh, by the way, you once said that you are better than the boss Tang Yuan, right?

Then you think about it, when brothers are in trouble, should they find me and the boss first, or you?

Ha ha ha! "

"To shut up!"

With a loud shout, Tang Jian's eyes were full of jealousy: "Now the entire Shura adjudication office is in my hands, not yours.

I used to be the second child of ten thousand years, but now, I am the boss! "

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